S.B. 2 New Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations Act
Bill Sponsor: Sen. Hillyard, Lyle W. | Floor Sponsor: Rep. Sanpei, Dean |
- Drafting Attorney: Eric N. Weeks
- Fiscal Analyst: Steven M. Allred
- Bill Text
- Introduced
- Amended
- Enrolled (Currently Displayed)
- Related Documents
- Information
- Last Action: 1 Apr 2015, Governor Signed
- Last Location: Lieutenant Governor's office for filing
- Effective Date: 1 Jul 2015
- Session Law Chapter: 468
- Similar Bills
Printer FriendlyS.B. 2
Chief Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard
House Sponsor: Dean Sanpei
General Description:
This bill supplements or reduces appropriations previously provided for the use and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016.
Highlighted Provisions:
This bill:
▸ provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain state agencies;
▸ provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain institutions of higher education;
▸ provides budget increases and decreases for other purposes as described;
▸ authorizes capital outlay amounts for certain internal service funds;
▸ authorizes full time employment levels for certain internal service funds; and
▸ provides intent language.
Money Appropriated in this Bill:
This bill appropriates $744,708,700 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2016, including:
▸ $216,074,900 from the General Fund;
▸ $282,883,500 from the Education Fund;
▸ $245,750,300 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $1,700,000 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year 2016, including:
▸ $1,200,000 from the General Fund;
▸ $500,000 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $259,000 in business-like activities for fiscal year 2016.
This bill appropriates $19,841,100 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal year 2016, including:
▸ $18,352,400 from the General Fund;
▸ $1,488,700 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $2,308,300 in capital project funds for fiscal year 2016.
Other Special Clauses:
This bill takes effect on July 1, 2015.
Utah Code Sections Affected:
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. FY 2016 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2016.
Subsection 1(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Governor's Office
Item 1
To Governor's Office - Public Lands LitigationGovernor's Office
Item 1
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Public Lands Litigation
Item 2
To Governor's Office - School Readiness InitiativeFrom General Fund Restricted - School Readiness Account
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
Schedule of Programs:
School Readiness Initiative
Item 3
To Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Management and BudgetFrom General Fund, One-time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - School Readiness Account
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Operational Excellence
State and Local Planning
School Readiness Initiative
Item 4
To Governor's Office - Quality Growth Commission - LeRay McAllister ProgramFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program
The Legislature intends that funds appropriated to the LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program in FY 2016 be used exclusively for protection of sage grouse habitat.
Item 5
To Governor's Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeFrom Federal Funds
From General Fund Restricted - Criminal Forfeiture Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Utah Office for Victims of Crime
Item 6
To Governor's Office - CCJJ Factual Innocence PaymentsFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Factual Innocence Payments
Item 7
To Governor's Office - CCJJ Jail ReimbursementFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Jail Reimbursement
Office of the State Auditor
Item 8
To Office of the State Auditor - State AuditorItem 8
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
State Auditor
State Treasurer
Item 9
To State TreasurerItem 9
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Treasury and Investment
Attorney General
Item 10
To Attorney GeneralItem 10
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
The Legislature intends that $1,000,000 appropriated in this item for "Legal Fees - Endangered Species" be used for multi-stage sage grouse litigation.
Item 11
To Attorney General - Children's Justice CentersFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Children's Justice Centers
Item 12
To Attorney General - Prosecution CouncilFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Prosecution Council
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 13
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsItem 13
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Institutional Operations Draper Facility
Institutional Operations Central Utah/Gunnison
The Legislature intends that, if the Department of Corrections is able to reallocate resources internally to fund additional Adult Probation and Parole agents, for every two agents hired, the Legislature grants authority to purchase one vehicle with Department funds.
The Legislature grants authority to the Department of Corrections to purchase up to 22 vehicles for new staff to implement the Justice Reinvestment Initiative.
Item 14
To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail ContractingFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Jail Contracting
Under Section 64-13e-105 the Legislature intends that the final state daily incarceration rate be set at $67.59 for FY 2016.
Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
Item 15
To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and OperationsItem 15
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Early Intervention Services
Community Programs
Correctional Facilities
The Legislature intends that in order to decrease recidivism and more effectively utilize state resources, that private providers that contract with the Division of Juvenile Justice Services for residential, community-based services, including both family-based and group home services, will adhere to evidence-based practices proven to reduce recidivism as directed by the Division of Juvenile Justice Services.
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 16
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationItem 16
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From General Fund Restricted - Court Trust Interest
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
Administrative Office
Under provisions of Section 67-8-2, Utah Code Annotated, salaries for District Court judges for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016 shall be $150,000. Other judicial salaries shall be calculated in accordance with the formula set forth in Section 67-8-2 and rounded to the nearest $50.
Item 17
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and LeasesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Department of Public Safety
Item 18
To Department of Public Safety - Programs & OperationsItem 18
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From General Fund Restricted - Fire Academy Support
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Department Commissioner's Office
CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification
CITS Communications
CITS State Crime Labs
Highway Patrol - Field Operations
Highway Patrol - Protective Services
Fire Marshall - Fire Operations
The Legislature intends that the department is authorized to increase its fleet by the same number of new officers authorized and funded by the legislature for FY 2016
Item 19
To Department of Public Safety - Emergency ManagementFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Management
Item 20
To Department of Public Safety - Emergency Management - National Guard ResponseFrom Nonlapsing Balances - Department of Public Safety
Schedule of Programs:
National Guard Response
Item 21
To Department of Public Safety - Driver LicenseFrom Department of Public Safety Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services
Infrastructure and General Government
Item 22
To Transportation - Support ServicesTransportation
Item 22
From Transportation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services
Item 23
To Transportation - Engineering ServicesFrom Transportation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Materials Lab
Item 24
To Transportation - Operations/Maintenance ManagementFrom Transportation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Maintenance Administration
Field Crews
Traffic Safety/Tramway
The Legislature intends that the Department of Transportation use maintenance funds previously used on state highways that now qualify for Transportation Investment Funds of 2005 to address maintenance and preservation issues on other state highways.
Item 25
To Transportation - Construction ManagementFrom Transportation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
There is appropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Transportation Fund, not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient but not more than the surplus of the Transportation Fund, to be used by the Department for the construction, rehabilitation and preservation of State highways in Utah. The Legislature intends that the appropriation fund first, a maximum participation with the federal government for the construction of federally designated highways, as provided by law, and last the construction of State highways, as funding permits. No portion of the money appropriated by this item shall be used either directly or indirectly to enhance the appropriation otherwise made by this act to the Department of Transportation for other purposes.
Item 26
To Transportation - Region ManagementFrom Transportation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Item 27
To Transportation - Equipment ManagementFrom Transportation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Equipment Purchases
Item 28
To Transportation - AeronauticsThe Legislature intends that the Division of Aeronautics use funds from the Aeronautics Restricted Account to conduct an audit of the Utah Based Aircraft Database and Aircraft Registration program to evaluate the existing process for collecting aircraft data, accuracy of information, and to make recommendations for improvement.
Item 29
To Transportation - Safe Sidewalk ConstructionThe Legislature intends that the funds appropriated from the Transportation Fund for pedestrian safety projects be used specifically to correct pedestrian hazards on State highways. The Legislature also intends that local authorities be encouraged to participate in the construction of pedestrian safety devices. The appropriated funds are to be used according to the criteria set forth in Section 72-8-104, Utah Code Annotated, 1953. The funds appropriated for sidewalk construction shall not lapse. If local governments cannot use their allocation of Sidewalk Safety Funds in two years, these funds will be available for other governmental entities which are prepared to use the resources. The Legislature intends that local participation in the Sidewalk Construction Program be on a 75% state and 25% local match basis.
