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H.B. 414
8 General Description:
9 This bill imposes requirements on a school district regarding the use of bond proceeds.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 . requires a school district to use a portion of the proceeds of a general obligation
13 bond issued after May 8, 2012, to conduct or update a seismic safety evaluation of a
14 school district building constructed before 1975.
15 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16 None
17 Other Special Clauses:
18 None
19 Utah Code Sections Affected:
21 53A-18-107, Utah Code Annotated 1953
23 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
24 Section 1. Section 53A-18-107 is enacted to read:
25 53A-18-107. Requirement to use bond proceeds for seismic safety evaluations.
26 (1) If a school district issues a general obligation bond pursuant to Title 11, Chapter 14,
27 Local Government Bonding, after May 8, 2012, the school district shall use a portion of the
28 bond proceeds to:
29 (a) conduct or update a seismic safety evaluation of each school district building
30 constructed before 1975; and
31 (b) provide a copy of a seismic safety evaluation prepared under Subsection (1)(a) to
32 the Utah Seismic Safety Commission created in Section 63C-6-101 .
33 (2) A seismic safety evaluation conducted under Subsection (1) shall be conducted by a
34 licensed structural engineer familiar with seismic codes.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-20-12 8:31 AM