S.B. 15 Grama Appeals Process and Document Request Amendments

Bill Sponsor:
Sen. Thomas, David L.
Floor Sponsor:
Rep. Aagard, Douglas C.
  • CoSponsor(s):
        Hellewell, P.  Madsen, M.
  • Drafting Attorney: Eric N. Weeks
  • Fiscal Analyst: Steven M. Allred

  • Information
    • Last Action: 1 Mar 2006, Senate/ filed
    • Last Location: Senate file for bills not passed
    • Committee Note: The Government Records Access and Management Task Force recommended this bill.

S.B. 15

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S.B. 15

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Senate 3rd Reading Amendments 1-26-2006 rd/enw
This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 11:46 AM by rday. --> This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 12:08 PM by rday. --> This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments (CORRECTED) incorporated into the bill on Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 9:29 AM by rday. -->              1




Chief Sponsor: David L. Thomas

House Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard


             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Government Records Access and Management Act to address the
             11      appeals process and document requests.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides that a governmental entity need not fulfill a record request if the record
             14a      requested is accessible in the same physical form and content in a public publication produced
             14b      by the governmental entity and if the governmental entity provides the requester with the
             14c      publication and specifies where the record may be found in the publication;
             14d          .    designates a request for a record that relates to a notice of claim under the
             15      Governmental Immunity Act of Utah as an extraordinary circumstance;
             16          .    requires that appeals be heard by the state records committee before being appealed
             17      to the judiciary S. unless both the requester and the governmental entity agree, in writing, to
             17a      make an appeal directly to the judiciary .S ;
             18          .    clarifies language relating to time requirements for the filing of appeals and requests
             19      for judicial review;
             20          .    removes the procedure for filing a notice of intent to appeal prior to seeking judicial
             21      appeal of a records committee order;
             22          .    modifies language related to attorney's fees to accommodate the requirement for
             23      records committee review; and
             24          .    makes technical changes.
             25      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:

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             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             30      AMENDS:
             31          53B-16-303, as enacted by Chapter 280, Laws of Utah 1992
             32          63-2-201, as last amended by Chapter 40, Laws of Utah 2005
             33          63-2-202, as last amended by Chapter 201, Laws of Utah 2005
             34          63-2-204, as last amended by Chapters 40 and 71, Laws of Utah 2005
             35          63-2-401, as last amended by Chapter 280, Laws of Utah 1992
             35a      S.    63-2-402, as last amended by Chapter 280, Laws of Utah 1992 .S
             36          63-2-403, as last amended by Chapters 40 and 201, Laws of Utah 2005
             37          63-2-404, as last amended by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 1995
             38          63-2-701, as last amended by Chapter 99, Laws of Utah 1994
             39          63-2-802, as last amended by Chapter 102, Laws of Utah 2005
             40      S. [ REPEALS:
             41          63-2-402, as last amended by Chapter 280, Laws of Utah 1992
] .S


             43      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             44          Section 1. Section 53B-16-303 is amended to read:
             45           53B-16-303. Access to restricted records.
             46          (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records
             47      Access and Management Act, access to records restricted by this part shall only be permitted
             48      upon:
             49          [(1)] (a) written consent of the public institution of higher education originating,
             50      receiving, or maintaining such records; or
             51          [(2)] (b) a finding by the State Records Committee or a court that the record has not
             52      been properly classified as restricted under Section 63-2-302 , [provided] except that the review
             53      of a restricted classification of a record [shall] may not include considerations of weighing
             54      public and private interests regarding access to a properly classified record as contained in
             55      Subsection 63-2-403 [(11)] (12)(b) or 63-2-404 [(8)](7) or Section 63-2-308 .
             56          (2) Nothing in [this] Subsection (1)(b) shall be construed to limit the authority of the
             57      State Board of Regents to reclassify and disclose a record of a public institution of higher
             58      education.

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         Section 2. Section 63-2-201 is amended to read:
             60           63-2-201. Right to inspect records and receive copies of records.
             61          (1) Every person has the right to inspect a public record free of charge, and the right to
             62      take a copy of a public record during normal working hours, subject to Sections 63-2-203 and
             63      63-2-204 .
             64          (2) A record is public unless otherwise expressly provided by statute.
             65          (3) The following records are not public:
             66          (a) a record that is private, controlled, or protected under Sections 63-2-302 ,
             67      63-2-302.5 , 63-2-303 , and 63-2-304 ; and
             68          (b) a record to which access is restricted pursuant to court order, court rule, another
             69      state statute, federal statute, or federal regulation, including records for which access is
             70      governed or restricted as a condition of participation in a state or federal program or for
             71      receiving state or federal funds.
             72          (4) Only a record specified in Section 63-2-302 , 63-2-302.5 , 63-2-303 , or 63-2-304
             73      may be classified private, controlled, or protected.
             74          (5) (a) A governmental entity may not disclose a record that is private, controlled, or
             75      protected to any person except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), Section 63-2-202 , 63-2-206 , or
             76      63-2-302.5 .
             77          (b) A governmental entity may disclose a record that is private under Subsection
             78      63-2-302 (2) or protected under Section 63-2-304 to persons other than those specified in
             79      Section 63-2-202 or 63-2-206 if the head of a governmental entity, or a designee, determines
             80      that:
             81          (i) there is no interest in restricting access to the record; or
             82          (ii) the interests favoring access outweighs the interest favoring restriction of access.
             83          (6) (a) The disclosure of a record to which access is governed or limited pursuant to
             84      court order, court rule, another state statute, federal statute, or federal regulation, including a
             85      record for which access is governed or limited as a condition of participation in a state or
             86      federal program or for receiving state or federal funds, is governed by the specific provisions of
             87      that [statute] order, rule, statute, or regulation.
             88          (b) This chapter applies to records described in Subsection (6)(a) insofar as this chapter
             89      is not inconsistent with the [statute] order, rule, statute, or regulation.