Item 30
To Transportation - Mineral LeaseThe Legislature intends that the funds appropriated from the Federal Mineral Lease Account shall be used for improvement or reconstruction of highways that have been heavily impacted by energy development. The Legislature further intends that if private industries engaged in developing the State's natural resources are willing to participate in the cost of the construction of highways leading to their facilities, that local governments consider that highway as a higher priority as they prioritize the use of Mineral Lease Funds received through 59-21-1(4)(C)(i). The funds appropriated for improvement or reconstruction of energy impacted highways are nonlapsing.
Item 31
To Transportation - Transportation Investment Fund Capacity ProgramThere is appropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient, but not more than the surplus of the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, to be used by the Department for the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of State and Federal highways in Utah. No portion of the money appropriated by this item shall be used either directly or indirectly to enhance or increase the appropriations otherwise made by this act to the Department of Transportation for other purposes.
Department of Administrative Services
Item 32
To Department of Administrative Services - Executive DirectorItem 32
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Parental Defense
Item 33
To Department of Administrative Services - Inspector General of Medicaid ServicesThe Legislature intends that the Inspector General of Medicaid Services retain up to an additional $60,000 of Medicaid collections during FY 2016 to pay the Attorney Generals Office for the state costs of the one attorney FTE that the Office of the Inspector General is using.
Item 34
To Department of Administrative Services - Administrative RulesFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
DAR Administration
Item 35
To Department of Administrative Services - DFCM AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
DFCM Administration
Item 36
To Department of Administrative Services - State ArchivesFrom Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Archives Administration
Patron Services
Open Records
Item 37
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Finance Director's Office
Item 38
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - MandatedFrom General Fund
From General Fund Restricted - Economic Incentive Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Development Zone Partial Rebates
Jail Reimbursement
The Legislature intends that, if revenues deposited in the Land Exchange Distribution Account exceed appropriations from the account, the Division of Finance distribute the excess deposits according to the formula provided in UCA 53C-3-203(4).
Item 39
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - Mandated - Parental DefenseFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
From Lapsing Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Parental Defense
Item 40
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - Mandated - Ethics CommissionFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Executive Branch Ethics Commission
Item 41
To Department of Administrative Services - Judicial Conduct CommissionFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Judicial Conduct Commission
Item 42
To Department of Administrative Services - PurchasingFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Purchasing and General Services
Department of Technology Services
Item 43
To Department of Technology Services - Chief Information OfficerItem 43
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Chief Information Officer
Item 44
To Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology DivisionFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Automated Geographic Reference Center
Capital Budget
Item 45
To Capital Budget - Capital Development FundItem 45
The Legislature intends that Utah Valley University use donated or institutional funds for planning and design of the proposed Fine/Performing Arts Building.
The Legislature intends that no General or Education Fund appropriations made by the Legislature for state-funded capital developments approved during the 2015 General Session may be expended by the Division of Facilities Construction and Management until the State Building Board has certified that: (1) the board has received credible evidence that any other funding sources for a building as presented to the State Building Board and the Legislature during their prioritization processes are actually available, and (2) until the State Building Board votes to certify that such funds are available.
The Legislature intends that Utah State University transfer $350,000 from its Contingency Reserve Fund from state-funded projects to its Project Reserve Fund.
Item 46
To Capital Budget - Capital Development - Higher EducationFrom Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
UU Huntsman Cancer Institute
Snow College Science Building
Dixie ATC Permanent Campus
UU Crocker Science Center
USU Clinical Services Building
Item 47
To Capital Budget - Capital Development - Other State GovernmentFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Unified State Lab Module 2
Dead Horse Point State Park Campground
DWR Great Salt Lake Nature Center
DJJS Weber Valley Multi-use Youth Center
Prison Relocation
Item 48
To Capital Budget - Capital Development - Public EducationFrom Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
USDB Salt Lake Facility
Item 49
To Capital Budget - Capital ImprovementsFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Capital Improvements
WSU Browning Center Seating
Goblin Valley State Park Access Road Fencing
SLCC Fencing
USU Botanical Center
UVU Student Activity Center
Item 50
To Capital Budget - Property AcquisitionFrom Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
DSU University Plaza Classroom and Land
Item 51
To Capital Budget - Pass-ThroughFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Box Elder DPS Consolidation
Historic Wendover Airfield
Olympic Oval Expansion
Olympic Park Improvement
State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
Item 52
To State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service - Debt ServiceItem 52
From General Fund
From Education Fund
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
Schedule of Programs:
General Obligation Bonds Debt Service
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Department of Heritage and Arts
Item 53
To Department of Heritage and Arts - Division of Arts and MuseumsDepartment of Heritage and Arts
Item 53
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Community Arts Outreach
Item 54
To Department of Heritage and Arts - Division of Arts and Museums - Office of Museum ServicesFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Museum Services
Item 55
To Department of Heritage and Arts - State LibraryFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Library Resources
Item 56
To Department of Heritage and Arts - Pass-ThroughFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 57
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - AdministrationItem 57
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
The Legislature intends that $240,000 of the one-time appropriation in Administration be used for the Sichuan Province Partnership. The Legislature intends: (1) this appropriation is nonlapsing; (2) GOED ensure that this appropriation is spent to create and organize a legal entity to promote business, education, and investment between Utah and Sichuan, China; (3) GOED may delegate the task of creating and organizing the entity to the World Trade Center Utah; (4) in creating and organizing the entity, GOED shall consult with the World Trade Center Utah, the co-chairs of the Business and Labor Interim Committee, and the co-chairs of Utah International Relations and Trade Commission; (5) GOED may only release monies to the entity after it is legally created; and (6) the new entity, with the assistance of GOED and World Trade Center Utah shall: (a) report to the Business and Labor Interim Committee, and the Utah International Relations and Trade Commission by October 31, 2015; (b) provide an accounting of the expenditure of this appropriation; and (c) provide proposed legislation to that committee and commission to formally create, or authorize the creation of, the entity in statute.
Item 58
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Office of TourismFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From General Fund Restricted - Tourism Marketing Performance
Schedule of Programs:
Marketing and Advertising
Film Commission
Item 59
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business DevelopmentFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Outreach and International Trade
Corporate Recruitment and Business Services
Utah State Tax Commission
Item 60
To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax AdministrationItem 60
From General Fund Restricted - Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Motor Vehicles
Item 61
To Utah State Tax Commission - Liquor Profit DistributionFrom General Fund Restricted-Alcoholic Beverage Enforcement & Treatment
Schedule of Programs:
Liquor Profit Distribution
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Item 62
To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control - DABC OperationsItem 62
From Liquor Control Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Stores and Agencies
Item 63
To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control - Parents EmpoweredFrom GFR - Underage Drinking Prevention Media and Education Campaign Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Parents Empowered
Financial Institutions
Item 64
To Financial Institutions - Financial Institutions AdministrationItem 64
From General Fund Restricted - Financial Institutions
Schedule of Programs:
Building Operations and Maintenance
Insurance Department
Item 65
To Insurance Department - Insurance Department AdministrationItem 65
From General Fund Restricted - Insurance Department Account
From General Fund Restricted - Guaranteed Asset Protection Waiver
From General Fund Restricted - Relative Value Study Account
From General Fund Restricted - Captive Insurance
Schedule of Programs:
Relative Value Study
Captive Insurers
GAP Waiver Program
Item 66
To Insurance Department - Title Insurance ProgramFrom General Fund Restricted - Title Licensee Enforcement Account
Schedule of Programs:
Title Insurance Program
Public Service Commission
Item 67
To Public Service Commission - Alternative Fuel VehiclesItem 67
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Social Services
Department of Health
Item 68
To Department of Health - Executive Director's OperationsDepartment of Health
Item 68
The Legislature intends the Departments of Workforce Services, Health, Human Services, and the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation provide a report regarding each agency's highest cost individuals and possible efficiencies through coordination, early intervention, and prevention. The Legislature further intends these agencies provide a report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by September 1, 2015. The report shall include the following regarding high cost individuals: 1) a summary, by program, of individuals receiving services in excess of $100,000 total fund annually in any given agency, what percentage of total costs is spent on these individuals, and what the agency is doing to manage these costs in an efficient manner, 2) an assessment of these high cost individuals receiving services from multiple agencies, 3) a description of agency coordination regarding high cost individuals accompanied by a list of areas where agencies specifically coordinate on these high cost individuals, 4) recommendations regarding how best to serve these high cost individuals in least restrictive settings where appropriate and consistent with choice, and 5) recommendation on how agency efforts might better be coordinated across programs.
