Administration coordinates with all programs in the Department and is responsible for budgeting, accounting, financial tracking, personnel, actuarial services, and managerial statistics.
Programs that support these goals are listed below in the background section.
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $14,102,800 from all sources for Insurance Department Administration. This is a 1.3 percent reduction from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources.
In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:
The Insurance Department uses the following performance measures: consumer inquiries/complaints received, financial exams conducted, fraud cases opened, fraud cases completed, captive insurers licenses issued, and the number of active captive insurers. Data is shown below.

Producer Licensing is responsible for the issuance and renewal of licenses to all Utah insurance agents and agencies. Licensees qualify through examination.
The Financial Examination Division licenses approximately 1,700 insurance companies in Utah. It also monitors the financial strength and solvency of those companies. The division is responsible for the financial examination of insurers according to statute. Because not all of the companies are headquartered in Utah, the examiners may spend their time out of state. The Insurance Department is reimbursed by the insurer being examined for all costs incurred during the examination, which includes examiners salaries, benefits and travel expenses. These reimbursements are deposited into the Insurance Department Restricted Account.
The Property and Casualty and Health and Life Divisions function by line of insurance. These divisions handle telephone, online and walk-in complaints and inquiries from the public regarding insurance products. Additionally, they review and analyze policy forms and rates filed by insurance companies.
The Health and Life Division operates a federal grant "Grants to Support States in Health Insurance Rate Review Grant Cycle II". This division also supports the call center for Avenue H, Utah's health insurance exchange.
Market Conduct Division investigates and enforces insurance code violations referred from the insurance industry and other divisions of the department.
Funding for Insurance Department Administration is primarily from the Insurance Department Account. Revenues over expenditures for this account lapse to the General Fund at the end of a fiscal year. Expenditures are used mainly for staff and general operational support.
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.