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         (7) A governmental entity shall provide a person with a certified copy of a record if:
             91          (a) the person requesting the record has a right to inspect [it] the record;
             92          (b) the person identifies the record with reasonable specificity; and
             93          (c) the person pays the lawful fees.
             94          (8) (a) [A] In response to a request, a governmental entity is not required to:
             95          (i) create a record [in response to a request.]; or
             96          (ii) fulfill a person's records request if S. [ :
             97          (A)
] .S
the request unreasonably duplicates prior records requests from that person; or
             98           S. [ (B) the information requested is included ]
             98a          (iii) fulfill a person's records request if:
             98b          (A) the record requested is accessible in the identical physical form and content .S in
             98c      a public publication or product produced
             99      by S. [ a ] the.S governmental entity S.receiving the request;
             99ab          (B) the governmental entity provides the person
             99a      requesting the record with the public publication or product and;
             99bb          (C) the governmental entity specifies
             99b      where the record can be found in the public publication or product .S .
             100          (b) Upon request, a governmental entity shall provide a record in a particular format if:
             101          (i) the governmental entity is able to do so without unreasonably interfering with the
             102      governmental entity's duties and responsibilities; and
             103          (ii) the requester agrees to pay the governmental entity for its costs incurred in
             104      providing the record in the requested format in accordance with Section 63-2-203 .
             105          [(c) Nothing in this section requires a governmental entity to fulfill a person's records
             106      request if the request unreasonably duplicates prior records requests from that person.]
             107          (9) (a) A governmental entity may allow a person requesting more than 50 pages of
             108      records to copy the records if:
             109          (i) the records are contained in files that do not contain records that are exempt from
             110      disclosure, or the records may be segregated to remove private, protected, or controlled
             111      information from disclosure; and
             112          (ii) the governmental entity provides reasonable safeguards to protect the public from
             113      the potential for loss of a public record.
             114          (b) When the requirements of Subsection (9)(a) are met, the governmental entity may:
             115          (i) provide the requester with the facilities for copying the requested records and
             116      require that the requester make the copies; or

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         (ii) allow the requester to provide the requester's own copying facilities and personnel
             118      to make the copies at the governmental entity's offices and waive the fees for copying the
             119      records.
             120          (10) (a) A governmental entity that owns an intellectual property right and that offers

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     the intellectual property right for sale or license may control by ordinance or policy the
             122      duplication and distribution of the material based on terms the governmental entity considers to
             123      be in the public interest.
             124          (b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit or impair the rights or protections
             125      granted to the governmental entity under federal copyright or patent law as a result of its
             126      ownership of the intellectual property right.
             127          (11) A governmental entity may not use the physical form, electronic or otherwise, in
             128      which a record is stored to deny, or unreasonably hinder the rights of a person to inspect and
             129      receive a copy of a record under this chapter.
             130          (12) A governmental entity may provide access to an electronic copy of a record in lieu
             131      of providing access to its paper equivalent.
             132          Section 3. Section 63-2-202 is amended to read:
             133           63-2-202. Access to private, controlled, and protected documents.
             134          (1) Upon request, a governmental entity shall disclose a private record to:
             135          (a) the subject of the record;
             136          (b) the parent or legal guardian of an unemancipated minor who is the subject of the
             137      record;
             138          (c) the legal guardian of a legally incapacitated individual who is the subject of the
             139      record;
             140          (d) any other individual who:
             141          (i) has a power of attorney from the subject of the record;
             142          (ii) submits a notarized release from the subject of the record or his legal representative
             143      dated no more than 90 days before the date the request is made; or
             144          (iii) if the record is a medical record described in Subsection 63-2-302 (1)(b), is a health
             145      care provider, as defined in Section 26-33a-102 , if releasing the record or information in the
             146      record is consistent with normal professional practice and medical ethics; or
             147          (e) any person to whom the record must be provided pursuant to:
             148          (i) court order as provided in Subsection (7); or
             149          (ii) a legislative subpoena as provided in Title 36, Chapter 14, Legislative Subpoena
             150      Powers.
             151          (2) (a) Upon request, a governmental entity shall disclose a controlled record to:

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         (i) a physician, psychologist, certified social worker, insurance provider or producer, or
             153      a government public health agency upon submission of:
             154          (A) a release from the subject of the record that is dated no more than 90 days prior to
             155      the date the request is made; and
             156          (B) a signed acknowledgment of the terms of disclosure of controlled information as
             157      provided by Subsection (2)(b); and
             158          (ii) any person to whom the record must be disclosed pursuant to:
             159          (A) a court order as provided in Subsection (7); or
             160          (B) a legislative subpoena as provided in Title 36, Chapter 14, Legislative Subpoena
             161      Powers.
             162          (b) A person who receives a record from a governmental entity in accordance with
             163      Subsection (2)(a)(i) may not disclose controlled information from that record to any person,
             164      including the subject of the record.
             165          (3) If there is more than one subject of a private or controlled record, the portion of the
             166      record that pertains to another subject shall be segregated from the portion that the requester is
             167      entitled to inspect.
             168          (4) Upon request, a governmental entity shall disclose a protected record to:
             169          (a) the person who submitted the record;
             170          (b) any other individual who:
             171          (i) has a power of attorney from all persons, governmental entities, or political
             172      subdivisions whose interests were sought to be protected by the protected classification; or
             173          (ii) submits a notarized release from all persons, governmental entities, or political
             174      subdivisions whose interests were sought to be protected by the protected classification or from
             175      their legal representatives dated no more than 90 days prior to the date the request is made;
             176          (c) any person to whom the record must be provided pursuant to:
             177          (i) a court order as provided in Subsection (7); or
             178          (ii) a legislative subpoena as provided in Title 36, Chapter 14, Legislative Subpoena
             179      Powers; or
             180          (d) the owner of a mobile home park, subject to the conditions of Subsection
             181      41-1a-116 (5).
             182          (5) A governmental entity may disclose a private, controlled, or protected record to

