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Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee - February 08, 2021
110 Senate Building
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Chair Miles called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m.
Strategic Workforce Initiatives Report
Kimberlee Carlile, Director, Governor's Office of Economic Development, and Scott Romney gave an overview of the Strategic Workforce Initiatives Report.
Seán Faherty reported on the recommendations from the working group.
2a-Strategic Workforce Initiatives Recommendations Presentation
Rep. Ballard discussed the innovative and collaborative nature of the process.
Chair Miles asked for clarification on how the group determined the funding recommendations. Seán Faherty responded.
Sen. Riebe asked for clarification about the process for each new year of requests. Scott Romney responded.
Campus Safety Report
Spencer Jenkins, Chief Student Affairs Officer, USHE, gave an introduction to the Campus Safety Report.
Aaron Anderson and Cameron Hansen from the Cicero Group discussed the Campus Baseline Report.
3a-Campus Safety Assessment Presentation HED 2-8-21
Sen. Riebe asked about victim's advocacy and preventative measures for student safety. Spencer Jenkins responded.
Commissioner Woolstenhulme commented on the baseline report.
Cameron Hansen continued his presentation.
Rep. Abbott asked the cultural divide regarding students' perception of municipal police departments. Comm. Woolstenhulme responded.
Rep. Ballard mentioned the noticeable difference of student awareness regarding safety issues.
Chair Miles discussed the nationwide scrutiny for the state regarding campus safety. He asked what would be the major talking points to address this scrutiny. Chair Woolstenhulme responded.
Approve Minutes - February 4, 2021
Rep. Ballard moved to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2021 meeting.
COVID-19 Education Adaptation
Clay Christensen, President, Mountainland Technical College discussed adaptations made due to COVID-19.
4a-COVID Update MTECH HED 2-8-21
Sen. Grover assumed the chair.
Darin Brush, President, Davis Technical College, discussed their response to COVID-19.
4b-COVID Update DTECH HED 2-8-21
Rep. Miles resumed the chair.
Brad Mortensen, President, Weber State University, discussed their response to COVID-19.
4c-WSU Higher Education Appropriations COVID Adaptations
Noelle Cockett, President, Utah State University, discussed long-reaching COVID-19 impacts to education.
Rep. Strong discussed the importance of in-person learning and individual differences in learning styles. He asked for some analytics of the impact of COVID on learning. Pres. Cockett responded.
Sen. Riebe mentioned that lifestyles have been interrupted and it is important to be mindful of the whole life experience that has been impacted.
Research University Impacts on Utah
Ruth Watkins, President, University of Utah, discussed the impact of research by universities in Utah. She was assisted by Dr. Andy Weyrich, Vice President of Research.
5a-UofU Research Impacts Presentation HED 2-8-21
Rep. Ballard mentioned the success of coordination with the hospital. Pres. Watkins responded.
Pres. Cockett discussed the importance and impact of Utah State University's research.
She stated that Dr. Lisa Berreau, Vice President for Research, was available online to answer any questions.
5b-USU Research Impacts Presentation HED 2-8-21
Rep. Ballard appreciated the innovation partners. Pres. Cockett responded and mentioned the collaborative partnership with the University of Utah.
Correctional Education
Pres. Brush gave an overview about the correctional education at DATC and the partnerships throughout the State.
6a-DTECH Corrections Presentation HED 2-8-21
Brad Cook, President, Snow College reported on the two programs at the Central Utah Correctional Facility. He discussed the funding issues of these programs.
Rep. Ballard concurred that identifying the needs for education in correctional facilities should be part of interim study.
Issue Briefs
Seán Faherty discussed the USHE Reallocation Issue Brief.
7a-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - USHE Reallocation Requests
Seán Faherty discussed the Performance Funding Transfer and Reallocation Issue Brief.
7c-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - Performance Funding Transfer and Relocation Proposal
Sen. Riebe asked if these items would require motions. Seán Faherty responded.
Ben Leishman discussed the Operations and Maintenance Costs for Charter Schools in State Facilities.
7b-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - Operations and Maintenance Costs for Charter Schools in State Facilities
Sen. Riebe asked how the money was coded to receive the funding originally. Ben Leishman responded.
Rep. Harrison asked if previous funding for this reallocation should be returned. Ben Leishman responded. Rep. Harrison asked staff to look into this issue further.
Chair Miles reminded committee members about the prioritization and voting process that would take place in the next two days.
Sen. Riebe moved to adjourn.
Chair Miles adjourned the meeting at 10:28 a.m.
Approve Minutes - February 4, 2021
Approve Minutes - February 4, 2021
Strategic Workforce Initiatives Report
Strategic Workforce Initiatives Report
Campus Safety Report
Campus Safety Report
COVID-19 Education Adaptation
COVID-19 Education Adaptation
Research University Impacts on Utah
Research University Impacts on Utah
Correctional Education
Correctional Education
Issue Briefs
Issue Briefs
Final Budget Issues
Final Budget Issues
Other Business
Other Business
2a-Strategic Workforce Initiatives Recommendations Presentation
2a-Strategic Workforce Initiatives Recommendations Presentation
3a-Campus Safety Assessment Presentation HED 2-8-21
3a-Campus Safety Assessment Presentation HED 2-8-21
4a-COVID Update MTECH HED 2-8-21
4a-COVID Update MTECH HED 2-8-21
4b-COVID Update DTECH HED 2-8-21
4b-COVID Update DTECH HED 2-8-21
4c-WSU Higher Education Appropriations COVID Adaptations
4c-WSU Higher Education Appropriations COVID Adaptations
5a-UofU Research Impacts Presentation HED 2-8-21
5a-UofU Research Impacts Presentation HED 2-8-21
5b-USU Research Impacts Presentation HED 2-8-21
5b-USU Research Impacts Presentation HED 2-8-21
6a-DTECH Corrections Presentation HED 2-8-21
6a-DTECH Corrections Presentation HED 2-8-21
7a-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - USHE Reallocation Requests
7a-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - USHE Reallocation Requests
7b-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - Operations and Maintenance Costs for Charter Schools in State Facilities
7b-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - Operations and Maintenance Costs for Charter Schools in State Facilities
7c-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - Performance Funding Transfer and Reallocation Proposal
7c-Issue Brief - 2021 General Session - Performance Funding Transfer and Reallocation Proposal
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