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Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee - February 07, 2017
415 State Capitol
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Chair Ipson called the meeting to order at 3:09 p.m.
Sen. Dayton moved to approve the minutes for January 26 and 31. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-4. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Iwamoto J, Thatcher D Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Knudson P
S.B. 178 Military Installation Development Authority Amendments
(Stevenson, J.)
Sen. Thatcher moved to amend S.B. 178 with Amendment #1. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-4. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Iwamoto J, Thatcher D Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Knudson P
Sen. Stevenson explained the bill.
Sen. Dayton moved to pass S.B. 178 out favorably as amended. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Iwamoto J, Knudson P, Thatcher D Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Hinkins D
Sen. Dayton moved to place S.B. 178 as amended on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Iwamoto J, Knudson P, Thatcher D Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Hinkins D
S.B. 152 Municipal Mayoral Term Amendments
(Iwamoto, J.)
Sen. Iwamoto moved to replace S.B. 152 with 1st Substitute S.B. 152. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Iwamoto J, Knudson P, Thatcher D Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Hinkins D
Sen. Iwamoto explained the bill.
Jeff Silvestrini, Mayor Millcreek, spoke in favor of the bill.
Cameron Diehl, Director Government Relations, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke in favor of the bill.
Sen. Iwamoto moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 152 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Iwamoto J, Knudson P, Thatcher D Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Hinkins D
Sen. Thatcher moved to place 1st Substitute S.B. 152 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Iwamoto J, Knudson P, Thatcher D Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Hinkins D
S.C.R. 7 Concurrent Resolution Urging the Postmaster General to Issue a Commemorative Postage Stamp
(Iwamoto, J.)
Sen. Iwamoto explained the bill.
Sen. Escamilla moved to pass S.C.R. 7 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-0. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Adams J S, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P, Thatcher D
S.B. 179 Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week
(Adams, J. S.)
Sen Adams explained the bill.
Sen. Adams moved to pass S.B. 179 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-1. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Adams J S, Dayton M, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P, Thatcher D Absent or not voting was: Escamilla L
Sen. Adams moved to place S.B. 179 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-1. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Adams J S, Dayton M, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P, Thatcher D Absent or not voting was: Escamilla L
S.B. 56 Animal Shelter Amendments
(Knudson, P.)
Sen. Knudson explained the bill.
Sundays Hunt, Utah State Director, Humane Society United States, spoke for the bill.
Gene Baierschmidt, Executive Director, Humane Society of Utah, spoke for the bill.
Spencer Conover, Humane Society, spoke in favor of the bill.
Chloe Randall, citizen, spoke in favor of the bill.
Lynn Anderson, citizen, spoke in favor of the bill.
Melinda Thornton, citizen, spoke in favor of the bill.
Kris Nicholl, Sandy City, spoke in favor of the bill.
Wendy Lavitt, Nuzzles and Co. Pet Rescue, spoke in favor of the bill.
Sen. Knudson moved to pass S.B. 56 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-2-0. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Adams J S, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Iwamoto J, Knudson P Voting in the negative were: Hinkins D, Thatcher D
S.B. 138 Metro Township Amendments
(Mayne, K.)
Sen. Mayne explained the bill with assistance from Steve Perry, Kerns Metro Township Council and Barry Conover, Executive Director, Utah State State Tax Commission.
Sen. Iwamoto moved to amend S.B. 138 with Amendment #1. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Thatcher D
Jeff Siilvestrini, Mayor, Millcreek City, spoke in favor of the bill.
Sen. Iwamoto moved to pass S.B. 138 out favorably as amended. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Thatcher D
H.B. 86 Inactive Voter Amendments
(Hall, C.)
Rep. Hall explained the bill.
Justin Lee, Deputy Director of Elections, Lieutenant Governor's Office, spoke to the bill.
Ricky Hatch, Clerk/Auditor, Weber County, spoke in favor of the bill.
Justin Lee responded to questions.
Sen. Dayton moved to pass HB 86 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Thatcher D
Sen. Dayton moved to place HB 86 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Thatcher D
H.B. 135 Deposit of Public Funds
(Gardiner, A.)
Rep. Gardiner explained the bill.
Sen. Iwamoto moved to pass H.B.135 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Thatcher D
Sen. Iwamoto moved to place H.B. 135 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Thatcher D
Sen. Hinkins moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. Voting in the affirmative were: Ipson D, Dayton M, Escamilla L, Hinkins D, Iwamoto J, Knudson P Absent or not voting were: Adams J S, Thatcher D
Chair Ipson adjourned the meeting at 4:27 p.m.
S.B. 152 Municipal Mayoral Term Amendments
S.B. 152 Municipal Mayoral Term Amendments
S.C.R. 7 Concurrent Resolution Urging the Postmaster General to Issue a Commemorative Postage Stamp
S.C.R. 7 Concurrent Resolution Urging the Postmaster General to Issue a Commemorative Postage Stamp
S.B. 178 Military Installation Development Authority Amendments
S.B. 178 Military Installation Development Authority Amendments
S.B. 179 Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week
S.B. 179 Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week
S.B. 56 Animal Shelter Amendments
S.B. 56 Animal Shelter Amendments
S.B. 138 Metro Township Amendments
S.B. 138 Metro Township Amendments
H.B. 86 Inactive Voter Amendments
H.B. 86 Inactive Voter Amendments
H.B. 135 Deposit of Public Funds
H.B. 135 Deposit of Public Funds
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