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     another governmental entity, political subdivision, another state, the United States, or a foreign
             184      government only as provided by Section 63-2-206 .
             185          (6) Before releasing a private, controlled, or protected record, the governmental entity
             186      shall obtain evidence of the requester's identity.
             187          (7) A governmental entity shall disclose a record pursuant to the terms of a court order
             188      signed by a judge from a court of competent jurisdiction, provided that:
             189          (a) the record deals with a matter in controversy over which the court has jurisdiction;
             190          (b) the court has considered the merits of the request for access to the record; and
             191          (c) the court has considered and, where appropriate, limited the requester's use and
             192      further disclosure of the record in order to protect:
             193          (i) privacy interests in the case of private or controlled records;
             194          (ii) business confidentiality interests in the case of records protected under Subsection
             195      63-2-304 (1), (2), (40)(a)(ii), or (40)(a)(vi); and
             196          (iii) privacy interests or the public interest in the case of other protected records;
             197          (d) to the extent the record is properly classified private, controlled, or protected, the
             198      interests favoring access, considering limitations thereon, outweigh the interests favoring
             199      restriction of access; and
             200          (e) where access is restricted by [a] an order, rule, statute, or regulation referred to in
             201      Subsection 63-2-201 (3)(b), the court has authority independent of this chapter to order
             202      disclosure.
             203          (8) (a) A governmental entity may disclose or authorize disclosure of private or
             204      controlled records for research purposes if the governmental entity:
             205          (i) determines that the research purpose cannot reasonably be accomplished without
             206      use or disclosure of the information to the researcher in individually identifiable form;
             207          (ii) determines that:
             208          (A) the proposed research is bona fide; and
             209          (B) the value of the research outweighs the infringement upon personal privacy;
             210          (iii) (A) requires the researcher to assure the integrity, confidentiality, and security of
             211      the records; and
             212          (B) requires the removal or destruction of the individual identifiers associated with the
             213      records as soon as the purpose of the research project has been accomplished;

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         (iv) prohibits the researcher from:
             215          (A) disclosing the record in individually identifiable form, except as provided in
             216      Subsection (8)(b); or
             217          (B) using the record for purposes other than the research approved by the governmental
             218      entity; and
             219          (v) secures from the researcher a written statement of the researcher's understanding of
             220      and agreement to the conditions of this Subsection (8) and the researcher's understanding that
             221      violation of the terms of this Subsection (8) may subject the researcher to criminal prosecution
             222      under Section 63-2-801 .
             223          (b) A researcher may disclose a record in individually identifiable form if the record is
             224      disclosed for the purpose of auditing or evaluating the research program and no subsequent use
             225      or disclosure of the record in individually identifiable form will be made by the auditor or
             226      evaluator except as provided by this section.
             227          (c) A governmental entity may require indemnification as a condition of permitting
             228      research under this Subsection (8).
             229          (9) (a) Under Subsections 63-2-201 (5)(b) and 63-2-401 (6), a governmental entity may
             230      disclose to persons other than those specified in this section records that are:
             231          (i) private under Section 63-2-302 ; or
             232          (ii) protected under Section 63-2-304 subject to Section 63-2-308 if a claim for
             233      business confidentiality has been made under Section 63-2-308 .
             234          (b) Under Subsection 63-2-403 [(11)] (12)(b), the records committee may require the
             235      disclosure to persons other than those specified in this section of records that are:
             236          (i) private under Section 63-2-302 ;
             237          (ii) controlled under Section 63-2-303 ; or
             238          (iii) protected under Section 63-2-304 subject to Section 63-2-308 if a claim for
             239      business confidentiality has been made under Section 63-2-308 .
             240          (c) Under Subsection 63-2-404 [(8)](7), the court may require the disclosure of records
             241      that are private under Section 63-2-302 , controlled under Section 63-2-303 , or protected under
             242      Section 63-2-304 to persons other than those specified in this section.
             243          Section 4. Section 63-2-204 is amended to read:
             244           63-2-204. Requests -- Time limit for response and extraordinary circumstances.

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         (1) A person making a request for a record shall furnish the governmental entity with a
             246      written request containing:
             247          (a) the person's name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number, if available;
             248      and
             249          (b) a description of the record requested that identifies the record with reasonable
             250      specificity.
             251          (2) A governmental entity may make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a,
             252      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, specifying where and to whom requests for access shall
             253      be directed.
             254          (3) (a) As soon as reasonably possible, but no later than ten business days after
             255      receiving a written request, or five business days after receiving a written request if the
             256      requester demonstrates that expedited response to the record request benefits the public rather
             257      than the person, the governmental entity shall respond to the request by:
             258          (i) approving the request and providing the record;
             259          (ii) denying the request;
             260          (iii) notifying the requester that it does not maintain the record and providing, if
             261      known, the name and address of the governmental entity that does maintain the record; or
             262          (iv) notifying the requester that because of one of the extraordinary circumstances
             263      listed in Subsection (4), it cannot immediately approve or deny the request.
             264          (b) The notice described in Subsection (3)(a)(iv) shall:
             265          (i) describe the circumstances relied upon; and
             266          (ii) specify the date when the records will be available.
             267          (c) Any person who requests a record to obtain information for a story or report for
             268      publication or broadcast to the general public is presumed to be acting to benefit the public
             269      rather than a person.
             270          (4) The following circumstances constitute "extraordinary circumstances" that allow a
             271      governmental entity to delay approval or denial by an additional period of time as specified in
             272      Subsection (5) if the governmental entity determines that due to the extraordinary
             273      circumstances it cannot respond within the time limits provided in Subsection (3):
             274          (a) another governmental entity is using the record, in which case the originating
             275      governmental entity shall promptly request that the governmental entity currently in possession

