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- 1HB 72 -Ballot Publishing Amendments, Jackson, circled
- 1HB 120 -Modifications to Election Law, Weiler, passed
- HB 217 -Uniformed Services Amendments, Knudson, passed
- HB 220 -Vote by Mail Amendments, Knudson, passed
- 1SB HB 72 -Ballot Publishing Amendments, Jackson, uncircled, passed
- HB 234 -Lobbyist Disclosure and Regulation Act Modifications, Bramble, passed
- HCR 5 -Concurrent Resolution Regarding an Interlocal Agreement with Jordan River Commission, Iwamoto, passed
- 2SB HB 248 -Campaign Finance Reporting Revisions, Osmond, passed
- 1SB 255 -Data Security Management Council, Harper, passed
- 1SB 139 -Service District Amendments, Stevenson, circled
- 2SB 175 -School Safety and Crisis Line, Thatcher, passed
- 1SB 176 -Governmental Immunity Act Amendments, Bramble, passed
- Time Certain SB 239 -Retirement Withdrawal Modifications, Weiler, substituted
- Motion to Reconsider Action 1SB 176 -Bramble
- 1SB 176 -Governmental Immunity Act Amendments, Bramble, substituted, passed
- SB 192 -Sales and Use Tax Revisions, Harper, passed
- SB 193 -Local Government Amendments, Henderson, substituted, passed
- SB 186 -Construction Trades Licensing Continuing Education, Knudson, circled
- SB 218 -Nonprofit Corporation Act Amendments, Hillyard, circled
- SB 220 -Penalty for Non-response to Information Request, Weiler, passed
- 1SB 145 -Physics Education Proposal, Stephenson, passed
- SB 215 -Settlement Authority Amendments, Hillyard, passed
- SB 218 -Nonprofit Corporation Act Amendments, Hillyard, uncircled, passed
- 1SB 216 -High Cost Infrastructure Tax Credits, Okerlund, passed
- 1SB 223 -Ustar Governance Amendments, Osmond, amended, passed
- SB 198 -Alcoholic Beverage Control Amendments, Stevenson, circled
- SJR 16 -Joint Rules Resolution on Independent Legislative Ethics Commission Hiring Modifications, Hillyard, passed
- 1SB 48 -Evaluating Federal Land, Osmond, circled
- 2SB 227 - Charter School Revisions, Henderson, passed
- 1SB 48 -Evaluating Federal Land, Osmond, uncircled, passed
- 1SB 204 -Parental Rights in Public Education Amendments, Osmond, passed
- 1SB 219 -World Language Proficiency Recognition, Stephenson, circled
- SB 214 -Veterans Court, Knudson, passed
- SB 226 -Search and Seizure Amendments, Madsen, amended, passed
- SB 195 -Amendments to State Board of Education, Millner, passed
- SJR 5 -Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution -- State Board of Education Changes, Millner, passed
- 2SB 207 -Political Activity Amendments, Bramble, circled
- 1SB 139 -Service District Amendments, Stevenson, uncircled, passed
- SB 228 -Emergency Order Amendments, Okerlund, passed
- SB 212 -Surplus Lines Insurance Modifications, Stevenson, passed
- 1SB 157 -Government Records Amendments, Bramble, uncircled, substituted, passed
- 1SB 259 -Medical Cannabis Amendments, Madsen, circled
- SB 186 -Construction Trades Licensing Continuing Education, Knudson, uncircled, amended, passed
- 1HB 18 -Children's Hearing Aid Program Amendments, Osmond, lifted, substituted, passed
- 2HB 14 -Appropriations Limit and Mathematical Formula Amendments, Bramble, circled
- HB 219 -Election Day Voter Registration Pilot Project Amendments, Henderson, passed
- 2SB HB 24 -Insurance Modifications, Bramble, uncircled, substituted, amended, passed, tabled
- 2HB 14 -Appropriations Limit and Mathematical Formula Amendments, Bramble
- 1HB 91 -Campaign Contributions Amendments, Weiler, uncircled, failed
- 2HB 110 -Motor Vehicle Emissions Amendments, Weiler, uncircled
- 2SB 207 -Political Activity Amendments, Bramble, uncircled, substituted, passed, circled