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H.B. 337

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 3:15 PM by lerror. -->              1     




Chief Sponsor: John Dougall

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions of the Government Records Access and Management Act
             10      (GRAMA) and other portions of the Utah Code by requiring the disclosure of certain
             11      records and creating the Utah Public Records Website as a central location for the
             12      public to access public records.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    defines terms;
             16          .    creates the Utah Public Records Website (website), to be established and
             17      maintained by the Division of Archives and Records Services (division), with the
             18      assistance of the Department of Technology Services;
             19          .    describes the purpose and character of the website and the records that are required
             20      to be posted on the website;
             21          .    grants rulemaking authority, in relation to the website, to the division;
             22          .    creates the Utah Public Records Website Advisory Board (board);
             23          .    describes the membership, duties, and powers of the board; and
             24          .    makes technical changes.
             25      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:

             28          None
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             30      AMENDS:
             31          63A-12-100.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 265
             32      ENACTS:
             33          63A-12-110, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34          63G-2-1001, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          63G-2-1002, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          63G-2-1003, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37          63G-2-1004, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37a      H. 63G-2-1005, Utah Code Annotated 1953 .H
             39      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             40          Section 1. Section 63A-12-100.5 is amended to read:
             41           63A-12-100.5. Definitions.
             42          (1) Except as provided under Subsection (2), the definitions in Section 63G-2-103
             43      apply to this chapter.
             44          (2) As used in this chapter[, "division"]:
             45          (a) "Advisory board" means the Utah Public Records Website Advisory Board, created
             46      in Section 63A-12-110 .
             47          (b) "Division" or "state archives" means the Division of Archives and Records Service.
             48          Section 2. Section 63A-12-110 is enacted to read:
             49          63A-12-110. Utah Public Records Website Advisory Board.
             50          (1) There is created, within the division, the Utah Public Records Website Advisory
             51      Board, consisting of the following 14 members:
             52          (a) a member of the Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate;
             53          (b) a member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the House
             54      of Representatives;
             55          (c) the following members appointed by the governor:
             56          (i) a member to represent higher education;
             57          (ii) a member to represent public schools;
             58          (iii) a member to represent counties;

             59          (iv) a member to represent cities and towns;
             60          (v) a member to represent special service districts;
             61          (vi) a member to represent local districts;
             62          (vii) a member of the media;
             63          (viii) a member who is a citizen interested in public records issues; and
             64          (ix) a member who represents a state executive branch department;
             65          (d) a member appointed by the director of the division;
             66          (e) a member appointed by the director of the Department of Technology Services; and
             67          (f) a member who is a records officer for a law enforcement agency, appointed by the
             68      director of the Department of Public Safety.
             69          (2) A majority of the members of the advisory board, who have not been recused for a
             70      particular issue or meeting, constitute a quorum of the advisory board.
             71          (3) A majority vote of a quorum present at a meeting constitutes the action of the
             72      advisory board.
             73          (4) A member shall serve on the advisory board until the member resigns or is replaced
             74      by the person who appointed the member.
             75          (5) (a) A member of the advisory board who is not a legislator may not receive
             76      compensation or benefits for the member's service, but may receive per diem and travel
             77      expenses in accordance with:
             78          (i) Section 63A-3-106 ;
             79          (ii) Section 63A-3-107 ; and
             80          (iii) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
             81      63A-3-107 .
             82          (b) Salary and expenses of a member of the advisory board who is a legislator shall be
             83      paid in accordance with Section 36-2-2 and Legislative Joint Rule 15.03.
             84          (6) The director of the division shall appoint a member of the advisory board as the
             85      chair of the advisory board.
             86          (7) The advisory board shall:
             87          (a) meet quarterly, if needed; and
             88          (b) may not meet more often than quarterly, unless requested by the director of the
             89      division.

             90          (8) The duties of the advisory board are to make recommendations to the division
             91      relating to the website, including:
             92          (a) the design and functionality of the website;
             93          (b) proposed rules relating to the website; and
             94          (c) records that should be required or permitted to be posted on the website.
             95          Section 3. Section 63G-2-1001 is enacted to read:
Part 10. Utah Public Records Website

             97          63G-2-1001. Title.
             98          This part is known as "Utah Public Records Website."
             99          Section 4. Section 63G-2-1002 is enacted to read:
             100          63G-2-1002. Definitions.
             101          As used in this part:
             102          (1) "Advisory board" means the Utah Public Records Website Advisory Board, created
             103      in Section 63A-12-110 .
             104          (2) "Department" means the Department of Technology Services.
             105          (3) "Division" means the Division of Archives and Records Services.
             106          (4) "Meeting" is as defined in Section 52-4-103 .
             107          (5) "Public body" is as defined in Section 52-4-103 .
             107a      H. (6) "Restricted information" means:
             107b           (a) a private, protected, or controlled record;
             107c          (b) private, protected, or controlled information;    
             107d           (c) a record or information that is protected from release by state law;
             107e          (d) a record or information that is protected from release by federal law or rule;
             107f          (e) a medical record; or
             107g          (f) medical information;
             108           [ (6) ] (7) .H "Website" means the Utah Public Records Website created under Section
             109      63G-2-1003 .
             110          Section 5. Section 63G-2-1003 is enacted to read:
             111          63G-2-1003. Utah Public Records Website.
             112          (1) The division shall, with the assistance of the department, establish and maintain the
             113      Utah Public Records Website.
             114          (2) The purpose of the website is to function as a central repository of public records,
             115      of all government entities, as required by this part or by rule made under this part.
             116          (3) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), (c), or (d), or by rule made under