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     return the record;
             277          (b) another governmental entity is using the record as part of an audit, and returning the
             278      record before the completion of the audit would impair the conduct of the audit;
             279          (c) the request is:
             280          (i) for a record that relates to a notice of claim filed under Title 63, Chapter 30d,
             281      Governmental Immunity Act of Utah; and
             282          (ii) submitted to the governmental entity during the period beginning with the date the
             283      notice of claim is filed and ending on the date an action is filed in relation to the notice of
             284      claim.
             285          [(c)] (d) (i) the request is for a voluminous quantity of records or a record series
             286      containing a substantial number of records;
             287          (ii) the requester seeks a substantial number of records or records series in requests
             288      filed within five working days of each other;
             289          [(d)] (e) the governmental entity is currently processing a large number of records
             290      requests;
             291          [(e)] (f) the request requires the governmental entity to review a large number of
             292      records to locate the records requested;
             293          [(f)] (g) the decision to release a record involves legal issues that require the
             294      governmental entity to seek legal counsel for the analysis of statutes, rules, ordinances,
             295      regulations, or case law;
             296          [(g)] (h) segregating information that the requester is entitled to inspect from
             297      information that the requester is not entitled to inspect requires extensive editing; or
             298          [(h)] (i) segregating information that the requester is entitled to inspect from
             299      information that the requester is not entitled to inspect requires computer programming.
             300          (5) If one of the extraordinary circumstances listed in Subsection (4) precludes
             301      approval or denial within the time specified in Subsection (3), the following time limits apply
             302      to the extraordinary circumstances:
             303          (a) for claims under Subsection (4)(a), the governmental entity currently in possession
             304      of the record shall return the record to the originating entity within five business days of the
             305      request for the return unless returning the record would impair the holder's work;
             306          (b) for claims under Subsection (4)(b), the originating governmental entity shall notify

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     the requester when the record is available for inspection and copying;
             308          (c) for claims under S. Subsection (4)(c), the governmental entity shall fulfill the request
             308a      within 30 calendar days after the date of the original request;
             308b          (d) for claims under
.S Subsections (4) S. [ (c), ] .S (d), [and] (e), and (f) S. , .S              308c      the governmental entity
             309      shall:
             310          (i) disclose the records that it has located which the requester is entitled to inspect;
             311          (ii) provide the requester with an estimate of the amount of time it will take to finish
             312      the work required to respond to the request;
             313          (iii) complete the work and disclose those records that the requester is entitled to
             314      inspect as soon as reasonably possible; and
             315          (iv) for any person that does not establish a right to an expedited response as
             316      authorized by Subsection (3)(a), a governmental entity may choose to:
             317          (A) require the person to provide for copying of the records as provided in Subsection
             318      63-2-201 (9); or
             319          (B) treat a request for multiple records as separate record requests, and respond
             320      sequentially to each request;
             321           S. [ (d) ] e .S for claims under Subsection (4)[(f)](g), the governmental entity shall either
             321a      approve
             322      or deny the request within five business days after the response time specified for the original
             323      request has expired;
             324           S. [ (e) ] f .S for claims under Subsection (4)[(g)](h), the governmental entity shall fulfill
             324a      the
             325      request within 15 business days from the date of the original request; or
             326           S. [ (f) ] g .S for claims under Subsection (4)[(h)](i), the governmental entity shall
             326a      complete its
             327      programming and disclose the requested records as soon as reasonably possible.
             328          (6) (a) If a request for access is submitted to an office of a governmental entity other
             329      than that specified by rule in accordance with Subsection (2), the office shall promptly forward
             330      the request to the appropriate office.
             331          (b) If the request is forwarded promptly, the time limit for response begins when the
             332      record is received by the office specified by rule.
             333          (7) If the governmental entity fails to provide the requested records or issue a denial
             334      within the specified time period, that failure is considered the equivalent of a determination
             335      denying access to the record.
             336          Section 5. Section 63-2-401 is amended to read:
             337           63-2-401. Appeal to head of governmental entity.

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         (1) (a) Any person aggrieved by a governmental entity's access determination under
             339      this chapter, including a person not a party to the governmental entity's proceeding, may appeal
             340      the determination [within 30 days to] by filing a notice of appeal with the chief administrative
             341      officer of the governmental entity [by filing a notice of appeal] within 30 days after the date the
             342      determination is issued.
             343          (b) If a governmental entity claims extraordinary circumstances and specifies the date
             344      when the records will be available under Subsection 63-2-204 (3), and, if the requester believes
             345      the extraordinary circumstances do not exist or that the time specified is unreasonable, the
             346      requester may appeal the governmental entity's claim of extraordinary circumstances or date for
             347      compliance by filing a notice of appeal within 30 days after [notification] the date the
             348      governmental entity issues notice of a claim of extraordinary circumstances [by the
             349      governmental entity], despite the lack of a "determination" or its equivalent under Subsection
             350      63-2-204 (7).
             351          (2) The notice of appeal shall contain the following information:
             352          (a) the petitioner's name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number; and
             353          (b) the relief sought.
             354          (3) The petitioner may file a short statement of facts, reasons, and legal authority in
             355      support of the appeal.
             356          (4) (a) If the appeal involves a record that is the subject of a business confidentiality
             357      claim under Section 63-2-308 , the chief administrative officer shall:
             358          (i) send notice of the requester's appeal to the business confidentiality claimant within
             359      three business days after receiving notice, except that if notice under this section must be given
             360      to more than 35 persons, it shall be given as soon as reasonably possible; and
             361          (ii) send notice of the business confidentiality claim and the schedule for the chief
             362      administrative officer's determination to the requester within three business days after
             363      [receiving] the date the chief administrative officer received notice of the requester's appeal.
             364          (b) The claimant shall have seven business days after the date that notice is sent by the
             365      administrative officer to submit further support for the claim of business confidentiality.
             366          (5) (a) The chief administrative officer shall make a determination on the appeal within
             367      the [following period of time] later of:
             368          (i) [within] five business days after the date of the chief administrative officer's receipt