The Legislature intends that the Department of Health prepare proposed performance measures for all new state funding or TANF federal funds for building blocks and give this information to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by June 30, 2015. At a minimum the proposed measures should include those presented to the Subcommittee during the requests for funding. If the same measures are not included, a detailed explanation as to why should be included. The Department of Health shall provide its first report on its performance measures to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 31, 2015. The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall give this information to the legislative staff of the Health and Human Services Interim Committee.
Item 69
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Child Development
Health Facility Licensing and Certification
Primary Care
Item 70
To Department of Health - Disease Control and PreventionFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Health Promotion
Office of the Medical Examiner
Item 71
To Department of Health - Workforce Financial AssistanceFrom General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Financial Assistance
Item 72
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingThe Legislature intends that the Inspector General of Medicaid Services pay the Attorney General's Office the full state cost of the one attorney FTE that it is using at the Department of Health.
Item 73
To Department of Health - Children's Health Insurance ProgramFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account
Item 74
To Department of Health - Medicaid Mandatory ServicesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
From General Fund Restricted - Nursing Care Facilities Account
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account
Schedule of Programs:
Managed Health Care
Nursing Home
Physician Services
Medicaid Management Information System Replacement
Item 75
To Department of Health - Medicaid Optional ServicesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
From General Fund Restricted - Nursing Care Facilities Account
Schedule of Programs:
Intermediate Care Facilities for Intellectually Disabled
Dental Services
Hospice Care Services
Other Optional Services
The Legislature intends that with the funding appropriated for the building block titled, "Intermediate Care Facilities - Intellectually Disabled," the Department of Health shall: 1) Direct funds to increase the salaries of direct care workers; 2) Increase only those rates which include a direct care service component, including respite; 3) Monitor providers to ensure that all funds appropriated are applied to direct care worker wages and that none of the funding goes to administrative functions or provider profits; In conjunction with Intermediate Care Facilities - Intellectually Disabled providers, report to the Office of the Legislature Fiscal Analyst no later than September 1, 2015 regarding: 1) the implementation and status of increasing salaries for direct care workers, 2) a detailed explanation with supporting documentation of how Intermediate Care Facilities - Intellectually Disabled providers are reimbursed, including all accounting codes used and the previous and current rates for each accounting code, and 3) a conceptual explanation of how Intermediate Care Facilities - Intellectually Disabled providers realize profit within the closed market of providing Intermediate Care Facilities - Intellectually Disabled services.
The Legislature intends that, if funds are available, Medicaid fee-for-service payments for anesthesia services be increased from the current amount of $18.27 to $23.73 for Fiscal Year 2016.
The Legislature intends that 5% of all funds provided in the Medicaid program for managed care dental plans be used for contracted plan administration and that any funds provided for the Affordable are Act premium tax not be included in that 5% administrative funds amount.
Department of Workforce Services
Item 76
To Department of Workforce Services - AdministrationItem 76
From General Fund Restricted - Special Administrative Expense Account
From Unemployment Compensation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director's Office
Human Resources
Administrative Support
Internal Audit
The Legislature intends that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriation provided for the Administration line item is limited to one-time projects associated with Unemployment Insurance modernization.
All General Funds appropriated to the Department of Workforce Services - Administration line item are contingent upon expenditures from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (H.R. 1, 111th United States Congress) not exceeding amounts appropriated from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in all appropriation bills passed for Fiscal Year 2016. If expenditures in the Administration line item from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act exceed amounts appropriated to the Administration line item from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in Fiscal Year 2016, the Division of Finance shall reduce the General Fund allocations to the Administration line item by one dollar for every one dollar in Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act expenditures that exceed Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriations.
The Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services prepare proposed performance measures for all new state funding or TANF federal funds for building blocks and give this information to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by June 30, 2015. At a minimum the proposed measures should include those presented to the Subcommittee during the requests for funding. If the same measures are not included, a detailed explanation as to why should be included. The Department of Workforce Services shall provide its first report on its performance measures to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 31, 2015. The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall give this information to the legislative staff of the Health and Human Services Interim Committee.
The Legislature intends the Departments of Workforce Services, Health, Human Services, and the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation provide a report regarding each agency's highest cost individuals and possible efficiencies through coordination, early intervention, and prevention. The Legislature further intends these agencies provide a report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by September 1, 2015. The report shall include the following regarding high cost individuals: 1) a summary, by program, of individuals receiving services in excess of $100,000 total fund annually in any given agency, what percentage of total costs is spent on these individuals, and what the agency is doing to manage these costs in an efficient manner, 2) an assessment of these high cost individuals receiving services from multiple agencies, 3) a description of agency coordination regarding high cost individuals accompanied by a list of areas where agencies specifically coordinate on these high cost individuals, 4) recommendations regarding how best to serve these high cost individuals in least restrictive settings where appropriate and consistent with choice, and 5) recommendation on how agency efforts might better be coordinated across programs.
Item 77
To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and PolicyFrom General Fund Restricted - Special Administrative Expense Account
From Unemployment Compensation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Development
Information Technology
All General Funds appropriated to the Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy line item are contingent upon expenditures from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (H.R. 1, 111th United States Congress) not exceeding amounts appropriated from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in all appropriation bills passed for Fiscal Year 2016. If expenditures in the Operations and Policy line item from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act exceed amounts appropriated to the Operations and Policy line item from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in Fiscal Year 2016, the Division of Finance shall reduce the General Fund allocations to the Operations and Policy line item by one dollar for every one dollar in Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act expenditures that exceed Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriations.
The Legislature intends the Department of Workforce Services and the Administrative Offices of the Courts provide a report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst no later than September 1, 2015. The report shall include, at a minimum: 1) a summary of efforts to improve coordination between the Drug Court program and DWS' Workforce Development Division in order to improve Drug Court success, 2) data indicating the success of the efforts including the implementation and reporting on measures of post program recidivism, and 3) any identified savings or additional funding of drug court recipients as a result of improved coordination efforts.
The Legislature intends that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriation provided for the Operations and Policy line item is limited to one-time projects associated with Unemployment Insurance modernization.
Item 78
To Department of Workforce Services - Unemployment InsuranceFrom Unemployment Compensation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Unemployment Insurance Administration
All General Funds appropriated to the Department of Workforce Services - Unemployment Insurance Administration line item are contingent upon expenditures from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (H.R. 1, 111th United States Congress) not exceeding amounts appropriated from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in all appropriation bills passed for Fiscal Year 2016. If expenditures in the Unemployment Insurance Administration line item from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act exceed amounts appropriated to the Unemployment Insurance Administration line item from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in Fiscal Year 2016, the Division of Finance shall reduce the General Fund allocations to the Unemployment Insurance Administration line item by one dollar for every one dollar in Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act expenditures that exceed Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriations.
