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House Political Subdivisions Committee - March 08, 2016
415 State Capitol
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- 2nd Sub. S.B. 188 Higher Education Capital Facilities
- 1st Sub. S.B. 232 Rescue Medication in Schools
- S.B. 239 School Governance Amendments
- S.B. 228 Multicounty Assessing and Collecting Levy Amendments
- 1st Sub. S.B. 222 Professional Licensing Amendments
- S.C.R. 19 Concurrent Resolution on Education
- S.C.R. 18 Concurrent Resolution Designating Official Hashtag for the State of Utah
- S.C.R. 16 Concurrent Resolution on Utah's Vision for Enduring Contribution to the Common Defense
- S.C.R. 14 Concurrent Resolution Designating Utah Broadcasters Awareness Week
Recording 1 - Low Quality
Recording 2 - Low Quality
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