Fiscal Highlights - May 2014

Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Trends Since the Beginning of Mandatory Medicaid Expansion - Russell T. Frandsen ( PDF)

Since the beginning of the Medicaid mandatory expansion as part of federal health care reform in January 2014, the following has happened with caseloads through April 2014:

  • Medicaid - caseloads have increased 23,700 or 9% since December 2013.  
    • The consensus forecast for Medicaid included an increase largely due to currently eligible clients signing up for Medicaid as well as the elimination of an asset test.  
    • The baseline caseload for Medicaid had decreased 2% or 5,700 clients from July 2013 through December 2013.  
  • Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) - caseloads have decreased 17,900 or 53% since December 2013.  
    • The consensus forecast for Medicaid included a large reduction in caseloads due to more children qualifying for Medicaid due to the elimination of the asset test.  
    • The baseline caseload for CHIP had decreased 3% or 1,100 clients from July 2013 through December 2013.  

What does it mean?  There might be some additional savings if costs also come in lower than anticipated.  

May 2014 Content ( PDF)

$107 Million of Excess Federal TANF Spending Authority - Stephen C. Jardine
The Department of Workforce Services (DWS) administers the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy F...
Division of Air Quality: New Appropriations Update - Angela J. Oh
Air quality was a priority during the 2014 General Session. Lawmakers passed legislation to cut emi...
DJJS - Receiving Centers and Youth Services - Zackery N. King
What is the next step for receiving centers and youth services?  Receiving centers and youth s...
Economic Development Incentives - Andrea Wilko
Financial incentives are provided through the Utah Governor's Office of Economic Development and th...
Higher Education Tuition Increases for 2014-2015 - Spencer C. Pratt
Following the 2014 General Session, the State Board of Regents met and approved a 4.0% first-tier t...
How Will Quagga Mussel Impact Utah Financially? - Ivan D. Djambov
Now that the invasive quagga mussels are established in Lake Powell, how long before they get to ot...
Is there a Relationship between Educational Attainment and Employment Growth? - Thomas E. Young
The Education Interim Committee heard presentations on long-term planning for educational attainmen...
Jail Reimbursement Program and Appropriations - Fiscal Years 2011-15 - Gary K. Ricks
The Jail Reimbursement Program provides reimbursement to Utah counties for days spent in county jai...
Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Trends Since the Beginning of Mandatory Medicaid Expansion - Russell T. Frandsen
Since the beginning of the Medicaid mandatory expansion as part of federal health care reform in Ja...
Sequestration Update - Steven M. Allred
In December 2013, Congress passed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (BBA), providing states some ce...
The Billion Dollar Retirement Gap - Brian D. Fay
In 2008, the Utah Retirement System (URS) experienced investment losses of nearly 25 percent, leavi...

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