             117      Subsection 63G-2-1004 (1)(b), on or after July 1, 2012, a government entity may, and beginning
             118      on July 1, 2013, a government entity shall, post on the website all of the following records of
             119      the government entity:
             120          (a) ordinances;

             121          (b) rules adopted by the governing body of a government entity H. , unless the rules are
             121a      posted on the website described in Subsection (6)(d) .H ;
             122          (c) policies adopted by the governing body of a government entity;
             123          (d) statutorily required reports that do not contain H. [ information that is private,
             123a      protected,
             124      or controlled
] restricted information .H
             125          (e) manuals that do not contain H. [ information that is private, protected, or controlled ]
             125a      restricted information .H ;
             126          (f) feasibility studies;
             127          (g) approved minutes and agendas of public meetings;
             128          (h) records circulated at all public portions of meetings;
             129          (i) resolutions for the issuing of bonds or other obligations;
             130          (j) except as provided in Subsection (4), records provided in response to a public
             131      records request made under this chapter;
             132          (k) a record described in Subsection 63G-2-301 H. [ (1)(c) ] (3) .H that contains
             132a      information to
             133      which access may be restricted under Subsection 63G-2-201 (3)(b) or Section 63G-2-302 ,
             134      63G-2-304 , or 63G-2-305 , if the information to which access may be restricted is already
             135      redacted from the record; and
             136          (l) any other record series designated by the division under Section 63G-2-1004 .
             137          (4) A government entity is not required to post records described in Subsection (3)(j)
             138      if:
             139          (a) (i) the records provided contain H. restricted .H information H. [ that is private,
             139a      protected, or controlled ] .H ;
             140      and
             141          (ii) the H. restricted .H information H. [ described in Subsection (4)(a)(i) ] .H is
             141a      provided to the requestor,
             142      because the person has an interest in the information that:
             143          (A) is not held by the general public; or
             144          (B) is not held by the general public to the extent that it is held by the requestor; or
             145          (b) posting the records on the website would be unduly burdensome based on the
             146      format of the records or the expense required to post the records.
             147          (5) (a) A record posted on the website:
             148          (i) shall, to the extent possible, be posted in the original format of the record; or
             149          (ii) if not posted in the original format of the record, may, to the extent possible, be
             150      posted in another format, approved by the division, that may be viewed and searched with
             151      software that is widely available to the public free of charge.

             152          (b) A government entity is not required to post a record on the website if the record is
             153      posted on a website described in Subsection (6)(a) or (b).
             154          (c) A government entity is not required to post a record or an archived streaming file
             155      on the website, or provide live streaming through the website, if:
             156          (i) the government entity posts all records and archived streaming files, that the
             157      government entity is otherwise required to post on the website, on its own website;
             158          (ii) the government entity provides all live streaming, that the government entity is
             159      otherwise required to provide through the website, on its own website; and
             160          (iii) the government entity's website has the capability of searching for documents on
             161      its website.
             162          (d) The division may, upon written request by a government entity, grant a temporary
             163      or limited exception to the government entity to a requirement of this part or a rule made under
             164      this part, if the exception is:
             165          (i) necessary to avoid undue hardship to the government entity;
             166          (ii) necessary to allow the government entity time to obtain or implement technology to
             167      comply with the requirement; or
             168          (iii) otherwise necessary, as determined by the division.
             169          (6) The website shall contain conspicuous links on the home page of the website to:
             170          (a) the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section 63F-1-701 ;
             171          (b) the Utah Public Finance Website, created in Section 63A-3-402 ;
             172          (c) the open government resources page of the official website of the state executive
             173      branch; H. [ and ]
             173a      (d) the website of the Division of Administrative Rules; and
             174           [ (d) ] (e) .H a page that contains links to:
             175          (i) the official website of the Utah State Legislature;
             176          (ii) the Utah data page of the official website of the state executive branch;
             177          (iii) the Utah State Courts website;
             178          (iv) the public legal notice website described in Section 45-1-101 ; and
             179          (v) the websites of all government entities in Utah.
             180          (7) The Department of Technology Services shall ensure that the website:
             181          (a) is available and functioning:
             182          (i) on or before July 1, 2012, to allow the public to listen to or view archived streaming