The Legislature intends that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriation provided for the Unemployment Insurance Administration line item is limited to one-time projects associated with Unemployment Insurance modernization.
Item 79
To Department of Workforce Services - Housing and Community DevelopmentFrom General Fund Restricted - Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account
Schedule of Programs:
Homeless Committee
The Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measures for the Housing and Community Development line item: (1) Ending Chronic Homelessness - offer housing to all chronically homeless individuals who want to be housed (Target = 9% reduction per year), (2) Utilities Assistance for Low-income Households - Number of eligible households assisted with home energy costs (Target = 35,000 households), and (3) Weatherization Assistance - Number of low income households assisted by installing permanent energy conservation measures in their homes (Target = 800 homes) by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Item 80
To Department of Workforce Services - Special Service DistrictsThe Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measure for the Special Service Districts line item: the Department of Workforce Services is required to pass through the funds to qualifying special service districts in counties of the 5th, 6th and 7th class (this is completed quarterly) by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Department of Human Services
Item 81
To Department of Human Services - Executive Director OperationsItem 81
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director's Office
The Legislature intends the Department of Human Services (DHS) report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by September 1, 2015 regarding its efforts and progress in addressing each specific recommendation contained in the Office of the Legislative Auditor General's "An In-Depth Budget Review of the Department of Human Services" (No. 2014-09) released in October of 2014. If there are any recommendations DHS is not addressing, the Legislature further intends DHS explain why it is not addressing those recommendations. The Legislature further intends DHS identify specific savings resulting from its process improvement efforts.
The Legislature intends that the Department of Human Services prepare proposed performance measures for all new state funding or TANF federal funds for building blocks and give this information to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by June 30, 2015. At a minimum the proposed measures should include those presented to the Subcommittee during the requests for funding. If the same measures are not included, a detailed explanation as to why should be included. The Department of Human Services shall provide its first report on its performance measures to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 31, 2015. The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall give this information to the legislative staff of the Health and Human Services Interim Committee.
The Legislature intends the Departments of Workforce Services, Health, Human Services, and the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation provide a report regarding each agency's highest cost individuals and possible efficiencies through coordination, early intervention, and prevention. The Legislature further intends these agencies provide a report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by September 1, 2015. The report shall include the following regarding high cost individuals: 1) a summary, by program, of individuals receiving services in excess of $100,000 total fund annually in any given agency, what percentage of total costs is spent on these individuals, and what the agency is doing to manage these costs in an efficient manner, 2) an assessment of these high cost individuals receiving services from multiple agencies, 3) a description of agency coordination regarding high cost individuals accompanied by a list of areas where agencies specifically coordinate on these high cost individuals, 4) recommendations regarding how best to serve these high cost individuals in least restrictive settings where appropriate and consistent with choice, and 5) recommendation on how agency efforts might better be coordinated across programs.
Item 82
To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental HealthFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid
Schedule of Programs:
Community Mental Health Services
Mental Health Centers
State Hospital
State Substance Abuse Services
Local Substance Abuse Services
The Legislature intends the Department of Workforce Services and the Administrative Offices of the Courts provide a report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst no later than September 1, 2015. The report shall include, at a minimum: 1) a summary of efforts to improve coordination between the Drug Court program and DWS' Workforce Development Division in order to improve Drug Court success, 2) data indicating the success of the efforts including the implementation and reporting on measures of post program recidivism, and 3) any identified savings or additional funding of drug court recipients as a result of improved coordination efforts.
The Legislature intends that the one-time General Fund appropriation of $6,400,000 to the Department of Human Services for Local Authority Mental Health Medicaid Match is provided to assist local mental health authorities for one year until they can find ways to provide their own matching funds in the future. The Legislature further intends the local mental health authorities report their plans to provide their own matching funds in the future to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by September 1, 2015.
The Legislature intends that the $300,000 in federal funds appropriated for Children's Mental Health Early Intervention for Children and Youth in the Department of Human Services in the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health line item is dependent upon the availability of and qualification for the Children's Mental Health Early Intervention for Children and Youth for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families federal funds.
Item 83
To Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People with DisabilitiesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid
Schedule of Programs:
Community Supports Waiver
The Legislature intends the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) in the Department of Human Services provide to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst no later than September 1, 2015 a report that includes a(n): 1) response to each specific audit recommendation found in A Performance Audit of the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (October 2014 - Audit No. 2014 - 10), 2) identification of specific efficiencies gained by DSPD through implementing the audit's recommendations, 3) estimate of savings, if any, achieved through implementation of each recommendation, and 4) measures that demonstrate effective implementation of each recommendation. The Legislature further intends the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst provide the report to the Office of the Legislative Auditor General (OLAG) and that OLAG review the report in order to assess: 1) if the measures accurately demonstrate effective implementation of the recommendations and 2) the accuracy of the savings estimates, if any. The Legislature further intends OLAG report its review of the DSPD report to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
The Legislature intends that for the building block titled "DSPD - Direct Care Staff Salary Increase," the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) shall: 1) Direct funds to increase the salaries of direct care workers; 2) Increase only those rates which include a direct care service component, including respite; 3) Monitor providers to ensure that all funds appropriated are applied to direct care worker wages and that none of the funding goes to administrative functions or provider profits; 4) In conjunction with DSPD community providers, report to the Office of the Legislature Fiscal Analyst no later than September 1, 2015 regarding: 1) the implementation and status of increasing salaries for direct care workers, 2) a detailed explanation with supporting documentation of how DSPD providers are reimbursed, including all accounting codes used and the previous and current rates for each accounting code, and 3) a conceptual explanation of how DSPD community providers realize profit within the closed market of providing DSPD community services.
Item 84
To Department of Human Services - Office of Recovery ServicesThe Legislature intends the Office of Recovery Services report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by September 1, 2015 regarding implementation of 2014 General Session fee increases and a detailed listing of the intended uses of the additional fee revenue with associated amounts.
Item 85
To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family ServicesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Out-of-Home Care
Domestic Violence
Adoption Assistance
The Legislature intends the Department of Human Services' Division of Child and Family Services use nonlapsing state funds originally appropriated for Adoption Assistance non-IV-E monthly subsidies for any children that were not initially Title IV-E eligible in foster care, but that now qualify for Title IV-E adoption assistance monthly subsidies under eligibility exception criteria specified in P.L. 112-34 [Social Security Act Section 473(e)]. These funds shall only be used for child welfare services allowable under Title IV-B or Title IV-E of the Social Security Act consistent with the requirements found at UCA 63J-1-603(3)(b).
The Legislature intends to reinvest non-lapsing state funds originally appropriated for Out of Home Care to enhance Service Delivery or In-Home Services consistent with the requirements found at UCA 63J-1-603(3)(b). The purpose of this reinvestment of funds is to increase capacity to keep children safely at home and reduce the need for foster care, in accordance with Utah's Child Welfare Demonstration Project authorized under Section 1130 of the Social Security Act (Act) ( 42 U.S.C. 1320a-9), which grants a waiver for certain foster care funding requirements under Title IV-E of the Act. These funds shall only be used for child welfare services allowable under Title IV-B or Title IV-E of the Act.
Item 86
To Department of Human Services - Division of Aging and Adult ServicesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid
Schedule of Programs:
Local Government Grants - Formula Funds
Adult Protective Services
Aging Waiver Services
The Legislature intends the Department of Human Services' Division of Aging and Adult Services use applicable federal funding reserves to provide one-time funding of $150,000 for Aging Nutrition.