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     of the notice of appeal; or
             370          (ii) [within] if the record or issue is subject to a claim of business confidentiality,
             371      [twelve] 12 business days after the date the governmental entity sends the requester's notice of
             372      appeal to a person who submitted a claim of business confidentiality.
             373          (b) If the chief administrative officer fails to make a determination within the time
             374      specified in Subsection (5)(a), the failure shall be considered the equivalent of an order denying
             375      the appeal.
             376          (c) The provisions of this section notwithstanding, the parties participating in the
             377      proceeding may, by agreement, extend the time periods specified in this section.
             378          (6) The chief administrative officer may, upon consideration and weighing of the
             379      various interests and public policies pertinent to the classification and disclosure or
             380      nondisclosure, order the disclosure of information properly classified as private under Section
             381      63-2-302 (2) or protected under Section 63-2-304 if the interests favoring access outweigh the
             382      interests favoring restriction of access.
             383          (7) The governmental entity shall send written notice of the determination of the chief
             384      administrative officer to all participants. If the chief administrative officer affirms the denial in
             385      whole or in part, the denial shall include a statement containing:
             386          (a) notice that the requester has the right to appeal the denial to S. [ [ ] either [ ] ] .S the
             386a      records
             387      committee S. [ [ ] or district court, [ ] ] .S ;
             388          (b) the time limits for filing an appeal[,]; and
             389          (c) the name and business address of the executive secretary of the records committee.
             390          (8) (a) A person [aggrieved by a governmental entity's classification or designation
             391      determination under this chapter, but] who is not requesting access to [the records,] a record
             392      but is otherwise aggrieved by a governmental entity's classification or designation
             393      determination made under this chapter may appeal that determination using the procedures
             394      provided in this section.
             395          (b) If a [nonrequester] person described in Subsection (8)(a) is the only appellant, the
             396      procedures provided in this section shall apply, except that the determination on the appeal
             397      shall be made within 30 days after [receiving] the date that the notice of appeal is received.
             398          (9) The duties of the chief administrative officer under this section may be delegated.
             398a      S.     Section 6. Section 63-2-402 is amended to read:
             398b              63-2-402.   Option for appealing a denial.
             398c              (1) If the chief administrative officer of a governmental entity denies a records
             398d          request under Section 63-2-401, the requester may:
             398e              (a) appeal the denial to the records committee as provided in Section 63-2-403;
             398f      or .S

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     S.        (b)
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  if both the requester and the governmental entity agree in

             398h      writing,  
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petition for judicial review in district court as provided in Section 63-2-404.

             398i              (2) Any person aggrieved by a determination of the chief administrative officer
             398j      of a governmental entity under this chapter, including persons who did not participate in the
             398k      governmental entity's proceeding, may appeal the determination to the records committee as
             398l      provided in Section 63-2-403..S
             399          Section S. [ 6 ] 7 .S . Section 63-2-403 is amended to read:

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          63-2-403. Appeals to the records committee.
             401          (1) [A petitioner] Any person or entity, including an aggrieved person who did not
             402      participate in the appeal to the governmental entity's chief administrative officer, may appeal a
             403      determination of the chief administrative officer to the records committee by filing a notice of
             404      appeal with the executive secretary of the records committee no later than:
             405          (a) 30 days after the date the chief administrative officer of the governmental entity
             406      [has granted or denied] grants or denies the record request in whole or in part, including a
             407      denial under Subsection 63-2-204 (7); or
             408          (b) 45 days after the date of the original request for a record if:
             409          (i) the circumstances described in Subsection 63-2-401 (1)(b) occur; and
             410          (ii) the chief administrative officer has failed to make a determination under Section
             411      63-2-401 .
             412          (2) The notice of appeal shall contain the following information:
             413          (a) the petitioner's name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number;
             414          (b) a copy of any denial of the record request; and
             415          (c) the relief sought.
             416          (3) The petitioner may file a short statement of facts, reasons, and legal authority in
             417      support of the appeal.
             418          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), no later than three business days after
             419      receiving a notice of appeal, the executive secretary of the records committee shall:
             420          (i) schedule a hearing for the records committee to discuss the appeal at the next
             421      regularly scheduled committee meeting falling at least 14 days after the date the notice of
             422      appeal is filed but no longer than 45 days after the date the notice of appeal was filed except
             423      that the records committee may schedule an expedited hearing upon application of the
             424      petitioner and good cause shown;
             425          (ii) send a copy of the notice of hearing to the petitioner; and
             426          (iii) send a copy of the notice of appeal, supporting statement, and a notice of hearing
             427      to:
             428          (A) each member of the records committee;
             429          (B) the records officer and the chief administrative officer of the governmental entity
             430      from which the appeal originated;