             183      audio files and, where available, video files, that are uploaded to the website by a public body:
             184          (A) voluntarily;
             185          (B) as required under Subsection (8)(b); or
             186          (C) as required by rule made under Section 63G-2-1004 ; and
             187          (ii) on or before July 1, 2013, to allow the public to listen to or view live streaming
             188      audio feeds and, where available, video feeds, of a public body through the website; and
             189          (b) has an application programming interface that:
             190          (i) allows other websites to link to records that are available on the website; and
             191          (ii) to the extent practicable, allows other applications to make use of metadata in
             192      records that are available on the website.
             193          (8) (a) Beginning on July 1, 2012, a public body may upload to the website, archived
             194      streaming audio or video files of the public portion of some or all meetings of the public body.
             195          (b) Beginning on July 1, 2013:
             196          (i) A county of the first or second class shall:
             197          (A) provide live streaming audio or video, through the website, of the public portion of
             198      all meetings of all public bodies of the county; and
             199          (B) upload to the website archived streaming audio or video files of the public portion
             200      of all meetings of all public bodies of the county that are held on or after July 1, 2013;
             201          (ii) A city of the first or second class shall:
             202          (A) provide live streaming audio or video, through the website, of the public portion of
             203      all meetings of all public bodies of the city; and
             204          (B) upload to the website archived streaming audio or video files of the public portion
             205      of all meetings of all public bodies of the city that are held on or after July 1, 2013;
             206          (iii) the State School Board shall:
             207          (A) provide live streaming audio or video, through the website, of the public portion of
             208      all meetings of the board; and
             209          (B) upload to the website archived streaming audio or video files of the public portion
             210      of all meetings of the board that are held on or after July 1, 2013;
             211          (iv) a local school board shall:
             212          (A) provide live streaming audio or video, through the website, of the public portion of
             213      all meetings of the board; and

             214          (B) upload to the website archived streaming audio or video files of the public portion
             215      of all meetings of the board that are held on or after July 1, 2013; and
             216          (v) a public body, other than a public body described in Subsections (8)(b)(i) through
             217      (iv), may post archived streaming audio or video files on, or provide live streaming audio or
             218      video files through, the website of the public portion of some or all of the meetings of the
             219      public body, unless the division, by rule, makes it mandatory for the public body to post the
             220      audio or video files on, or provide the live streaming audio or video through, the website.
             221          (9) The division shall establish, by rule, a retention schedule that specifies when a
             222      record is permitted to be removed from the website.
             223          (10) (a) A government entity is not required to post a record on the website if the
             224      record was created before the later of:
             225          (i) July 1, 2013; or
             226          (ii) the day on which the government entity is required to post the record on the
             227      website.
             228          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (10)(a), a government entity is required to post on the
             229      website, the most current version of a record described in Subsections (3)(a) through (c).
             230          (11) Nothing in this part is intended to require a government entity to post H. [ a private,
             231      protected, or controlled record
] restricted information .H
on the website.
             232          (12) The posting, by a government entity, of a record on the website qualifies as
             233      retention of the record by the government entity for the period of time during which the record
             234      is posted on the website.
             235          (13) This part does not apply to a government entity with an annual budget of less than
             236      $1,000,000, except to the extent that this limitation amount is reduced by the division, by rule,
             237      after consultation with the advisory board.
             238          (14) The division or the Department of Technology Services may assist a government
             239      entity to come into compliance with the requirements of this part or a rule made under this part.
             240          Section 6. Section 63G-2-1004 is enacted to read:
             241          63G-2-1004. Rulemaking authority of division.
             242          (1) The division shall make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
             243      Administrative Rulemaking Act, that:
             244          (a) establish procedures and related requirements for posting information on the

             245      website;
             246          (b) establish a time frame for differing types and sizes of government entities to come
             247      into full compliance with the requirements of this part and rules made under this part; and
             248          (c) designate records series, in addition to the records series described in Subsections
             249      63G-2-1003 (3)(a) through (k), that are clearly public in nature, as a record series that is
             250      required to be posted on the website by a government entity.
             251          (2) The division may, by rule, require a government entity to post land use plans on the
             252      website, including development plans, zoning plans, and comprehensive plans.
             253          (3) The division may not make rules that require a government entity to post H. [ a private,
             254      protected, or controlled record
] restricted information .H
on the website.
             255          (4) The division shall present all proposed rules made under this part to the
             256      Administrative Rules Review Committee, created in Section 63G-3-501 .
             256a      H. Section 7. Section 63G-2-1005 is enacted to read:
             256b           63G-2-1005. Limitations on posting.
             256c          Notwithstanding any provision of this part, or rules made under this part, a
             256d      government entity is not required to, and may not be required to:
             256e          (1) redact restricted information from a record in order to require the record to be, or
             256f      make the record eligible to be, posted on the website; or
             256g          (2) post a record on the website that contains restricted information. .H

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-21-12 11:19 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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