The Liquor Law Enforcement line item has only one program-the Liquor Law Enforcement program. This program is responsible for the enforcement of the state's liquor laws. All state liquor licensees and all liquor consumption fall under the responsibility of this program. The Liquor Law Enforcement program works independently statewide, but also aids local law enforcement agencies in the enforcement of Utah's Alcohol Beverage Control Act UCA 32A-12 .
Agents of this section maintain a continuing program of inspections and surveillance of the various lounges, and restaurants dispersing alcohol to ensure compliance with state laws. Emphasis is also focused on such problems as underage drinking, illegal importation, and drinking/driving.
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $0 from all sources for Liquor Law Enforcement. This is a 0 percent change from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources.
Included below are performance measures submitted by the Department of Public Safety for the Liquor Law Enforcement program. Inlcuded are two metrics that measure DABC licensee inspection and complaint clearance. Licensee inspection performance has been irregular. Licensee complaint clearance is a relatively new metric that measures the rate at which complaints are investigated. The department reports a success rate of 90% out of a target of 100%.

During the 2011 General Session, S.B. 314 changed the structure of the Liquor Law Enforcement line item to a restricted special revenue fund. Liquor law enforcement will be funded as a percentage of alcohol and other related sales rather than with General Fund appropriations. With this change the FY 2012 and each year thereafter will be funded automatically and not require an annual appropriation. As such there is no appropriation shown in FY 2012 with the exception of a carry-forward balance.
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.