State Board of Education
Item 87
To State Board of Education - State Office of RehabilitationItem 87
From Education Fund, One-time
From Revenue Transfers - Indirect Costs
Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director
Blind and Visually Impaired
Rehabilitation Services
Disability Determination
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Legislature intends the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (USOR), in conjunction with the Utah State Office of Education and the Utah State Board of Education, provide to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst no later than September 1, 2015: 1) A report on the USOR fiscal status for the recently completed state Fiscal Year 2015, including identification of one-time funding sources used to pay for ongoing services; 2) A projection of the USOR fiscal status for state Fiscal Year 2016, including any anticipated uses of one-time funding sources to pay for ongoing services; 3) A projection of the USOR anticipated fiscal status for state Fiscal Year 2017, including any anticipated uses of one-time funding sources to pay for ongoing services; 4) Any anticipated reductions in paid client services for state fiscal years 2015, 2016, or 2017; 5) The status of paid client services and numbers affected by reductions, if any; 6) The status of the Order of Selection waiting list and estimated numbers affected, if any; 7) The status of federal Maintenance of Effort and its effect on state liability; 8) Recommendations regarding the organizational placement of USOR and its subunits in order to provide proper oversight, management, and support; and 9) The history and current status of the individuals with Visual Impairment Fund.
The Legislature intends the Departments of Workforce Services, Health, Human Services, and the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation provide a report regarding each agency's highest cost individuals and possible efficiencies through coordination, early intervention, and prevention. The Legislature further intends these agencies provide a report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by September 1, 2015. The report shall include the following regarding high cost individuals: 1) a summary, by program, of individuals receiving services in excess of $100,000 total fund annually in any given agency, what percentage of total costs is spent on these individuals, and what the agency is doing to manage these costs in an efficient manner, 2) an assessment of these high cost individuals receiving services from multiple agencies, 3) a description of agency coordination regarding high cost individuals accompanied by a list of areas where agencies specifically coordinate on these high cost individuals, 4) recommendations regarding how best to serve these high cost individuals in least restrictive settings where appropriate and consistent with choice, and 5) recommendation on how agency efforts might better be coordinated across programs.
The Legislature intends that the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation prepare proposed performance measures for all new state funding or TANF federal funds for building blocks and give this information to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by June 30, 2015. At a minimum the proposed measures should include those presented to the Subcommittee during the requests for funding. If the same measures are not included, a detailed explanation as to why should be included. The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation shall provide its first report on its performance measures to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 31, 2015. The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall give this information to the legislative staff of the Health and Human Services Interim Committee.
Higher Education
University of Utah
Item 88
To University of Utah - Education and GeneralUniversity of Utah
Item 88
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Operations and Maintenance
The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report on the following performance measures: (1) graduation rates (100 percent, 150 percent, and 200 percent) by cohort, with comparisons to national averages; (2) transfer and retention rate, by cohort; (3) job placement rates following graduation, by discipline; (4) degree completion per discipline; (5) percentage of students enrolling in, and successfully completing, developmental mathematics course who immediately or concurrently enroll in college level math (1030 or higher); and (6) the amount of grant money applied for and received and the number of research/outreach initiatives funded by non-state-funded grants. The Legislature intend that this information be available to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee by December 31, 2016.
The Legislature intends that the University of Utah be authorized to purchase 15 new vehicles for its motor pool.
Item 89
To University of Utah - Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged
Item 90
To University of Utah - School of MedicineFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
School of Medicine
Item 91
To University of Utah - Health SciencesFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Health Sciences
Item 92
To University of Utah - University HospitalFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
University Hospital
Miners' Hospital
Item 93
To University of Utah - Regional Dental Education ProgramFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Regional Dental Education Program
Item 94
To University of Utah - Public ServiceFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Seismograph Stations
Natural History Museum of Utah
State Arboretum
Item 95
To University of Utah - Statewide TV AdministrationFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Public Broadcasting
Item 96
To University of Utah - Poison Control CenterFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Poison Control Center
Item 97
To University of Utah - Center on AgingFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Center on Aging
Utah State University
Item 98
To Utah State University - Education and GeneralItem 98
From General Fund
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
USU - School of Veterinary Medicine
Operations and Maintenance
The Legislature intends that the Utah State University report on the following performance measures: (1) graduation rates (100 percent, 150 percent, and 200 percent) by cohort, with comparisons to national averages; (2) transfer and retention rate, by cohort; (3) job placement rates following graduation, by discipline; (4) degree completion per discipline; (5) percentage of students enrolling in, and successfully completing, developmental mathematics course who immediately or concurrently enroll in college level math (1030 or higher); and (6) the amount of grant money applied for and received and the number of research/outreach initiatives funded by non-state-funded grants. The Legislature intend that this information be available to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee by December 31, 2016.
Item 99
To Utah State University - USU - Eastern Education and GeneralFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
USU - Eastern Education and General
Item 100
To Utah State University - Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged
Item 101
To Utah State University - USU - Eastern Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
USU - Eastern Educationally Disadvantaged
Item 102
To Utah State University - USU - Eastern Career and Technical EducationFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
USU - Eastern Career and Technical Education
Item 103
To Utah State University - Uintah Basin Regional CampusFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Uintah Basin Regional Campus
Item 104
To Utah State University - Southeastern Continuing Education CenterFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Southeastern Continuing Education Center
Item 105
To Utah State University - Brigham City Regional CampusFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Brigham City Regional Campus
Item 106
To Utah State University - Tooele Regional CampusFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Tooele Regional Campus
Item 107
To Utah State University - Water Research LaboratoryFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Water Research Laboratory
Item 108
To Utah State University - Agriculture Experiment StationFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Agriculture Experiment Station
Item 109
To Utah State University - Cooperative ExtensionFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Cooperative Extension
Item 110
To Utah State University - Prehistoric MuseumFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Prehistoric Museum
Item 111
To Utah State University - Blanding CampusFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Blanding Campus
Weber State University
Item 112
To Weber State University - Education and GeneralItem 112
From General Fund
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Operations and Maintenance
The Legislature intends that Weber State University report on the following performance measures: (1) graduation rates (100 percent, 150 percent, and 200 percent) by cohort, with comparisons to national averages; (2) transfer and retention rate, by cohort; (3) job placement rates following graduation, by discipline; (4) degree completion per discipline; and (5) percentage of students enrolling in, and successfully completing, developmental mathematics course who immediately or concurrently enroll in college level math (1030 or higher). The Legislature intend that this information be available to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee by December 31, 2016.
Item 113
To Weber State University - Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged
Southern Utah University
Item 114
To Southern Utah University - Education and GeneralItem 114
From General Fund
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Operations and Maintenance
The Legislature intends that Southern Utah University report on the following performance measures: (1) graduation rates (100 percent, 150 percent, and 200 percent) by cohort, with comparisons to national averages; (2) transfer and retention rate, by cohort; (3) job placement rates following graduation, by discipline; (4) degree completion per discipline; and (5) percentage of students enrolling in, and successfully completing, developmental mathematics course who immediately or concurrently enroll in college level math (1030 or higher). The Legislature intend that this information be available to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee by December 31, 2016.
Item 115
To Southern Utah University - Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged
Item 116
To Southern Utah University - Shakespeare FestivalFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Shakespeare Festival
Item 117
To Southern Utah University - Rural DevelopmentFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Rural Development
Utah Valley University
Item 118
To Utah Valley University - Education and GeneralItem 118
From General Fund
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Operations and Maintenance
The Legislature intends that Utah Valley University report on the following performance measures: (1) graduation rates (100 percent, 150 percent, and 200 percent) by cohort, with comparisons to national averages; (2) transfer and retention rate, by cohort; (3) job placement rates following graduation, by discipline; (4) degree completion per discipline; and (5) percentage of students enrolling in, and successfully completing, developmental mathematics course who immediately or concurrently enroll in college level math (1030 or higher). The Legislature intend that this information be available to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee by December 31, 2016.
