Fiscal Highlights - May 2016

Office of Administrative Rules - Brian Wikle ( PDF)

The 2016 Legislature passed and the Governor signed H.B. 103, "Department of Administrative Services Amendments," that redesignated the Division of Administrative Rules as the Office of Administrative Rules (OAR). The Legislature appropriated a base budget of $420,900 to OAR for FY 2017 along with $66,700 of beginning nonlapsing balances (S.B. 6, "Infrastructure and Government Base Budget," Item 16). In its budget, the office anticipated expending its base appropriation and $20,400 of nonlapsing balances during FY 2017.
The Governor's SUCCESS Initiative identified the need for Administrative Rules to have more resources available for core functions such as reviewing rule filings, publishing rules, and training agencies. Therefore, the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) advocated for the division to change to an office with the primary objective of reallocating resources that had been devoted to administrative functions to the production line. Provisions in H.B. 103 were designed to affect the desired outcome within the existing budget as follows:
  • Line 719 eliminated the division director position and directed that the office "be administered by a coordinator." DAS projected that this change would lead to net savings of $40,000 annually.
  • Lines 722-723 directed the coordinator to "hire ... staff necessary for the office to carry out" its responsibilities. In connection with this directive, DAS expected to eliminate an executive secretary position and to hire a publications code editor at a net cost of $17,900.
  • Lines 760-761 directed OAR to "make technological improvements to its rulemaking process." DAS intended that the excess $22,100 in savings from the above two items would be reallocated to this purpose.
The Legislature also increased the office's FY 2016 budget by transferring $110,000 of beginning nonlapsing balances from the Division of Finance to OAR (S.B. 3, "Current Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations," Items 44 and 48). DAS plans to use this additional funding to replace its eRules System.
May 2016 Content ( PDF)

2016 Second Special Session Public Education Appropriations - Jill L.Curry
Following the 2016 General Session, Governor Herbert vetoed Item 6 in Senate Bill (S.B.) 2, Public ...
Behind the Trends in State Expenditures - Clare Tobin Lence
Each month, LFA staff update the Expenditures section of the Fiscal Health Dashboard to help legi...
Budget of the State of Utah - 2016 General Session - Ben Leishman
Each year, the Fiscal Analyst's office produces an appropriations report. This year's report is a...
Budget Policy Changes Enacted in 2016 G.S. - Steven M. Allred
During the 2016 General Session, the Legislature passed several bills that had an impact on budgeta...
Dredging the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake - Ivan D. Djambov
The low water levels at the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake motivated the 2015 Legislature to appropr...
Higher Education Tuition Increases for 2016-17 - Spencer C. Pratt
During its regular meeting on April 1, 2016, the State Board of Regents approved a first-tier tui...
Legislature funds $57 million of new requests with TANF - Stephen C. Jardine
The Department of Workforce Services (DWS) administers the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy F...
Medicaid Used 25% of Available General Fund in FY 2015 - Russell T. Frandsen
Five State government entities (Departments of Health, Human Services, and Workforce Services as we...
New Buildings for FY 2017 - Angela J. Oh
During the 2016 General Session, the Legislature appropriated funding for 10 state-funded capital d...
Office of Administrative Rules - Brian Wikle
The 2016 Legislature passed and the Governor signed H.B. 103, "Department of Administrative Service...
Tourism and "The Mighty Five" - Andrea Wilko
Utah's travel and tourism industry is extremely diverse including natural, cultural, and historic...
Utah Communications Authority Process/Internal Controls Recommendations - Gary R. Syphus
On Tuesday May 17th, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA) briefed the Executive Appropr...
UtahFutures Adds a Couple New Features while Operating on One-Time Funding - Thomas E. Young
On May 12th, UtahFutures released two new features to their website, The new featu...

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Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
House Building, Suite W310
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Phone (801) 538-1034 Fax (801) 538-1692