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- HB21 Intergenerational Poverty Plan Implementation Program Extension, Anderegg
- HB46 Arts and Museums Revisions, Hinkins
- HB36 Election Amendments, Weiler
- 1SB27 Attorney General Reporting Requirements, Weiler
- SB59 Daylight Saving Time Amendments, Harper
- SB62 Reauthorization of Administrative Rules, Anderegg
- SJR3 Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution -- Annual General Sessions of the Legislature, Millner
- 1SJR6 Joint Rules Resolution - Conflict of Interest Disclosure, Iwamoto
- SB53 Global Intangible Low Taxed Income Amendments, Fillmore
- 1SB44 Limited Support Services Waiver Amendments, Hemmert
- SB62 Reauthorization of Administrative Rules, Anderegg
- 1SB65 Child Welfare Amendments, Harper
- SB53 Global Intangible Low Taxed Income Amendments, Fillmore
- 1SB67 Disposition of Fetal Remains, Bramble
- 2SB67 Disposition of Fetal Remains, Bramble
- SB54 Mobile Home Amendments, Mayne
- SB58 Uniform Athlete Agents Act Amendments, Hillyard
- 1SB68 Mental Health Counselor Licensing Amendments, Weiler
- 2SB68 Mental Health Counselor Licensing Amendments, Weiler