The Legislature intends that Utah Valley University be authorized to purchase 6 new vehicles for its motor pool.
Item 119
To Utah Valley University - Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged
Snow College
Item 120
To Snow College - Education and GeneralItem 120
From General Fund
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Operations and Maintenance
The Legislature intends that Snow College report on the following performance measures: (1) graduation rates (100 percent, 150 percent, and 200 percent) by cohort, with comparisons to national averages; (2) transfer and retention rate, by cohort; (3) job placement rates following graduation, by discipline; (4) degree completion per discipline; and (5) percentage of students enrolling in, and successfully completing, developmental mathematics course who immediately or concurrently enroll in college level math (1030 or higher). The Legislature intend that this information be available to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee by December 31, 2016.
Item 121
To Snow College - Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged
Item 122
To Snow College - Career and Technical EducationFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Career and Technical Education
Dixie State University
Item 123
To Dixie State University - Education and GeneralItem 123
From General Fund
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Operations and Maintenance
The Legislature intends that Dixie State University report on the following performance measures: (1) graduation rates (100 percent, 150 percent, and 200 percent) by cohort, with comparisons to national averages; (2) transfer and retention rate, by cohort; (3) job placement rates following graduation, by discipline; (4) degree completion per discipline; and (5) percentage of students enrolling in, and successfully completing, developmental mathematics course who immediately or concurrently enroll in college level math (1030 or higher). The Legislature intend that this information be available to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee by December 31, 2016.
Item 124
To Dixie State University - Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged
Item 125
To Dixie State University - Zion Park AmphitheaterFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Zion Park Amphitheater
Salt Lake Community College
Item 126
To Salt Lake Community College - Education and GeneralItem 126
From General Fund
From Education Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Operations and Maintenance
The Legislature intends that Salt Lake Community College report on the following performance measures: (1) graduation rates (100 percent, 150 percent, and 200 percent) by cohort, with comparisons to national averages; (2) transfer and retention rate, by cohort; (3) job placement rates following graduation, by discipline; (4) degree completion per discipline; and (5) percentage of students enrolling in, and successfully completing, developmental mathematics course who immediately or concurrently enroll in college level math (1030 or higher). The Legislature intend that this information be available to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee by December 31, 2016.
The Legislature intends that Salt Lake Community College be authorized to purchase 5 new vehicles for its motor pool.
Item 127
To Salt Lake Community College - Educationally DisadvantagedFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged
Item 128
To Salt Lake Community College - School of Applied TechnologyFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
School of Applied Technology
State Board of Regents
Item 129
To State Board of Regents - AdministrationItem 129
From General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents explore the feasibility of collecting graduation rates by CIP and report its findings to the Legislature during the 2016 General Session.
The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Regents support institutions within the Utah System of Higher Education in compiling, standardizing, and reporting data to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
The Legislature intends that State Board of Regents make earnings and other pertinent data from Utah Data Alliance available to students, parents, teachers, counselors, and other interested parties, subject to the Utah Data Alliance receiving continued funding.
Item 130
To State Board of Regents - Student AssistanceFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Regents' Scholarship
Student Financial Aid
Minority Scholarships
New Century Scholarships
Success Stipend
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
T.H. Bell Teaching Incentive Loans Program
Veterans Tuition Gap Program
Item 131
To State Board of Regents - Student SupportFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Services for Hearing Impaired Students
Concurrent Enrollment
Articulation Support
Campus Compact
Item 132
To State Board of Regents - TechnologyFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Higher Education Technology Initiative
Utah Academic Library Consortium
Item 133
To State Board of Regents - Economic DevelopmentFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Engineering Initiative
Engineering Loan Repayment
Economic Development Initiatives
Item 134
To State Board of Regents - Education ExcellenceFrom Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Education Excellence
Item 135
To State Board of Regents - Medical Education CouncilFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Medical Education Council
Utah College of Applied Technology
Item 136
To Utah College of Applied Technology - AdministrationItem 136
From General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Custom Fit
The Legislature intends that the Utah College of Applied Technology provide summary year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non-completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Utah College of Applied Technology provide summary data detailing average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
Item 137
To Utah College of Applied Technology - Bridgerland Applied Technology CollegeFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Bridgerland Applied Technology College
The Legislature intends that the Bridgerland Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Bridgerland Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.
Item 138
To Utah College of Applied Technology - Davis Applied Technology CollegeFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Davis Applied Technology College
The Legislature intends that the Davis Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Davis Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.
Item 139
To Utah College of Applied Technology - Dixie Applied Technology CollegeFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Dixie Applied Technology College
The Legislature intends that the Dixie Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Dixie Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.
The Legislature intends that the Dixie Applied Technology College be authorized to purchase a new vehicle for its motor pool.
Item 140
To Utah College of Applied Technology - Mountainland Applied Technology CollegeFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Mountainland Applied Technology College
The Legislature intends that the Mountainland Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Mountainland Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.
Item 141
To Utah College of Applied Technology - Ogden/Weber Applied Technology CollegeFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Ogden/Weber Applied Technology College
The Legislature intends that the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.
Item 142
To Utah College of Applied Technology - Southwest Applied Technology CollegeFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Southwest Applied Technology College
The Legislature intends that the Southwest Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Southwest Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.
Item 143
To Utah College of Applied Technology - Tooele Applied Technology CollegeFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Tooele Applied Technology College
The Legislature intends that the Tooele Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Tooele Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.
Item 144
To Utah College of Applied Technology - Uintah Basin Applied Technology CollegeFrom General Fund
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Uintah Basin Applied Technology College
The Legislature intends that the Uintah Basin Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Uintah Basin Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.
The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Natural Resources
Item 145
To Department of Natural Resources - AdministrationDepartment of Natural Resources
Item 145
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services
The Legislature intends that the Department of Natural Resources work with the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst to identify ways to better optimize the resources of its financial operations and report to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Appropriations Subcommittee by November 30, 2015.
The Legislature intends that the Department of Natural Resources transfer $50,000 to the Bear Lake Commission to be expended only as a one-to-one match with funds from the State of Idaho.
The Legislature intends that the Department of Natural Resources continue to facilitate and staff the Executive Water Task Force.
Item 146
To Department of Natural Resources - Species ProtectionFrom General Fund Restricted - Species Protection
Schedule of Programs:
Species Protection
The Legislature intends that the Utah Lake Commission present specific long-term funding plans for the carp-removal efforts during the 2016 General Session.
Item 147
To Department of Natural Resources - DNR Pass ThroughFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management
Schedule of Programs:
DNR Pass Through
The Legislature intends that the "Jordan River/Utah Lake Improvements" funding request be contingent upon a 3-to-1 match with non-state funds.
Item 148
To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State LandsFrom General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management
Schedule of Programs:
Fire Management
Program Delivery
Project Management
The Legislature intends that the $250,000 for Bear Lake Access be contingent upon at least a 50% match from other state and/or local sources.
The Legislature intends that the $50,000 for Jordan River bank stabilization be contingent upon a one-to-one match from non-state sources.
The Legislature intends that the $250,000 for LiDAR for Northern Utah be contingent upon a one-to-one match from other state, federal, and/or local sources.
Item 149
To Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas and MiningFrom General Fund Restricted - Oil & Gas Conservation Account
Schedule of Programs:
Oil and Gas Program
Item 150
To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife ResourcesFrom General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Habitat
From General Fund Restricted - Predator Control Account
Schedule of Programs:
Habitat Section
Wildlife Section
Aquatic Section
Item 151
To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and RecreationFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Park Management Contracts
The Legislature intends that the $50,000 appropriation increase for This Is the Place Heritage Park be transferred to the park only after the park has received matching funds of at least $50,000 from Salt Lake City and at least $50,000 from Salt Lake County.
