FY 1997 Appropriations Report - Commerce and Revenue

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Commerce and Revenue

New Committee

    The Legislature changed the Business, Labor, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Committee by moving Agriculture to the Natural Resources Committee, Environmental Quality to the newly named Transportation and Environmental Quality Committee, and adding the Tax Commission. The new committee is named Commerce and Revenue. These and other changes are designed to increase the amount of time devoted to examining capital facilities.

Funding Increase

    Appropriation of total General and Uniform School Fund has increased by 3.27 percent. This takes funding from $44,928,400 to $46,395,400 in these critical state funds. Total funding from all sources is $131,113,300.

Budget Highlights by Department

Alcoholic Beverage Control

  •      The Legislature added $162,000 in one-time Liquor Control Funds to purchase warehouse equipment: scissor lift, 8 24-volt pallet jacks, cherry picker, push-pull, fork lift clamp, and six regular pallet jacks.

  •      The Legislature added $46,000 in one-time Liquor Control Funds to purchase 17 Pentium class personal computers to replace aged and inadequate equipment.

  •      The Legislature appropriated an additional $43,600 in Liquor Control Funds to pay for a 4 percent COLA for Type III package agencies.

  •      The Legislature eliminated the Citizens' Council on Alcoholic Beverage Control.


  •      The Legislature added $32,000 in Liquor Control Funds to FY 1996 to help pay Moab store rent.


  • .     The Legislature added $82,000 from the General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund for the Architects Education program.

  •      The Legislature added $27,900 from the General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund to pay for an additional Licensing Technologist for the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.

  •      To implement House Bill 9, "Endowment Care Cemetery Amendments," the Legislature subtracted $600 in General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund.

  •      To implement House Bill 414, "Franchise Act for Vehicle Dealers," the Legislature added $32,800 in General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund.

  •      To implement Senate Bill 42, "Motor Carrier Deregulation," the Legislature subtracted $138,600 in General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund.


  •      The Legislature appropriated $98,000 from the General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund in FY 1996 for building inspector training.

    Employment Security

  •      To implement House Bill 63, "Employment Security Act Amendments," the Legislature added $124,000 in Employment Security Trust Funds.

    Industrial Commission

  •      The Legislature added $48,400 from the General Fund to pay for an additional Programmer/Analyst III.

  •      The Legislature added $10,000 from the General Fund to pay for major software program maintenance.

  •      The Legislature added $35,000 in General Fund to the base budget for computer replacements.

  •      The Legislature added $12,000 in one-time General Fund for computer replacements.

  •      The Legislature added $20,000 in one-time General Fund for new LAN Servers.

  •      The Legislature increased the appropriation for safety programs from the General Fund Restricted-Workforce Safety Fund from the original estimate of $530,400 to $1,000,000, added four FTEs and this intent statement:

        It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation from GFR-Workplace Safety be spent one-third for Consultation, one-third for Media, and one-third for Other Safety Programs.

  •      To implement Senate Bill 294, "Utah Antidiscriminatory Act Amendments," the Legislature added $42,600 in General Fund for an additional FTE.


  •      In the Second Special Session, the Legislature made a one-time appropriation of $49,000 from the General Fund for contracted safety programs.


  •      The Legislature added $40,000 in General Fund for an additional LAN Administrator.

  •      The reduction in funding to the Department is due to the passage of House Bill 305, "Health System Improvement Act", 1995 General Session. In response, the Legislature eliminated funding for the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool. Current non-lapsing fund balances are expected to maintain the program through the transition period.

        Tax Commission

  •      Paper costs have increased dramatically and the Legislature appropriated an additional $34,000 in General Fund to help.

  •      The Legislature appropriated an additional $300,000 in General Fund to pay for increased data processing costs.

  •      The Legislature appropriated an additional $37,800 from Dedicated Credits to pay for another FTE in the Motor Vehicle Enforcement clerical staff.

  •      The Tax Commission wants to modernize by reengineering, and automating all major functions. This should result in fewer FTEs for the Commission and increased collections for the State. It is an expensive ($20-$30 million) multi-year program called UTAX. They have already received funding to develop a plan. They hope to fund the program through "benefits based funding". This means that they will be given permission to use increased revenues and expense savings to pay for the modernization. To that end the Legislature passed the following intent:

        It is the intent of the Legislature that:

        1. The Tax Commission may contract with private vendors to develop and implement the Tax Commission modernization project.

        2. Using appropriated funds the Tax Commission will develop a detailed modernization plan. Once the detailed plan is complete and prior to implementation, the Tax Commission will present the plan to the Interim Executive Appropriations Committee.

        3. The Tax Commission may use revenues collected as a result of the modernization project, that would not have been collected but for the modernization project, to pay costs directly related to the modernization project.

        4. The Tax Commission will provide an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature of the revenues generated as a result of the modernization project that would not have been collected but for the project, and the expenses incurred that are directly related to the project.


  •      The Legislature appropriated $1,300,000 from the General Fund Restricted - Sales and Use Tax Administrative Fees Account for UTAX in FY 1996 and added this intent:

        It is the intent of the legislature that the $1,300,000 appropriated from the General Fund Restricted- Sales and Use Tax Administrative Fees Account for UTAX shall be non-lapsing.

  •      To implement House Bill 249, "Recycling Market Development Zones," the Legislature added $12,000 in General Fund.

  •      To implement House Bill 461, "Tax Law Amendments," the Legislature added $50,000 in General Fund.

  •      To implement House Bill 423, "Application of Law Enforcement Salary Change," the Legislature added $76,300 in Uniform School Fund.

  •      To implement Senate Bill 11," Public Safety Retirement Interest," the Legislature added $300 in General Fund and $700 in Dedicated Credits.

    Utility Regulation

  •      The Legislature appropriated an additional $30,000 in General Fund to the Public Service Commission for LAN maintenance.

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