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Rules Review and General Oversight Committee - August 28, 2023
445 State Capitol
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Committee Business
Chair Birkeland called the meeting to order at 10 a.m.
Board of Pardons and Parole Warrant Requirements
2a - Parole Revocation Statute - 77-27-11
2b - Board of Pardons and Parole Administrative Rule R671-510
2c - Legislative Audit - Board of Pardons and Parole
2d - Presentation, Committee Staff
2e - Presentation, Probable Cause Administrative Rule
Rohnin Randles, Policy Analyst, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, discussed the findings of a legislative audit that identified a potential conflict between statute and administrative rule regarding when a warrant may be issued for a violation of parole.
Jennifer Yim, Administrative Director, Melissa Stirba, Board Vice Chair, and Amanda Montague, Associate General Counsel, Board of Pardons and Parole, provided an overview of the process the board uses regarding probable cause requirements for issuing warrants by the board, and responded to questions from the committee.
No action was taken on this issue.
Sen. Bramble moved to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2023, meeting.
Ogden City Police Department Ticketing Practices
3a - Law Enforcement Quota Statute - 77-7-27
3b - Ogden City Officer Evaluation Forms
Rohnin Randles, Policy Analyst, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, introduced the issue of potential violations of Utah Code Section 77-7-27, which prohibits the use of law enforcement quotas.
Chief Eric Young, Ogden City Police Department, and Mayor Mike Caldwell, Ogden City, discussed the process of performance evaluations for Ogden City officers and responded to questions from the committee.
During the committee discussion that followed, Sen. Bramble suggested that the committee obtain additional information before taking action.
Nate Mutter, Law Enforcement Legislative Committee, offered public comment on the issue.
Sen. Anderegg moved to go to next agenda item.
Charter School Authorization Requirements
4a - Charter School Authorization Statute - 53G-5-205
4b - USBE Administrative Rule R277-552
4c - Presentation, USBE's Role in Charter School Governance
Rohnin Randles, Policy Analyst, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, discussed the history of authorization of charter schools and the State Charter School Board.
Matt Throckmorton, founder, and Curtis Oda, Utah Military Academy, discussed the implementation of administrative rule R277-552-3 and the charter school application process.
Sen. Anderegg assumed the chair.
Committee discussion followed about possible compromises to allow charter school authorizers flexibility in working with potential charters while also upholding the State Board of Education's statutory and constitutional responsibilities to provide for the public education system.
James Moss, Chair, Angie Stallings, Deputy Superintendent of Policy, State Board of Education, reviewed the background of three phases of the board's involvement in charter school governance and responded to questions from the committee.
Rep. Birkeland resumed the chair.
The committee heard public comment on the issue from Cynthia Phillips, vice-chair, State Charter School Board.
State Charter School Board Oversight Process
5a - Charter School Draft Survey
5b - Charter School Memorandum Formal Complaint
Chair Birkeland asked committee members if there was an interest in sending out a survey to charter schools for the purpose of providing oversight to the State Charter School Board.
Cynthia Phillips, vice-chair, State Charter School Board reported that recent surveys indicate significant improvement and satisfaction between the board and stakeholders.
No action was taken on this issue.
Other Items/Adjourn
Sen. Anderegg moved to adjourn the meeting.
Chair Birkeland adjourned the meeting at 12:54 p.m.
Committee Business
Committee Business
Board of Pardons and Parole Warrant Requirements
Board of Pardons and Parole Warrant Requirements
Ogden City Police Department Ticketing Practices
Ogden City Police Department Ticketing Practices
Charter School Authorization Requirements
Charter School Authorization Requirements
State Charter School Board Oversight Process
State Charter School Board Oversight Process
Charter School Autonomy and Oversight
Charter School Autonomy and Oversight
Other Items/Adjourn
Other Items/Adjourn
Administrative Rules Committee Packet
Administrative Rules Committee Packet
2a - Parole Revocation Statute - 77-27-11
2a - Parole Revocation Statute - 77-27-11
2b - Board of Pardons and Parole Administrative Rule R671-510
2b - Board of Pardons and Parole Administrative Rule R671-510
2c - Legislative Audit - Board of Pardons and Parole
2c - Legislative Audit - Board of Pardons and Parole
2d - Presentation, Committee Staff
2d - Presentation, Committee Staff
2e - Presentation, Probable Cause Administrative Rule
2e - Presentation, Probable Cause Administrative Rule
3a - Law Enforcement Quota Statute - 77-7-27
3a - Law Enforcement Quota Statute - 77-7-27
3b - Ogden City Officer Evaluation Forms
3b - Ogden City Officer Evaluation Forms
4a - Charter School Authorization Statute - 53G-5-205
4a - Charter School Authorization Statute - 53G-5-205
4b - USBE Administrative Rule R277-552
4b - USBE Administrative Rule R277-552
4c - Presentation, USBE's Role in Charter School Governance
4c - Presentation, USBE's Role in Charter School Governance
5a - Charter School Draft Survey
5a - Charter School Draft Survey
5b - Charter School Memorandum Formal Complaint
5b - Charter School Memorandum Formal Complaint
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