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FY 1997 Appropriations Report - Natural Resources

     The total FY 1997 appropriation of $134,722,300 for the Departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration is a decrease of 1.7 percent from estimated expenditures in FY 1996. The General Fund appropriation of $48,682,400 is an increase of 27.3 percent. The appropriations and legislative intent for the Departments and Divisions are outlined below.

Department of Agriculture

    The Department of Agriculture is responsible for the administration of the laws that are related to agricultural activities, as outlined in Title 3 and Title 4 of the Utah Code Annotated, 1953. The laws provide for inspection and regulatory functions and emphasize the promotion of the agricultural industry. The total appropriation for the Department for FY 1997 is $12,381,800 which reflects a 2 percent decrease from the estimated level of expenditures for FY 1996. The General Fund appropriation of $8,202,400 is a 12 percent increase.

(See Table 31 for Program Budgets and Table 32 for Plan of Financing for Natural Resources.)

    The FY 1997 appropriation includes the following increases:

    The Legislature approved the following items of intent language for FY 1997:

    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Agriculture prepare a study on the feasibility of prohibiting the commercial sale of Russian Olive trees.

    It is the intent of the Legislature that Resource Conservation funds be used for the expenses, travel reimbursement, and pay of Soil Conservation members and Soil Conservation supervisors as required by statute.

    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Soil Conservation Districts submit semi-annual reports documenting supervisory expenses to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, the Office of Planning and Budget, and the Soil Conservation Commission. It is also the intent of the Legislature that these documents are reviewed and reported to the Governor and the 1997 Legislature.

Department of Natural Resources

    The mission of the Department of Natural Resources is to conserve, protect, and develop the state's natural resources. The total appropriation for the Department for FY 1997 is $115,275,500 which reflects a 2.8 percent decrease from the estimated level of expenditures for FY 1996. The General Fund appropriation is $40,480,000, a 30.9 percent increase.

    The FY 1997 and FY 1996 supplemental appropriations include the following, by division:


Parks and Recreation

    The Legislature approved the following items of intent language for FY 1997:

    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Parks and Recreation focus on the need to prepare guidelines for inclusion of areas in the State Park system and that consideration of elimination of current park sites be made if that site fails to meet those guidelines.

    It is the intent of the Legislature to allow the Division of Parks and Recreation to spend any funds remaining from the original appropriation for Lampton Dam studies to develop interior state park trails. The non-lapsing nature of these funds shall remain unchanged.

    It is the intent of the Legislature that up to $30,000 be expended by the Division on fencing to surround Fremont Indian State Park.

    It is the intent of the Legislature that appropriations for Riverways and Trails be matched at least on a one-to-one basis by local funds.


Wildlife Resources

    The Legislature approved the following items of intent language for FY 1997:

    The Legislature intends that up to $500,000 of this budget may be used for big game depredation expense. The Legislature also intends that half of these funds shall be from the General Fund

Restricted - Wildlife Resources Account and half from the General Fund. This funding is intended to be non-lapsing.

    It is the intent of the Legislature that up to one-third of the revenue previously received in the Upland Game Stamp Account, collected in FY 1995, may be used in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture - Predator Control program to control predators on upland game habitat.

    The Legislature intends that the Division of Wildlife Resources lease as much of their land for grazing as is possible and still be consistent with the best big game practices.

    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Wildlife Resources report to the Natural Resources Appropriation Subcommittee a detailed listing of expenditures from the General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Habitat Account during the 1997 Legislative Session.

    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Wildlife Resources inform the Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee before acquisitions of real property are made public.

    It is the intent of the Legislature to allow the Division of Wildlife Resources to enter into cooperative agreements to purchase Animal Unit Months. Up to one-third of the funding may come from the State. But the remaining funding shall come from private sources. In this process there shall be no net loss of Animal Unit Months to domestic livestock.


    The Legislature approved the following items of intent language for FY 1996:

    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Natural Resources Motor Pool increase the fleet by four additional trucks for the use of the Division of Wildlife Resources, at a cost of $84,000.

    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Wildlife Resources be allowed to spend up to $1,130,000 for the renovation of fish hatcheries from the General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources Trust Account.

Water Resources