Item 152
To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation Capital BudgetFrom General Fund, One-time
From General Fund Restricted - State Park Fees
Schedule of Programs:
Renovation and Development
Item 153
To Department of Natural Resources - Utah Geological SurveyFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Geologic Hazards
Item 154
To Department of Natural Resources - Water ResourcesFrom General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Item 155
To Department of Natural Resources - Water RightsFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Field Services
The Legislature intends that the Division of Water Rights work with the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst to realign its appropriations unit structure to better match its operations.
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 156
To Department of Environmental Quality - Executive Director's OfficeItem 156
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director's Office
Item 157
To Department of Environmental Quality - Air QualityFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Air Quality
The Legislature intends that the Division of Air Quality purchase one new vehicle through the Division of Fleet Operations.
Item 158
To Department of Environmental Quality - Radiation ControlFrom Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Radiation Control
The Legislature intends that, if Senate Bill 244 passes, upon closing FY 2015, all nonlapsing balances for the Division of Radiation Control and for the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste be established as beginning nonlapsing balances for the new Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control.
Item 159
To Department of Environmental Quality - Water QualityFrom General Fund, One-time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Water Quality
Item 160
To Department of Environmental Quality - Solid and Hazardous WasteThe Legislature intends that, if Senate Bill 244 passes, upon closing FY 2015, all nonlapsing balances for the Division of Radiation Control and for the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste be established as beginning nonlapsing balances for the new Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control.
Item 161
To Department of Environmental Quality - Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-road TechnologyFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-road Technology
Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office
Item 162
To Public Lands Policy Coordinating OfficeItem 162
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management
Schedule of Programs:
Public Lands Office
Item 163
To Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office - Commission for Stewardship of Public LandsFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Commission for Stewardship of Public Lands
Item 164
To Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office - Public Lands LitigationFrom General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Public Lands Litigation
Governor's Office
Item 165
To Governor's Office - Office of Energy DevelopmentItem 165
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Energy Development
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 166
To Department of Agriculture and Food - AdministrationItem 166
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
General Administration
Chemistry Laboratory
Item 167
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Animal HealthFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Animal Health
Brand Inspection
Meat Inspection
Item 168
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Plant IndustryFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Environmental Quality
Grain Inspection
Insect Infestation
Plant Industry
Grazing Improvement Program
Item 169
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Regulatory ServicesFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Regulatory Services
Item 170
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Marketing and DevelopmentFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Marketing and Development
Item 171
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Resource ConservationFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Federal Funds
From Agriculture Resource Development Fund
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Resource Conservation Administration
Resource Conservation
Item 172
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Rangeland ImprovementFrom General Fund Restricted - Rangeland Improvement Account
Schedule of Programs:
Rangeland Improvement
Item 173
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Utah State Fair CorporationFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
State Fair Corporation
School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
Item 174
To School and Institutional Trust Lands AdministrationItem 174
From Land Grant Management Fund
From Land Grant Management Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Oil and Gas
Item 175
To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration - Land Stewardship and RestorationFrom Land Grant Management Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Land Stewardship and Restoration
Item 176
To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration - School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration CapitalFrom Land Grant Management Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Retirement and Independent Entities
Utah Education and Telehealth Network
Item 177
To Utah Education and Telehealth Network - Utah Education NetworkUtah Education and Telehealth Network
Item 177
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Technical Services
Statewide Data Alliance
Utah Telehealth Network
Executive Appropriations
Utah National Guard
Item 178
To Utah National GuardUtah National Guard
Item 178
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
The Legislature intends that the Utah National Guard be allowed to increase its vehicle fleet by three vehicles for operations and maintenance if funding for the vehicles comes from appropriated federal funds.
Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs
Item 179
To Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs - Veterans' and Military AffairsItem 179
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Outreach Services
Military Affairs
The Legislature intends that the Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs be allowed to increase its vehicle fleet by two vehicles for nursing home operations if funding for the vehicles comes from nursing home per diem payments.
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 180
To Capitol Preservation BoardItem 180
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 181
To Legislature - SenateItem 181
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Item 182
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Item 183
To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Auditor GeneralFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Item 184
To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Fiscal AnalystFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Administration and Research
Item 185
To Legislature - Legislative PrintingFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Item 186
To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General CounselFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
The Legislature intends that the Legislative Management Committee study by its October 2015 interim meeting the long term viability of the State Fairpark in its current location.
Item 187
To Legislature - Legislative ServicesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Subsection 1(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts. The Legislature has reviewed the following expendable funds. Where applicable, the Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts among funds and accounts as indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the recipient funds or accounts may be made without further legislative action according to a fund or account's applicable authorizing statute.
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 188
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - General Fund Restricted - Industrial Assistance AccountGovernor's Office of Economic Development
Item 188
The Legislature intends that up to $4,000,000 of the Industrial Assistance Fund allocation to economic opportunities be allowed as incentive for a television series.
Social Services
Department of Health
Item 189
To Department of Health - Traumatic Brain Injury FundDepartment of Health
Item 189
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Traumatic Brain Injury Fund
Department of Workforce Services
Item 190
To Department of Workforce Services - Permanent Community Impact FundItem 190
The Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measures for the Permanent Community Impact Fund line item: (1) 100% of new receipts will be invested in communities annually, (2) employ up to 5 rural planners to determine needs and impacts of infrastructure development in rural Utah, and (3) staff and board will meet at least three times per year with representatives of each partnering sector by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Item 191
To Department of Workforce Services - Intermountain Weatherization Training FundThe Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measures for the Intermountain Weatherization Training Fund line item: (1) Number of Private Individuals trained each year (Target => 20), (2) Number of Private Individuals receiving training certifications (Target => 20), and (3) Number of Subgrantees trained each year (Target => 40) by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Item 192
To Department of Workforce Services - Navajo Revitalization FundThe Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measures for the Navajo Revitalization Fund line item: (1) Allocate new and re-allocated funds within one year to improve the quality of life for those living on the Utah portion of the Navajo Reservation (Target = $4.57 million allocated) and (2) Improve the housing stock on the Navajo Reservation by investing in new and improved sanitary housing (Target = $3.0 million invested) by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Item 193
To Department of Workforce Services - Olene Walker Housing Loan FundFrom General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund
The Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measures for the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund line item: (1) Housing units preserved or created (Target = 800), (2) Construction jobs preserved or created (Target = 1,200), and (3) Leveraging of other funds in each project to Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund monies (Target = 9:1) by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
The Legislature intends any location for permanent supportive housing to be considered will go through a site evaluation process in cooperation with Salt Lake City and with local ordinances considered as part of that analysis. No locations for permanent supportive housing have been approved for funding based solely on presentations made to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Item 194
To Department of Workforce Services - Qualified Emergency Food Agencies FundThe Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measure for the Qualified Emergency Food Agencies Fund line item - distribute, on a first come, first served basis, the sales tax rebates to qualifying food pantries (Target = 100%) by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Item 195
To Department of Workforce Services - Uintah Basin Revitalization FundThe Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measure for the Uintah Basin Revitalization Fund line item: allocate new and re-allocated funds within one year to improve the quality of life for those living in the Uintah Basin (Target = $8.4 million allocated) by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 196
To Department of Environmental Quality - Hazardous Substance Mitigation FundDepartment of Environmental Quality
Item 196
From General Fund Restricted - Environmental Quality
Schedule of Programs:
Hazardous Substance Mitigation Fund
Executive Appropriations
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 197
To Capitol Preservation Board - State Capitol Restricted Special Revenue FundCapitol Preservation Board
Item 197
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
State Capitol Fund
Subsection 1(c). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal Service Fund the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds as indicated estimated revenue from rates, fees, and other charges. Where applicable, the Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts among funds and accounts as indicated.
