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Health and Human Services Interim Committee - August 19, 2020
30 House Building
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Chair Daw called the meeting to order at 1:22 p.m.
Committee Business
Rep. Ray moved to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2020, meeting.
COVID-19: An Update
5.3 Unified Response Overview (Source: Utah Department of Health)
Rich Saunders, Interim Executive Director, Utah Department of Health, discussed a unified response plan for COVID-19 and answered committee questions.
5.4 Case and Death Chart (Source: Utah Department of Health)
Dr. Angela Dunn, State Epidemiologist, Utah Department of Health, discussed the state's response to COVID-19 and answered committee questions.
Nathan Checketts, Testing Coordinator, Utah Department of Health, updated the committee on COVID-19 testing.
Heather Borski, Director, Division of Disease Control and Prevention, Utah Department of Health, discussed COVID-19 mobile testing, discussed the Utah Mobile Health Lab, and answered committee questions.
Health Insurance Premium Subsidies
4.1 H.B. 6003, Premium Subsidy Amendments (J. Dunnigan)
Rep. Jim Dunnigan presented H.B. 6003, "Premium Subsidy Amendments."
Rep. Daw moved that the committee recommend H.B. 6003, "Premium Subsidy Amendments," as worthy of being passed by the House during the 2020 Sixth Special Session of the Legislature.
Medical Cannabis
Sen. Vickers updated the committee on medical cannabis policy and answered committee questions.
Amber Brown, Senior Policy Analyst, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, introduced Cody James, Manager, Industrial Hemp and Medical Cannabis Program, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food.
Cody James provided an update on medical cannabis production levels and licensing issues and answered committee questions.
6.5 Proposed Statutory Changes: Medical Cannabis Program (Source: Utah Department of Agriculture and Food)
Amber Brown presented information on proposed statutory changes to the Medical Cannabis Program and answered committee questions.
6.6 Medical Cannabis Report (Source: Utah Department of Health)
Rich Oborn, Director, Center for Medical Cannabis, Utah Department of Health, updated the committee on the Medical Cannabis Program and answered committee questions.
Department of Health
2.1 S.B. 6006, Department of Health Modifications (A. Christensen)
Chair Christensen presented S.B. 6006, "Department of Health Modifications," and answered committee questions.
2.2 Department of Health Modifications Amendments (K. Miles)
Chair Christensen explained a draft amendment to S.B. 6006 prepared and distributed by Rep. Miles (Amendment X, August 19, 2020, 2:31 PM).
Michelle McOmber, CEO, Utah Medical Association, spoke to S.B. 6006, "Department of Health Modifications."
Pharmaceutical Reporting
3.1 H.B. 6011 Pharmaceutical Reporting Amendments (P. Ray)
Rep. Ray presented H.B. 6011, "Pharmaceutical Reporting Amendments."
Opioids - Post-Surgery Prescriptions
7.1 DRAFT LEGISLATION: Controlled Substance Amendments (Ward)
Rep. Ward presented draft legislation, "Controlled Substance Amendments."
Rep. Ward moved that the committee recommend draft legislation "Controlled Substance Amendments" (2021FL-0226/003).
Ethical Drug Framework
Rep. Thurston proposed that a framework be developed for determining which drugs should be available without a prescription.
Andy Janes, Senior Officer, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy Services, Consulate General of Canada, explained the criteria used by Canada to determine whether a drug requires a prescription for dispensing.
Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to adjourn.
Chair Christensen adjourned the meeting at 4:09 p.m.
Committee Business
Committee Business
Department of Health
Department of Health
Pharmaceutical Reporting
Pharmaceutical Reporting
Health Insurance Premium Subsidies
Health Insurance Premium Subsidies
COVID-19: An Update
COVID-19: An Update
Medical Cannabis
Medical Cannabis
Opioids - Post-Surgery Prescriptions
Opioids - Post-Surgery Prescriptions
Ethical Drug Framework
Ethical Drug Framework
Meeting Outline (includes links to all meeting materials below; 8-19-2020 version)
Meeting Outline (includes links to all meeting materials below; 8-19-2020 version)
Meeting Outline (includes links to all meeting materials below; 8-18-2020 version)
Meeting Outline (includes links to all meeting materials below; 8-18-2020 version)
Meeting Outline (includes links to all meeting materials below; 8-14-2020 version)
Meeting Outline (includes links to all meeting materials below; 8-14-2020 version)
2.1 S.B. 6006, Department of Health Modifications (A. Christensen)
2.1 S.B. 6006, Department of Health Modifications (A. Christensen)
2.2 Department of Health Modifications Amendments (K. Miles)
2.2 Department of Health Modifications Amendments (K. Miles)
3.1 H.B. 6011 Pharmaceutical Reporting Amendments (P. Ray)
3.1 H.B. 6011 Pharmaceutical Reporting Amendments (P. Ray)
4.1 H.B. 6003, Premium Subsidy Amendments (J. Dunnigan)
4.1 H.B. 6003, Premium Subsidy Amendments (J. Dunnigan)
5.1 (Utah Coronavirus Task Force)
5.1 (Utah Coronavirus Task Force)
5.2 Phased Guidelines for the General Public and Businesses to Maximize Public Health and Economic Reactivation Version 4.9 (Source: Governor?s Office of Management and Budget et al.)
5.2 Phased Guidelines for the General Public and Businesses to Maximize Public Health and Economic Reactivation Version 4.9 (Source: Governor?s Office of Management and Budget et al.)
5.3 Unified Response Overview (Source: Utah Department of Health)
5.3 Unified Response Overview (Source: Utah Department of Health)
5.4 Case and Death Chart (Source: Utah Department of Health)
5.4 Case and Death Chart (Source: Utah Department of Health)
6.1 2020 Health and Human Services Legislation (Source: Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel)
6.1 2020 Health and Human Services Legislation (Source: Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel)
6.2 Utah Medical Cannabis Act
6.2 Utah Medical Cannabis Act
6.3 Hemp and Cannabinoid Act
6.3 Hemp and Cannabinoid Act
6.4 Cannabis Production Establishments
6.4 Cannabis Production Establishments
6.5 Proposed Statutory Changes: Medical Cannabis Program (Source: Utah Department of Agriculture and Food)
6.5 Proposed Statutory Changes: Medical Cannabis Program (Source: Utah Department of Agriculture and Food)
6.6 Medical Cannabis Report (Source: Utah Department of Health)
6.6 Medical Cannabis Report (Source: Utah Department of Health)
7.1 DRAFT LEGISLATION: Controlled Substance Amendments (Ward)
7.1 DRAFT LEGISLATION: Controlled Substance Amendments (Ward)
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