Title 54, Chapter 17, the Energy Resource Procurement Act, which governs electric utility solicitations for significant energy resources, requires the Public Service Commission to engage the services of an independent evaluator who reviews and monitors significant PacifiCorp resource procurement activities through a request-for-proposals process to ensure compliance with the terms of statute.
The objective of the independent evaluator is to actively monitor the solicitation process for fairness and to render an opinion as to whether the solicitation process is fair, in compliance with Utah state law, and whether any modeling used by PacifiCorp to evaluate bids is sufficient.
The Legislative Fiscal Analyst recommends a Fiscal Year 2016 base budget of $ from all sources for Energy Independent Evaluator. This is a 0 percent change from Fiscal Year 2015 appropriated amounts from all sources.
Number of appeals filed with the Supreme Court related to hiring of the Energy Independent Evaluator
Consistent record, success is determined by no State of Utah Supreme Court reversals or statutory responses to court reversals
Conclusion: From 2008 through 2013, no appeals were filed with the Supreme Court related to the hiring of the I.E. nor of the Commission's decisions regarding any of the solicitation processes listed above.
Timeliness of work review and payment for the Energy Independent Evaluator
Administration of I.E. Program; timely review of work and payments with no complaints.
A timely system of work review and payment is established with no complaints.
Top indicators for success of the Energy Independent Evaluator program
The key indicators of success for this program are 1) Satisfy statutory obligations, Hire Independent Evaluator (I.E.) and receive required reports timely 2) No State of Utah Supreme Court reversals or statutory responses to court reversals, and 3) Administration of I.E. Program; timely review of work payments with no complaints.
Satisfy Statutory Obligations, Hire I.E. and receive required reports timely
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.