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         (C) any person who made a business confidentiality claim under Section 63-2-308 for a
             432      record that is the subject of the appeal; and
             433          (D) all persons who participated in the proceedings before the governmental entity's
             434      chief administrative officer.
             435          (b) (i) The executive secretary of the records committee may decline to schedule a
             436      hearing if the record series that is the subject of the appeal has been found by the committee in
             437      a previous hearing involving the same government entity to be appropriately classified as
             438      private, controlled, or protected.
             439          (ii) (A) If the executive secretary of the records committee declines to schedule a
             440      hearing under this Subsection (4)(b), the executive secretary of the records committee shall
             441      send a notice to the petitioner indicating that the request for hearing has been denied and the
             442      reason for the denial.
             443          (B) The committee shall make rules to implement this section as provided by Title 63,
             444      Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             445          (5) (a) A written statement of facts, reasons, and legal authority in support of the
             446      governmental entity's position must be submitted to the executive secretary of the records
             447      committee not later than five business days before the date of the hearing.
             448          (b) The governmental entity shall send a copy of the written statement to the petitioner
             449      by first class mail, postage prepaid. The executive secretary shall forward a copy of the written
             450      statement to each member of the records committee.
             451          (6) (a) No later than ten business days after the date the notice of appeal is sent by the
             452      executive secretary, a person whose legal interests may be substantially affected by the
             453      proceeding may file a request for intervention before the records committee.
             454          (b) Any written statement of facts, reasons, and legal authority in support of the
             455      intervener's position shall be filed with the request for intervention.
             456          (c) The person seeking intervention shall provide copies of the statement described in
             457      Subsection (6)(b) to all parties to the proceedings before the records committee.
             458          (7) The records committee shall hold a hearing within the period of time described in
             459      Subsection (4).
             460          (8) At the hearing, the records committee shall allow the parties to testify, present
             461      evidence, and comment on the issues. The records committee may allow other interested

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     persons to comment on the issues.
             463          (9) (a) The records committee may review the disputed records. However, if the
             464      committee is weighing the various interests under Subsection [(11)] (12), the committee must
             465      review the disputed records. The review shall be in camera.
             466          (b) Members of the records committee may not disclose any information or record
             467      reviewed by the committee in camera unless the disclosure is otherwise authorized by this
             468      chapter.
             469          (10) (a) Discovery is prohibited, but the records committee may issue subpoenas or
             470      other orders to compel production of necessary evidence.
             471          (b) When the subject of a records committee subpoena disobeys or fails to comply with
             472      the subpoena, the records committee may file a motion for an order to compel obedience to the
             473      subpoena with the district court.
             474          [(c)] (11) The records committee's review shall be de novo.
             475          [(11)] (12) (a) No later than three business days after the date of the hearing, the
             476      records committee shall issue a signed order either:
             477          (i) granting the petition in whole or in part; or
             478          (ii) upholding the determination of the governmental entity in whole or in part.
             479          (b) The records committee may, upon consideration and weighing of the various
             480      interests and public policies pertinent to the classification and disclosure or nondisclosure,
             481      order the disclosure of information properly classified as private, controlled, or protected if the
             482      public interest favoring access outweighs the interest favoring restriction of access.
             483          (c) In making a determination under Subsection [(11)] (12)(b), the records committee
             484      shall consider and, where appropriate, limit the requester's use and further disclosure of the
             485      record in order to protect:
             486          (i) privacy interests in the case of a private or controlled record;
             487          (ii) business confidentiality interests in the case of a record protected under Subsection
             488      63-2-304 (1), (2), (40)(a)(ii), or (40)(a)(vi); and
             489          (iii) privacy interests or the public interest in the case of other protected records.
             490          [(12)] (13) The order of the records committee shall include:
             491          (a) a statement of reasons for the decision, including citations to this chapter, court rule
             492      or order, another state statute, federal statute, or federal regulation that governs disclosure of

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     the record, provided that the citations do not disclose private, controlled, or protected
             494      information;
             495          (b) a description of the record or portions of the record to which access was ordered or
             496      denied, provided that the description does not disclose private, controlled, or protected
             497      information or information exempt from disclosure under Subsection 63-2-201 (3)(b);
             498          (c) a statement that any party to the proceeding before the records committee may
             499      appeal the records committee's decision to district court; [and]
             500          (d) a brief summary of the appeals process[,];
             501          (e) the time limits for filing an appeal[,]; and
             502          (f) a notice that in order to protect its rights on appeal, the party may wish to seek
             503      advice from an attorney.
             504          [(13)] (14) If the records committee fails to issue a decision within 35 days [of the
             505      filing of] after the date the notice of appeal was filed, that failure shall be considered the
             506      equivalent of an order denying the appeal. The petitioner shall notify the records committee in
             507      writing if the petitioner considers the appeal denied.
             508          [(14) (a) Unless a notice of intent to appeal is filed under Subsection (14)(b), each]
             509          (15) (a) Each party to the proceeding shall comply with the order of the records
             510      committee unless the order of the records committee is appealed under Section 63-2-404 .
             511          [(b) If a party disagrees with the order of the records committee, that party may file a
             512      notice of intent to appeal the order of the records committee.]
             513          [(c)] (b) If the records committee orders [the] a governmental entity to produce a
             514      record and no appeal is filed, or if, as a result of the appeal, the governmental entity is required
             515      to produce a record, the governmental entity shall:
             516          (i) produce the record; and
             517          (ii) file a notice of compliance with the records committee.
             518          [(d)] (c) (i) If the governmental entity that is ordered to produce a record fails to file a
             519      notice of compliance or a notice of intent to appeal, the records committee may do either or
             520      both of the following:
             521          (A) impose a civil penalty of up to $500 for each day of continuing noncompliance; or
             522          (B) send written notice of the governmental entity's noncompliance to:
             523          (I) the governor for executive branch entities;

