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First Substitute S.B. 15

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 12:28 PM by lerror. -->

Representative Brad L. Dee proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Ralph Okerlund

House Sponsor: Jack R. Draxler


             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions relating to off-highway vehicle registrations.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    provides definitions;
             13          .    creates the Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account;
             14          .    specifies the sources and required uses for funds in the Utah Highway Patrol Aero
             15      Bureau Restricted Account;
             16          .    provides that funds in the Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account are
             17      nonlapsing;
             18          .    increases the cap on the registration fee amount that the Board of Parks and
             19      Recreation may establish for off-highway vehicles registrations;
             20          .    provides that a certain portion of all off-highway vehicle registration fees shall be
             21      deposited in the Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account; and
             22          .    makes technical changes.
             23      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:

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House Committee Amendments 2-2-2012 le/sch
         This bill takes effect on July 1, 2012.
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             28      AMENDS:
             29          41-22-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapters 159 and 349
             30          41-22-19, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 349
             31          63J-1-602.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters 30, 284, 294, 303, and
             32      329
             33      ENACTS:
             34          53-8-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          53-8-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          53-8-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             38      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             39          Section 1. Section 41-22-8 is amended to read:
             40           41-22-8. Registration fees.
             41          (1) The board shall establish the fees which shall be paid in accordance with this
             42      chapter, subject to the following:
             43          (a) [The] (i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(a)(ii), the fee for each off-highway
             44      vehicle registration may not exceed [$17] H. [ $20 ] $18 .H .
             45          (ii) The fee for each snowmobile registration may not exceed H. [ $25 ] $26 .H .
             46          (b) The fee for each duplicate registration card may not exceed $3.
             47          (c) The fee for each duplicate registration sticker may not exceed $5.
             48          (2) A fee may not be charged for an off-highway vehicle that is owned and operated by
             49      the United States Government, this state, or its political subdivisions.
             50          Section 2. Section 41-22-19 is amended to read:
             51           41-22-19. Deposit of fees and related money in Off-highway Vehicle Account --
             52      Use for facilities, costs and expenses of division, and education -- Request for matching
             53      funds.
             54          (1) Except as provided under [Subsection] Subsections (3) and (4) and Sections
             55      41-22-34 and 41-22-36 , all registration fees and related money collected by the Motor Vehicle
             56      Division or any agencies designated to act for the Motor Vehicle Division under this chapter

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     shall be deposited as restricted revenue in the Off-highway Vehicle Account in the General
             58      Fund less the costs of collecting off-highway vehicle registration fees by the Motor Vehicle
             59      Division. The balance of the money may be used by the division as follows:
             60          (a) for the construction, improvement, operation, or maintenance of publicly owned or
             61      administered off-highway vehicle facilities;
             62          (b) for the mitigation of impacts associated with off-highway vehicle use;
             63          (c) as grants or as matching funds with any federal agency, state agency, political
             64      subdivision of the state, or organized user group for the construction, improvement, operation,
             65      acquisition, or maintenance of publicly owned or administered off-highway vehicle facilities
             66      including public access facilities;
             67          (d) for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter; and
             68          (e) for the education of off-highway vehicle users.
             69          (2) All agencies or political subdivisions requesting matching funds shall submit plans
             70      for proposed off-highway vehicle facilities to the division for review and approval.
             71          (3) (a) One dollar and 50 cents of each annual registration fee collected under
             72      Subsection 41-22-8 (1) and each off-highway vehicle user fee collected under Subsection
             73      41-22-35 (2) shall be deposited in the Land Grant Management Fund created under Section
             74      53C-3-101 .
             75          (b) The Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration shall use the money
             76      deposited under Subsection (3)(a) for costs associated with off-highway vehicle use of legally
             77      accessible lands within its jurisdiction as follows:
             78          (i) to improve recreational opportunities on trust lands by constructing, improving,
             79      maintaining, or perfecting access for off-highway vehicle trails; and
             80          (ii) to mitigate impacts associated with off-highway vehicle use.
             81          (c) Any unused balance of the money deposited under Subsection (3)(a) exceeding
             82      $350,000 at the end of each fiscal year shall be deposited in the Off-highway Vehicle Account
             83      under Subsection (1).
             84          (4) H. [ Three dollars ] One dollar .H of each off-highway vehicle registration fee
             84a      collected under
             85      Subsection 41-22-8 (1) shall be deposited in the Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted
             86      Account created in Section 53-8-303 .
             87          Section 3. Section 53-8-301 is enacted to read:

