Fiscal Highlights - July 2016

EOCJ Interim Meeting Summary and Action - Gary R. Syphus ( PDF)

The Executive Offices and Criminal Justice (EOCJ) Appropriations Subcommittee met on July 14th at the Valley Emergency Communications Center in West Valley where the Utah Communications Authority (UCA) main office is located. 
  1. Utah Communications Authority Overview and Facility Tour - The Subcommittee met at the Valley Emergency Communications Center where they toured the dispatch center and data center which supports much of the 911 emergency calls and radio service to dispatch centers and emergency responders respectively. The UCA presented on developments and changes the UCA made in light of recent events regarding an issue that arose from a now terminated employee that admitted to misusing a corporate credit card/public funds. In addition, as they are newly assigned to the Subcommittee, the UCA gave a general overview of their primary objectives/mission, how they carry that out and some examples of what they have done. 
  2. Approval of Minutes - The Subcommittee approved six sets of minutes from the 2016 General Session. 
  3. Updates from the 2016 General Session - Staff updated the Subcommittee on recent developments surrounding the UCA including the Issue Brief presented at the Executive Appropriations Committee meeting in May and related recommendations that they adopted. Staff presented a summary of the final status of subcommittee budget priorities including what was funded and not funded by the Legislature. Staff and Representative Hutchings briefed the Subcommittee on the latest developments regarding the $2 million appropriation to the Department of Technology Service Funding for the Justice Reinvestment Initiative Information Technology Projects. The Subcommittee was also briefed by staff on changes to the Attorney General's office as it relates to billing changes made in the General Session. The Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) reported on the status of the Indigent Defense Commission including the appointment of the Commission, acquirement of office space, and the need to collect data in order to best deploy funds to assist in legal representation for indigent defendants.
  4. Fiscal Note/Budget Item Follow-up Report - The Legislative Fiscal Analyst Office (LFA) highlighted appropriation items from the Fiscal Note/Budget Item Follow-Up report across Corrections, Public Safety, Governor's Office, State Auditor, CCJJ. The LFA reported on implementation, accuracy, and performance of various items. Some of these items showed unspent, unobligated funds that could potentially be used for other priorities. The Subcommittee moved to put unobligated unused funds on a list to potentially be reallocated during the next General Session.
  5. Internal Controls - Mr. John Reidhead from the Division of Finance gave an overview on Internal Controls including separation of duties and purchasing card (P-Card) usage. The Subcommittee heard reports from Department of Public Safety (DPS) on how they apply internal controls and how specifically a large agency like DPS differs from a small agency as it relates to internal controls. The Subcommittee discussed about the potential need to have UCA report financial information in the same way that state agencies report. This item is scheduled to be discussed further at the October 20th meeting.
  6. Juvenile Justice Services Behavioral Health Needs of At-Risk Youths Assessment - The Division of Juvenile Justice Services presented on the behavioral health needs of at-risk youths. They presented on the well-being of at-risk youths in general and those involved in juvenile justice. They also talked about how current state of well-being for these youths relate to youth services and substance abuse and mental health treatment. The Subcommittee moved to communicate with the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee about the information and discussion surrounding this information.
  7. Other Business - The Attorney General's Office submitted a required statutory report on any instances of bad faith patent infringement and report that they have no knowledge of any violations of the related Bad Faith Patent Infringement Letters Act that they processed.  
July 2016 Content ( PDF)

Behavioral Health Needs of At-Risk and Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth - Clare Tobin Lence
At the July interim meeting of the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice (EOCJ) Appropriations S...
Catastrophic Fire Prevention Program - Ivan D. Djambov
The Legislature passed the following pieces of legislation directing the Division of Forestry, Fire...
Concurrent Enrollment a Benefit for Students - Spencer C. Pratt
Concurrent enrollment proves to be a benefit for students financially and in preparing them for pos...
EOCJ Interim Meeting Summary and Action - Gary R. Syphus
The Executive Offices and Criminal Justice (EOCJ) Appropriations Subcommittee met on July 14th at t...
Follow up on Building Blocks Within Social Services - Russell T. Frandsen
The Fiscal Analyst's Office reports annually on the implementation of fiscal notes and budget actio...
Following up on Past Budget Items and Fiscal Notes 2016 Interim - Stephen C. Jardine
The Fiscal Analyst's Office reports annually on the implementation of fiscal notes and budget act...
Looking at the Present Value of Bonding for Certain Projects - Thomas E. Young
During the 2016 General Session, the Legislature gave the following direction to the Utah Departmen...
Providing for the Mental Health Needs of the Utah National Guard - Steven M. Allred
When a National Guard service member deploys for military service, training, or especially combat, ...
Transportation and Water Infrastructure Funding - Angela J. Oh
The Infrastructure and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee had their first 2016 interi...
Utah Compared to Other States with a Triple-Triple-A Credit Rating - Brian Wikle
Utah has earned a triple-A credit rating (the highest) from each of the three major credit rating a...
Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Long Term Issues - Andrea Wilko
The Business and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee held their June 22nd meeting at t...
Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Utah County Modular Classrooms - Jill L.Curry
In an effort to better understand budget issues regarding Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (...

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