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         (II) the Legislative Management Committee for legislative branch entities; and
             525          (III) the Judicial Council for judicial branch agencies entities.
             526          (ii) In imposing a civil penalty, the records committee shall consider the gravity and
             527      circumstances of the violation, including whether the failure to comply was due to neglect or
             528      was willful or intentional.
             529          Section 7. Section 63-2-404 is amended to read:
             530           63-2-404. Judicial review.
             531          (1) (a) Any party to a proceeding before the records committee may petition for judicial
             532      review by the district court of the records committee's order.
             533          (b) The petition shall be filed no later than 30 days after the date of the records
             534      committee's order.
             535          (c) The records committee is a necessary party to the petition for judicial review.
             536          (d) The executive secretary of the records committee shall be served with notice of the
             537      petition in accordance with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
             538           S. [ [ ] (2) (a) A requester may petition for judicial review by the district court of a
             539      governmental entity's determination as specified in Subsection 63-2-402 (1)(b). [ ] ]
             540          [ [ ](b) The requester shall file a petition no later than:[ ] ]
             541          [ [ ](i) 30 days after the governmental entity has responded to the records request by either
             542      providing the requested records or denying the request in whole or in part;[ ] ]
             543          [ [ ](ii) 35 days after the original request if the governmental entity failed to respond to the
             544      request; or [ ] ]
             545          [ [ ](iii) 45 days after the original request for records if:[ ] ]
             546          [ [ ](A) the circumstances described in Subsection 63-2-401 (1)(b) occur; and [ ] ]
             547          [ [ ](B) the chief administrative officer failed to make a determination under Section
             548      63-2-401 .[ ] ]
             549          [ [ ] (3) [ ] (2) ] .S
The petition for judicial review shall be a complaint governed by the Utah
             550      Rules of Civil Procedure and shall contain:
             551          (a) the petitioner's name and mailing address;
             552          (b) S. if a prior appeal was heard before the records committee, .S a copy of the records
             552a      committee order from which the appeal is taken[, if the
             553      petitioner brought a prior appeal to the records committee];
             553a      S.     (c) if no prior appeal was heard before the records committee, a copy of an agreement
             553b      to petition the district court for review that is signed by the requester and the governmental
             553c      entity as required by Section 63-2-402(1)(b);
             554           [ (c) ] [ (d) ] (d) .S the name and mailing address of the governmental entity that issued the initial

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     determination with a copy of that determination;
             556           S. [ (d) ] (e) .S a request for relief specifying the type and extent of relief requested; and
             557           S. [ (e) ] (f) .S a statement of the reasons why the petitioner is entitled to relief.
             558          [(4)] S. [ (3) ] (4) .S If the appeal is based on the denial of access to a protected record, the court
             559      shall allow the claimant of business confidentiality to provide to the court the reasons for the
             560      claim of business confidentiality.
             561           [(5)] S. [(4)] (5) .S All additional pleadings and proceedings in the district court are governed by
             562      the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
             563          [(6)] S. [ (5) ] (6) .S The district court may review the disputed records. The review shall be in
             564      camera.
             565          [(7)] S. [ (6) ] (7) .S The court shall:
             566          (a) make its decision de novo, but allow introduction of evidence presented to the
             567      records committee;
             568          (b) determine all questions of fact and law without a jury; and
             569          (c) decide the issue at the earliest practical opportunity.
             570          [(8)] S.[ (7) ] (8) .S (a) The court may, upon consideration and weighing of the various interests
             571      and public policies pertinent to the classification and disclosure or nondisclosure, order the
             572      disclosure of information properly classified as private, controlled, or protected if the interest
             573      favoring access outweighs the interest favoring restriction of access.
             574          (b) The court shall consider and, where appropriate, limit the requester's use and
             575      further disclosure of the record in order to protect privacy interests in the case of private or
             576      controlled records, business confidentiality interests in the case of records protected under
             577      Subsections 63-2-304 (1) [and], (2), (40)(a)(ii), or (40)(a)(vi) and privacy interests or the public
             578      interest in the case of other protected records.
             579          Section 8. Section 63-2-701 is amended to read:
             580           63-2-701. Political subdivisions may adopt ordinances in compliance with
             581      chapter.
             582          (1) (a) Each political subdivision may adopt an ordinance or a policy applicable
             583      throughout its jurisdiction relating to information practices including classification,
             584      designation, access, denials, segregation, appeals, management, retention, and amendment of
             585      records.

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         (b) The ordinance or policy shall comply with the criteria set forth in this section.
             587          (c) If any political subdivision does not adopt and maintain an ordinance or policy,
             588      [then] that political subdivision is subject to this chapter.
             589          (d) Notwithstanding the adoption of an ordinance or policy, each political subdivision
             590      is subject to Parts 1, General Provisions, and 3, Classification, and Sections 63-2-201 ,
             591      63-2-202 , 63-2-205 , 63-2-206 , 63-2-601 , 63-2-602 , 63-2-905 , and 63-2-907 .
             592          (e) Every ordinance, policy, or amendment to the ordinance or policy shall be filed
             593      with the state archives no later than 30 days after its effective date.
             594          (f) The political subdivision shall also report to the state archives all retention
             595      schedules, and all designations and classifications applied to record series maintained by the
             596      political subdivision.
             597          (g) The report required by Subsection (1)(f) is notification to state archives of the
             598      political subdivision's retention schedules, designations, and classifications. The report is not
             599      subject to approval by state archives. If state archives determines that a different retention
             600      schedule is needed for state purposes, state archives shall notify the political subdivision of the
             601      state's retention schedule for the records and shall maintain the records if requested to do so
             602      under Subsection 63-2-905 (2).
             603          (2) Each ordinance or policy relating to information practices shall:
             604          (a) provide standards for the classification and designation of the records of the
             605      political subdivision as public, private, controlled, or protected in accordance with Part 3 of
             606      this chapter;
             607          (b) require the classification of the records of the political subdivision in accordance
             608      with those standards;
             609          (c) provide guidelines for establishment of fees in accordance with Section 63-2-203 ;
             610      and
             611          (d) provide standards for the management and retention of the records of the political
             612      subdivision comparable to Section 63-2-903 .
             613          (3) (a) Each ordinance or policy shall establish access criteria, procedures, and
             614      response times for requests to inspect, obtain, or amend records of the political subdivision,
             615      and time limits for appeals consistent with this chapter.
             616          (b) In establishing response times for access requests and time limits for appeals, the