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House Committee Amendments 2-2-2012 le/sch
Part 3. Aero Bureau Act

             89          53-8-301. Title.
             90          This part is known as the "Aero Bureau Act."
             91          Section 4. Section 53-8-302 is enacted to read:
             92          53-8-302. Definitions.
             93          As used in this section, "Aero Bureau" means the bureau within the division that
             94      provides aerial assistance for law enforcement activities within the state.
             95          Section 5. Section 53-8-303 is enacted to read:
             96          53-8-303. Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account.
             97          (1) As used in this section, "account" means the Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau
             98      Restricted Account created by this section.
             99          (2) There is created a restricted account in the General Fund known as the "Utah
             100      Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account."
             101          (3) The account shall consist of:
             102          (a) money deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-22-19 ;
             103          (b) money appropriated to the account by the Legislature; and
             104          (c) any other public or private money received by the division that is:
             105          (i) given to the division for purposes consistent with this section; and
             106          (ii) deposited into the account at the request of:
             107          (A) the division; or
             108          (B) the person giving the money.
             109          (4) Money in the account may only be expended for:
             110          (a) the purchase of aircraft and helicopters for use by the Aero Bureau in search and
             111      rescue operations;
             112          (b) replacement, maintenance, and upgrade of search and rescue equipment;
             113          (c) search and rescue training and certification for division officers and employees;
             114          (d) personnel and fuel costs of the Aero Bureau associated with providing search and
             115      rescue services; and
             116          (e) any other equipment or expenses necessary or appropriate for conducting search
             117      and rescue activities.
             118           H. [ (5) Funds in the account are nonlapsing. ] .H

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         Section 6. Section 63J-1-602.3 is amended to read:
             120           63J-1-602.3. List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 46 through Title 60.
             121          (1) Funding for the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program, as provided in
             122      Section 53-2-107 .
             123          (2) Appropriations made to the Department of Public Safety from the Department of
             124      Public Safety Restricted Account, as provided in Section 53-3-106 .
             125          (3) Appropriations to the Motorcycle Rider Education Program, as provided in Section
             126      53-3-905 .
             127          (4) Appropriations from the Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account
             128      created in Section 53-8-303 .
             129          [(4)] (5) Appropriations from the DNA Specimen Restricted Account created in
             130      Section 53-10-407 .
             131          [(5)] (6) The Canine Body Armor Restricted Account created in Section 53-16-201 .
             132          [(6)] (7) Appropriations to the State Board of Education, as provided in Section
             133      53A-17a-105 .
             134          [(7)] (8) Certain funds appropriated from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board
             135      of Education for new teacher bonus and performance-based compensation plans, as provided in
             136      Section 53A-17a-148 .
             137          [(8)] (9) Money received by the State Office of Rehabilitation for the sale of certain
             138      products or services, as provided in Section 53A-24-105 .
             139          [(9)] (10) Certain funds appropriated from the General Fund to the State Board of
             140      Regents for teacher preparation programs, as provided in Section 53B-6-104 .
             141          [(10)] (11) A certain portion of money collected for administrative costs under the
             142      School Institutional Trust Lands Management Act, as provided under Section 53C-3-202 .
             143          [(11)] (12) Certain surcharges on residential and business telephone numbers imposed
             144      by the Public Service Commission, as provided in Section 54-8b-10 .
             145          [(12)] (13) Certain fines collected by the Division of Occupational and Professional
             146      Licensing for violation of unlawful or unprofessional conduct that are used for education and
             147      enforcement purposes, as provided in Section 58-17b-505 .
             148          [(13)] (14) Certain fines collected by the Division of Occupational and Professional
             149      Licensing for use in education and enforcement of the Security Personnel Licensing Act, as

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     provided in Section 58-63-103 .
             151          [(14)] (15) Appropriations from the Relative Value Study Restricted Account created
             152      in Section 59-9-105 .
             153          Section 7. Effective date.
             154          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2012.

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