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Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee - February 27, 2015
415 State Capitol
This meeting is not currently streaming.
- H.B. 234 Lobbyist Disclosure and Regulation Act Modifications
- H.B. 217 Uniformed Services Amendments
- 1st Sub. H.B. 120 Modifications to Election Law
- 1st Sub. H.B. 127 Local Land Use Amendments
- 1st Sub. H.B. 72 Ballot Publishing Amendments
- H.B. 220 Vote by Mail Amendments
- H.C.R. 5 Concurrent Resolution Regarding an Interlocal Agreement with Jordan River Commission
- H.B. 314 Money Management Act Amendments
- H.J.R. 13 Joint Resolution to End Unreported Federal Liabilities
- S.B. 197 Animal Shelter Amendments
Recording 1 - Low Quality
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