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     political subdivision may establish reasonable time frames different than those set out in
             618      Section 63-2-204 and Part 4 [of this chapter], Appeals, if it determines that the resources of the
             619      political subdivision are insufficient to meet the requirements of those sections.
             620          (4) (a) The political subdivision shall establish an appeals process for persons
             621      aggrieved by classification, designation or access decisions.
             622          (b) The policy or ordinance shall provide for:
             623          (i) an appeals board composed of the governing body of the political subdivision; or
             624          (ii) a separate appeals board composed of members of the governing body and the
             625      public, appointed by the governing body.
             626           (5) S. [ [ ] If the requester concurs, the [ ] ] [ A decision of the appeals board established by the ] .S
             627      political subdivision may S.[ [ ] also provide for an additional level of administrative review to
             627a      [ ] ] [ be
             628      appealed to
] .S
the records committee in accordance with Section 63-2-403 .
             629          (6) Appeals of the decisions of the S.[ [ ] appeals boards established by political
             630      subdivisions [ ] ] [ records committee made under Subsection (5) ] .S
shall be by petition for judicial
             631      review to the district court. The contents of the petition for review and the conduct of the
             632      proceeding shall be in accordance with S.[ [ ] Sections 63-2-402 and [ ] ] [ Section ] .S 63-2-404 .
             633          (7) Any political subdivision that adopts an ordinance or policy under Subsection (1)
             634      shall forward to state archives a copy and summary description of the ordinance or policy.
             635          Section 9. Section 63-2-802 is amended to read:
             636           63-2-802. Injunction -- Attorneys' fees.
             637          (1) A district court in this state may enjoin any governmental entity or political
             638      subdivision that violates or proposes to violate the provisions of this chapter.
             639          (2) (a) A district court may assess against any governmental entity or political
             640      subdivision reasonable attorneys' fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred in
             641      connection with a judicial appeal of a denial of a records request if the requester substantially
             642      prevails.
             643          (b) In determining whether to award attorneys' fees under this section, the court shall
             644      consider:
             645          (i) the public benefit derived from the case;
             646          (ii) the nature of the requester's interest in the records; and
             647          (iii) whether the governmental entity's or political subdivision's actions had a

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Senate 3rd Reading Amendments 1-26-2006 rd/enw
     reasonable basis.
             649          (c) Attorneys' fees shall not ordinarily be awarded if the purpose of the litigation is
             650      primarily to benefit the requester's financial or commercial interest.
             651          (3) Neither attorneys' fees nor costs shall be awarded for fees or costs incurred during
             652      administrative proceedings.
             653          (4) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), a court may only award fees and costs incurred in
             654      connection with appeals to district courts under [Subsection] Section 63-2-404 [(2)] if the fees
             655      and costs were incurred 20 or more days after the requester provided to the governmental entity
             656      or political subdivision a statement of position that adequately explains the basis for the
             657      requester's position.
             658          (5) Claims for attorneys' fees as provided in this section or for damages are subject to
             659      Title 63, Chapter 30d, Governmental Immunity Act of Utah.
             660           S. [ Section 10. Repealer.
             661          This bill repeals:
             662          Section 63-2-402, Option for appealing a denial.
] .S

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-9-05 8:26 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Legislative Committee Note
    as of 12-15-05 11:17 AM

The Government Records Access and Management Task Force recommended this bill.

[Bill Documents][Bills Directory]

Bill Status / Votes
• Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
12/15/2005 Bill Numbered but not Distributed Legislative Research and General Counsel
12/22/2005 Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed Legislative Research and General Counsel
1/13/2006 Senate/ received bill from Legislative Research Waiting for Introduction in the Senate
1/16/2006 Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) Senate Rules Committee
1/16/2006 Senate/ to standing committee Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee
1/18/2006 Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee3 1 1
1/18/2006 Senate/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee
1/19/2006 Senate/ committee report favorable Senate 2nd Reading Calendar
1/24/2006 Senate/ 2nd reading Senate 2nd Reading Calendar
1/24/2006 Senate/ floor amendment Senate 2nd Reading Calendar
1/24/2006 Senate/ passed 2nd reading Senate 3rd Reading Calendar26 0 3
1/25/2006 Senate/ 3rd reading Senate 3rd Reading Calendar
1/25/2006 Senate/ circled Senate 3rd Reading Calendar
1/26/2006 Senate/ uncircled Senate 3rd Reading Calendar
1/26/2006 Senate/ floor amendment Senate 3rd Reading Calendar
1/26/2006 Senate/ passed 3rd reading Clerk of the House26 0 3
1/26/2006 Senate/ to House with amendments Clerk of the House
1/26/2006 House/ received from Senate Clerk of the House
1/27/2006 House/ 1st reading (Introduced) House Rules Committee
2/10/2006 House/ to standing committee House Government Operations Committee
2/13/2006 House Comm - Favorable Recommendation House Government Operations Committee9 0 2
2/13/2006 House/ committee report favorable House Government Operations Committee
2/13/2006 House/ 2nd reading House Rules Committee
2/13/2006 House/ return to Rules due to fiscal impact House Rules Committee
3/1/2006 House/ strike enacting clause Senate Secretary
3/1/2006 House/ to Senate Senate Secretary
3/1/2006 Senate/ filed Senate file for bills not passed