Agency: Public Safety Function The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is charged with the responsibility of protecting and promoting the safety and wellbeing of Utah citizens through: Emergency Services and Homeland Security, Fire Services, Investigative Services, Law Enforcement, Licensing and Regulatory Services, Police Support Services, Safer Highways, and Specialized Training and Education. The department has six line items. They include:
- Public Safety Programs & Operations
- Emergency Services and Homeland Security
- Peace Officers' Standards and Training
- Liquor Law Enforcement
- Driver License
- Highway Safety
- Emergency and Disaster Management
Statutory Authority The Department of Public Safety is governed by various sections of the Utah Code. These include: Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Approp | General Fund | $59,205,400 | $64,138,000 | $64,330,400 | $62,843,300 | $61,589,400 | General Fund, One-time | $38,300 | $100,000 | $3,662,000 | ($2,572,400) | $0 | Transportation Fund | $5,495,500 | $5,495,500 | $5,495,500 | $5,495,500 | $5,495,500 | Federal Funds | $27,901,200 | $29,617,300 | $29,470,700 | $30,653,900 | $46,648,100 | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $8,432,900 | $11,324,400 | $12,992,300 | $13,669,900 | $12,871,900 | GFR - Disaster Recovery Fund | $0 | $0 | $0 | $24,000 | $3,000,000 | GFR - DNA Specimen | $688,200 | $688,200 | $688,100 | $683,200 | $932,900 | GFR - E-911 Emergency Services | $3,900,000 | $3,900,000 | $3,900,000 | $3,895,600 | $3,891,300 | GFR - Environmental Quality | $0 | $200,000 | $200,000 | $0 | $0 | GFR - Fire Academy Support | $4,732,600 | $5,398,500 | $5,348,800 | $5,522,100 | $5,524,900 | GFR - Firefighter Support Account | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $132,000 | GFR - Nuclear Oversight | $1,793,300 | $1,793,300 | $1,793,300 | $1,793,300 | $1,793,300 | GFR - Public Safety Honoring Heroes Account | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $15,500 | GFR - Public Safety Support | $3,134,700 | $3,676,100 | $3,821,300 | $3,538,600 | $3,525,300 | GFR - Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity & Firefighter Protection Account | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $75,000 | GFR - State Law Enforcement Forfeiture Account | $7,500 | $20,000 | $0 | $25,000 | $25,000 | GFR - Statewide Warrant Ops | $506,600 | $531,000 | $644,000 | $612,500 | $568,200 | TFR - Motorcycle Education | $216,100 | $369,900 | $372,300 | $323,000 | $323,200 | TFR - Dept. of Public Safety Rest. Acct. | $22,808,900 | $24,479,800 | $26,465,600 | $27,384,000 | $29,126,400 | TFR - Uninsured Motorist I.D. | $1,860,100 | $1,860,100 | $2,360,100 | $2,360,100 | $2,360,100 | Transfers | $0 | $0 | ($205,600) | $0 | $334,800 | Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice | $200,300 | $435,900 | $1,686,500 | $1,039,200 | $1,309,600 | Transfers - Fed Pass-thru | $71,800 | $0 | $115,000 | $0 | $0 | Transfers - Health | $0 | $0 | $11,700 | $0 | $0 | Transfers - Other Agencies | $831,800 | $800,300 | $0 | $1,332,000 | $854,800 | Transfers - Within Agency | $264,600 | $100 | $571,400 | $287,800 | $408,500 | Pass-through | $1,084,700 | $2,020,000 | $2,669,100 | $3,558,200 | $2,669,200 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $25,236,400 | $27,184,300 | $24,446,700 | $27,959,200 | $13,323,300 | Closing Nonlapsing | ($27,202,000) | ($32,061,300) | ($29,499,800) | ($29,509,100) | ($15,084,600) | Lapsing Balance | ($2,124,400) | ($2,267,600) | ($2,377,700) | ($6,512,600) | ($2,107,300) | Total | $139,084,500 | $149,703,800 | $158,961,700 | $154,406,300 | $179,606,300 |
  | Line Items | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Approp | Public Safety Programs & Operations | $85,080,200 | $91,213,100 | $97,968,200 | $90,645,400 | $95,354,500 | Emergency Services and Homeland Security | $24,708,600 | $25,613,100 | $24,535,100 | $25,031,900 | $38,629,000 | Division of Homeland Security - Emergency and Disaster Management | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,000,000 | Peace Officers' Standards and Training | $3,225,500 | $3,552,000 | $4,002,200 | $3,368,200 | $3,565,500 | Liquor Law Enforcement | $1,585,400 | $1,610,700 | $1,632,200 | $1,686,700 | $1,639,100 | Driver License | $20,374,400 | $22,981,500 | $25,224,900 | $27,272,400 | $30,435,400 | Highway Safety | $4,110,400 | $4,733,400 | $5,599,100 | $6,401,700 | $6,982,800 | Total | $139,084,500 | $149,703,800 | $158,961,700 | $154,406,300 | $179,606,300 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Approp | Personnel Services | $76,489,500 | $82,053,000 | $88,829,400 | $89,078,300 | $96,429,200 | In-state Travel | $383,900 | $520,800 | $520,700 | $437,700 | $521,500 | Out-of-state Travel | $541,200 | $485,200 | $434,000 | $807,500 | $437,400 | Current Expense | $23,837,200 | $27,114,700 | $27,293,700 | $24,300,800 | $27,032,400 | DP Current Expense | $7,704,100 | $9,080,800 | $11,769,400 | $8,439,200 | $9,508,700 | DP Capital Outlay | $75,500 | $116,800 | $561,500 | $840,500 | $1,755,700 | Capital Outlay | $427,000 | $919,400 | $1,109,400 | $494,500 | $479,500 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $29,626,100 | $29,412,600 | $28,443,600 | $30,007,800 | $43,441,900 | Cost of Goods Sold | $0 | $500 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Total | $139,084,500 | $149,703,800 | $158,961,700 | $154,406,300 | $179,606,300 |
  | Other Indicators | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 1,150.0 | 1,149.0 | 1,270.0 | 1,284.8 | 1,225.1 | Vehicles | 714 | 709 | 715 | 705 | 708 |
| Subcommittee Table of Contents |