Infrastructure and General Government
Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
Item 198
To Department of Administrative Services - Division of FinanceDepartment of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
Item 198
The Legislature intends that the Finance Internal Service Fund Consolidated Budget & Accounting Program may add up to two FTE if new customers or tasks come on line. Any added FTE will be reviewed and may be approved by the Legislature in the next legislative session.
Item 199
To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Purchasing and General ServicesAuthorized Capital Outlay
Item 200
To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Fleet OperationsBudgeted FTE
The Legislature intends that the Division of Fleet Operations discontinue charging agencies a flat rate for fuel, and that the fuel pass-through charged by the Division be actual cost as reflected in Senate Bill 8, State Agency Fees and Internal Service Fund Rate Authorization and Appropriations.
Item 201
To Department of Administrative Services - Risk ManagementBudgeted FTE
Item 202
To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Facilities Construction and Management - Facilities ManagementAuthorized Capital Outlay
The Legislature intends that the DFCM Internal Service Fund may add up to three FTEs and up to two vehicles beyond the authorized level if new facilities come on line or maintenance agreements are requested. Any added FTEs or vehicles will be reviewed and may be approved by the Legislature in the next legislative session.
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 203
To Department of Environmental Quality - Water Security Development Account - Water PollutionDepartment of Environmental Quality
Item 203
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Water Pollution
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 204
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Agriculture Loan ProgramsItem 204
From Agriculture Rural Development Loan Fund
From Utah Rural Rehabilitation Loan State Fund
Subsection 1(d). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts among the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the recipient funds must be authorized elsewhere in an appropriations act.
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Fund and Account Transfers
Item 205
To Fund and Account Transfers - GFR - Tourism Marketing Performance FundFund and Account Transfers
Item 205
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-time
Schedule of Programs:
GFR - Tourism Marketing Performance Fund
Social Services
Fund and Account Transfers
Item 206
To Fund and Account Transfers - GFR - Homeless AccountFund and Account Transfers
Item 206
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund Restricted - Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account
The Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services report on the following performance measures for the Fund and Account Transfers to the Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account: (1) homeless providers funded by the State (except domestic violence shelter providers) will utilize the Centralized Client Intake and Coordinated Assessment System (Target => 80%), and (2) complete by scheduled date the statewide report of homeless demographics and conditions by county (Target = November 1) by January 1, 2016 to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Item 207
To Fund and Account Transfers - State Endowment FundFrom General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account
Schedule of Programs:
State Endowment Fund
Subsection 1(e). Capital Project Funds. The Legislature has reviewed the following capital project funds. Where applicable, the Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts among funds and accounts as indicated.
Infrastructure and General Government
Item 208
To Transportation - Transportation Investment Fund of 2005Transportation
Item 208
From Transportation Fund
From Designated Sales Tax
Schedule of Programs:
Transportation Investment Fund
Section 2. Effective Date.
This bill takes effect on July 1, 2015.
Bill Status / Votes
• Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
Date | Action | Location | Vote |
3/8/2015 | Bill Numbered but not Distributed | Legislative Research and General Counsel | |
3/8/2015 | Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed | Legislative Research and General Counsel | |
3/8/2015 | LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input | Legislative Research and General Counsel | |
3/9/2015 | Senate/ received bill from Legislative Research | Waiting for Introduction in the Senate | |
3/9/2015 | LFA/ fiscal note publicly available | Waiting for Introduction in the Senate | |
3/9/2015 | Senate/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst | Waiting for Introduction in the Senate | |
3/9/2015 | Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) | Senate Rules Committee | |
3/9/2015 | Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar | Senate 2nd Reading Calendar | |
3/9/2015 (9:44:58 AM) | Senate/ 2nd & 3rd readings/ suspension | Senate 2nd Reading Calendar | |
3/9/2015 (9:45:17 AM) | Senate/ circled | Senate 2nd Reading Calendar | Voice vote |
3/9/2015 (2:53:54 PM) | Senate/ uncircled | Senate 2nd Reading Calendar | Voice vote |
3/9/2015 (2:55:46 PM) | Senate/ passed 2nd & 3rd readings/ suspension | Clerk of the House | 27 0 2 |
3/9/2015 (2:55:47 PM) | Senate/ to House | Clerk of the House | |
3/9/2015 | House/ received from Senate | Clerk of the House | |
3/9/2015 | House/ 1st reading (Introduced) | House Rules Committee | |
3/9/2015 | House/ Rules to 3rd Reading Calendar | House 3rd Reading Calendar for Senate bills | |
3/9/2015 | House/ 2nd suspended | House 3rd Reading Calendar for Senate bills | |
3/10/2015 (5:31:19 PM) | House/ 3rd reading | House 3rd Reading Calendar for Senate bills | |
3/10/2015 (5:35:04 PM) | House/ passed 3rd reading | House Speaker | 73 0 2 |
3/10/2015 (5:35:06 PM) | House/ to Senate | Senate President | |
3/10/2015 (5:39:00 PM) | House/ motion to reconsider | Clerk of the House | Voice vote |
3/10/2015 (5:40:44 PM) | House/ floor amendment # 1 | House 3rd Reading Calendar for Senate bills | Voice vote |
3/10/2015 (5:43:01 PM) | House/ passed 3rd reading | Senate Secretary | 75 0 0 |
3/10/2015 (5:43:03 PM) | House/ to Senate | Senate Secretary | |
3/10/2015 (7:32:16 PM) | Senate/ received from House | Senate Secretary | |
3/10/2015 (7:32:17 PM) | Senate/ placed on Concurrence Calendar | Senate Concurrence Calendar | |
3/11/2015 (10:26:28 AM) | Senate/ circled | Senate Concurrence Calendar | Voice vote |
3/11/2015 (11:47:17 AM) | Senate/ uncircled | Senate Concurrence Calendar | Voice vote |
3/11/2015 (11:49:51 AM) | Senate/ concurs with House amendment | House Speaker | 24 0 5 |
3/11/2015 | House/ signed by Speaker/ returned to Senate | Senate President | |
3/11/2015 (11:49:52 AM) | Senate/ to House | House Speaker | |
3/11/2015 | Senate/ received from House | Senate President | |
3/11/2015 | Senate/ signed by President/ sent for enrolling | Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling | |
3/11/2015 | Bill Received from Senate for Enrolling | Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling | |
3/20/2015 | Draft of Enrolled Bill Prepared | Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling | |
3/20/2015 | Enrolled Bill Returned to House or Senate | Senate Secretary | |
3/20/2015 | Senate/ enrolled bill to Printing | Senate Secretary | |
3/23/2015 | Senate/ received enrolled bill from Printing | Senate Secretary | |
3/23/2015 | Senate/ to Governor | Executive Branch - Governor | |
4/1/2015 | Governor Signed | Lieutenant Governor's office for filing |
Committee Hearings/Floor Debate
- Floor Debates
- Senate Floor Audio, Day 42 (3/9/2015) [SB 2 -New Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations Act, Hillyard, circled]
- Senate Floor Audio, Day 42 (3/9/2015) [SB 2 -New Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations Act, Hillyard, passed]
- House Floor Audio, Day 43 (3/10/2015) [SB2]
- House Floor Audio, Day 43 (3/10/2015) [SB2]
- Senate Floor Audio, Day 44 (3/11/2015) [SB 2-New Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations Act, Hillyard, circled]
- Senate Floor Audio, Day 44 (3/11/2015) [SB 2 -New Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations Act, Hillyard, uncircled, concurred, passed]