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House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee - February 08, 2022
120 Senate Building
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Chair Stratton called the meeting to order at 2:24:13 PM.
Rep. Snider moved to approve the minutes.
H.B. 166 Water Facility Amendments
(Watkins, C.)
Rep. Watkins presented the bill and responded to questions from the committee.
Taz Biesinger, Lobbyist, Utah Home Builders Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
Garrick Hall, Lobbyist, Utah Farm Bureau, spoke in favor of the bill.
Rep. Chew moved to replace H.B. 166 with 1st Substitute H.B. 166.
Rep. Chew moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 166 out favorably.
H.C.R. 4 Concurrent Resolution Encouraging Protection of Archaeological Sites
(Kwan, K.)
Rep. Karen Kwan presented the bill.
Rep. Lyman moved to replace H.C.R. 4 with 1st Substitute H.C.R. 4.
Christopher Merritt, Historic Preservation Officer, Utah Division of State History, expanded on the bill.
Rep. Hawkes moved to pass 1st Substitute H.C.R. 4 out favorably with further discussion and thanks from the committee.
H.B. 92 Transportation of Dogs Act
(Matthews, A.)
Rep. Ashlee Matthews presented the bill with assistance of Rachel Heatley, Humane Society of Utah. They responded to questions from the committee.
Transportation of Dogs Act Document 1
Transportation of Dogs Act Document 2
Ashlee Miller, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Abbey Benesh, attorney, Humane Society of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill.
Rep. Briscoe moved to go to the next item on the agenda with further discussion from the committee.
H.B. 240 Utah Lake Amendments
(Stratton, K.)
Vice Chair Kohler assumed the chair.
Chair Stratton presented the bill and responded to questions from the committee.
Craig Christensen, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Jay Larsen, member of the public, commented on the bill.
Ben Abbott, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill and provided pamphlets for the committee and the public.
Utah Lake: An Ecosystem in Recovery
Sierra Lowe, member of the public, spoke against the bill.
James Mooney, Timpanogos Nation, spoke against the bill.
Kaye Nelson, Conserve Utah Valley, spoke in favor of the bill.
Logan Millsap, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Te Anu Tonga, member of the public, commented on the bill.
Leah Hansen, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Devon Lowe, member of the public, commented on the bill.
Peggy Climenson, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Elizabeth Currit, member of the public and student, spoke in favor of the bill.
Jeff Hartley, Lake Restoration Solutions, commented on the bill.
Richard F., member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Lynn Carroll, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Christi Leman, Mormon Women for Ethical Government, spoke in favor of the bill.
Ron Madson, owner, Lindon Marina, commented on the bill.
Mark Allen, Protect and Preserve American Fork Canyon, spoke in favor of the bill.
Tara Bishop, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Sarah Rushforth, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Rep. Snider moved to replace H.B. 240 with 1st Substitute H.B. 240.
Rep. Snider moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 240 out favorably with further discussion from the committee.
Chair Stratton resumed the chair.
H.B. 242 Secondary Water Metering Amendments
(Peterson, V.)
Rep. Val Peterson presented the bill with assistance of Brian Steed, Executive Director, Utah Department of Natural Resources. They responded to questions from the committee.
Scott Paxman, General Manager, Weber Basin Water Conservancy District, spoke in favor of the bill and responded to a question from the committee.
Jake Ferguson, General Manager, South Davis Water Department, spoke against the bill and shared a handout with the committee.
HB242 CRS Engineers Report
Rick Smith, General Manager, Davis and Weber Counties Canal Company, spoke against the bill.
Rodney Hill, Haights Creek Irrigation, spoke against the bill.
Molly Wheeler, Policy Director, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke against the bill.
Clint Morris, Layton City Council, spoke against the bill.
Rep. Hawkes moved to pass H.B. 242 out favorably with further discussion from the committee.
S.B. 69 Animal Shelter Revisions
(Hinkins, D.)
Sen. David Hinkins presented the bill with assistance of Sundays Hunt, Utah State Director, Humane Society of the United States. They responded to questions from the committee.
Lindsay Ortega, Executive Director, Nuzzles and Co., spoke in favor of the bill.
Jamie Johansen, Salt Lake County Animal Services, spoke in favor of the bill.
George Chapman, member of the public, spoke in favor of the bill.
Mike Smith, sheriff, Utah Sheriff Association, spoke against the bill.
Nathan Curtis, sheriff, Sevier County, spoke against the bill.
Rep. Bennion moved to go to the next item on the agenda and had further discussion to the bill.
S.B. 72 ATV Weight Limit Amendments
(Hinkins, D.)
Sen. Hinkins presented the bill, shared a document with the committee, and responded to a question from the committee.
SB72 ATV Weight Limit Amendments
Rep. Handy moved to pass S.B. 72 out favorably.
Rep. Handy moved to adjourn.
Chair Stratton adjourned the meeting at 6:12:40 PM.
H.B. 166 Water Facility Amendments
H.B. 166 Water Facility Amendments
H.C.R. 4 Concurrent Resolution Calling for Protection of Archaeological Sites
H.C.R. 4 Concurrent Resolution Calling for Protection of Archaeological Sites
H.B. 92 Transportation of Dogs Act
H.B. 92 Transportation of Dogs Act
H.B. 240 Utah Lake Amendments
H.B. 240 Utah Lake Amendments
H.B. 242 Secondary Water Metering Amendments
H.B. 242 Secondary Water Metering Amendments
S.B. 69 Animal Shelter Revisions
S.B. 69 Animal Shelter Revisions
S.B. 72 Atv Weight Limit Amendments
S.B. 72 Atv Weight Limit Amendments
CRS Engineers Report
CRS Engineers Report
HB242 CRS Engineers Report
HB242 CRS Engineers Report
SB72 ATV Weight Limit Amendments
SB72 ATV Weight Limit Amendments
SB72 ATV Weight Limit Amendments
SB72 ATV Weight Limit Amendments
Transportation of Dogs Act Document 1
Transportation of Dogs Act Document 1
Transportation of Dogs Act Document 2
Transportation of Dogs Act Document 2
Utah Lake: An Ecosystem in Recovery
Utah Lake: An Ecosystem in Recovery
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