H.C.R. 5 Resolution Recognizing Military, President, and Congress' Role in War on Terrorism

Bill Sponsor:
Rep. Swallow, John E.
Floor Sponsor:

Sen. Valentine, John L.
  • CoSponsor(s):
        Aagard, D.  Adair, G.
        Alexander, J.  Allen, S.
        Anderson, E.  Arent, P.
        Barrus, R.  Beck, T.
        Becker, R.  Bennion, C.
        Beshear, C.  Bigelow, R.
        Bourdeaux, D.  Bowman, D.
        Bradshaw, A.  Bryson, K.
        Buffmire, J.  Bush, D.
        Buttars, C.  Clark, D.
        Clark, S.  Cox, D.
        Curtis, G.  Daniels, S.
        Dayton, M.  Dillree, M.
        Donnelson, G.  Duckworth, C.
        Ferrin, J.  Ferry, B.
        Fife, F.  Garn, K.
        Goodfellow, B.  Gowans, J.
        Hansen, N.  Harper, W.
        Hatch, T.  Hendrickson, N.
        Hogue, D.  Holdaway, K.
        Hutchings, E.  Johnson, B.
        Jones, P.  King, B.
        Litvack, D.  Lockhart, R.
        Mascaro, S.  McCartney, T.
        Morgan, K.  Moss, C.
        Murray, J.  Newbold, M.
        Parker, B.  Peterson, D.
        Philpot, J. M.  Ray, P.
        Saunders, C.  Seitz, J.
        Shurtliff, L.  Siddoway, R.
        Snow, G.  Stephens, M.
        Styler, M.  Thompson, M.
        Throckmorton, M.  Tyler, A. L.
        Ure, D.  Urquhart, S.
        Wallace, P.  Way, G.
        Winn, B.  Young, M.
  • Drafting Attorney: Carla M. Nielson

  • Related Documents

    • Information
      • Last Action: 15 Mar 2002, Governor Signed
      • Last Location: Executive Branch - Lieutenant Governor
      • Effective Date: 15 Mar 2002

    Bill Status / Votes
    • Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
    1/31/2002 Bill Numbered but not Distributed Legislative Research and General Counsel
    1/31/2002 Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed Legislative Research and General Counsel
    2/1/2002 House/ received bill from Legislative Research Waiting for Introduction in the House
    2/1/2002 House/ 1st reading (Introduced) House Rules Committee
    2/1/2002 House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst House Rules Committee
    2/4/2002 House/ to standing committee House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee
    2/7/2002 House Comm - Favorable Recommendation House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee9 0 3
    2/7/2002 House Comm - Consent Calendar Recommendation House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee
    2/7/2002 House/ comm rpt/ placed on Consent Calendar House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee
    2/7/2002 House/ 2nd reading House Consent Calendar
    2/25/2002 House/ 3rd reading House Consent Calendar
    2/25/2002 House/ motion, special order House Special Orders Calendar
    2/28/2002 House/ 3rd reading House Special Orders Calendar
    2/28/2002 House/ passed 3rd reading Senate Secretary70 0 5
    2/28/2002 House/ to Senate Senate Secretary
    2/28/2002 Senate/ received from House Waiting for Introduction in the Senate
    2/28/2002 Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) Senate Rules Committee
    3/4/2002 Senate/ Rules to calendar Senate 2nd Reading Calendar
    3/4/2002 Senate/ under suspension of the rules Senate 2nd Reading Calendar
    3/4/2002 Senate/ 2nd reading Senate 2nd Reading Calendar
    3/4/2002 Senate/ passed 2nd reading Senate 3rd Reading Calendar25 0 4
    3/5/2002 Senate/ 3rd reading Senate 3rd Reading Calendar
    3/5/2002 Senate/ passed 3rd reading Senate President24 0 5
    3/5/2002 Senate/ signed by President/ returned to House House Speaker
    3/5/2002 House/ received from Senate House Speaker
    3/5/2002 House/ signed by Speaker/ sent for enrolling Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
    3/5/2002 Bill Received from House for Enrolling Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
    3/11/2002 Draft of Enrolled Bill Prepared Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
    3/13/2002 Enrolled Bill Returned to House or Senate Clerk of the House
    3/14/2002 House/ to Governor Executive Branch - Governor
    3/15/2002 Governor Signed Executive Branch - Lieutenant Governor