What Happened in the October 20, 2016 Social Services Appropriations Meeting? -
Russell T. Frandsen ( PDF)
- Call to Order /Approval of Minutes - Approved the minutes from the September 22nd meeting.
- Highlight Some Performance Measure Trends (Health - Gonorrhea) - "Rates of reported Gonorrhea (GC) continued to increase in 2015, although at a reduced rate of change. Providers reported 1,562 cases of GC in 2015 (for a rate of 52.1 cases per 100,000 people) compared with 1,439 cases in 2014 (for a rate of 48.9 cases per 100,000); this represents a 6.7% increase from 2014. The 2014 rate of 48.9 cases per 100,000 represented a 48.9% increase from 2013 (32.8 cases per 100,000). Thus, it appears that the rates of GC may be leveling rather than continuing to increase steeply."
- Limitation on Expenditures From the Office of Rehabilitation Transition Restricted Account - House Bill 325 (2016 General Session) moved the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation from the State Board of Education to the Department of Workforce Services. To ensure the successful transition of these services from USOE to DWS, including federal grant authority, the Legislature created the Office of Rehabilitation Transition Restricted account and made a one time appropriation of $26.7 million in state funding into the account. The authority in this bill ends on January 1, 2018 and DWS is working on extending the authority to use this fund until June of 2018 in order to keep covering overhead costs allocated to USOR.
- Needs Assessment From H.B. 328, Housing and Homeless Amendments - The Housing and Community Development Director, Jonathan Hardy, presented on how data gathering efforts have been shaping services offered by Housing and Community Development. Performance measures have been analyzed and factors have been identified in efforts to reduce emergency shelter demand.
- Use of Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) for Access to High Quality School Readiness Programs - "Contract with Utah State Board of Education to contract with Local Education Agencies." Tracy Gruber of DWS and Jennifer Throndsen of USBE presented on the classification of schools as "High Quality" and the families/children served as well as the future of the program.
- Use of TANF for Crisis/Respite Nurseries and Report - "Funded organizations are as follows: Box Elder Family Support Center, Family Support Center of Carbon County, Child and Family Support Center of Cache County, Family Connection Center of Davis County, Family Support Center of Ogden, Family Support Center of Southwestern Utah, Family Support Center of the Uintah Basin, Grand County Family Support Center, Family Support Center Salt Lake County, Utah Valley Family Support Center, Family Support Center of Washington County. All organizations are funded at $408,000 each for a total of $4,488,000."
- Use of TANF for Homeless Children Supplemental Education, Succeed at the Club, UPSTART, and Sexual Violence/Assault and Report - "$1,980,000 for 1) Homeless Children Supplemental Education Funding ($450,000), 2) Succeed at the Club ($430,000), 3) UPSTART ($500,000), 4) Sexual Violence/Assault Funding ($600,000) Contract with Utah Department of Health."
- Public Input on Topics on Today's Agenda - None
- Should the Budget of Workforce Services Stay in the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee - "The Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee recommends that the Department of Workforce Services budget remain in the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee."
- Tour of Refugee Education and Training Center - "The Center's purpose is 'fostering opportunities to help refugees access higher education and training programs needed for better paying jobs that will support their families.'"
- Report on TANF Reserve and Projected Uses - "The ongoing TANF block grant received each year is $75.6 million. Since the 2014 General Session, DWS has indicated it had $158.2 million in excess TANF spending authority. This is referred to as TANF reserve. The Legislature directed uses of TANF reserve during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 General Sessions and authorized a total of $76.1 million for programs that qualified for TANF uses and reported as well. The TANF reserves estimate remaining at the end of federal fiscal year 2019 is $30.3 million."
- Options for Using The Federal TANF Block Grant - "Presentation and discussion regarding options for using the federal TANF block grant including TANF options found in other states not currently being utilized in Utah. The presentation included an introduction by NCSL staff about how other states are using TANF, along with a summary of items already covered in Utah by TANF. Discussion centered around what items could potentially qualify for future TANF funding."
- Report of Options for Agencies Paying More than Minimum Maintenance of Effort for Federal Grants - "Action approved by the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee meeting on June 16, 2016: Direct those agencies that are currently paying more than the minimum MOE to explore strategies to reduce their MOE to the minimum amount required and report back to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee by October 1, 2016."
- Managing the $173 Million Division of Child and Family Services Budget - "In accomplishing its statutory mission, the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) spends $173 million annually: $92 million (53%) for staff and staff-related costs, including administration; $76 million (44%) for contracts to community providers; and the remaining $5 million (3%) for a computer system and other related technology needs. Staff presented attached issue brief on the Division of Child and Family Services funding and expenditures in the context of potential appropriation choices."
- Regulations and Requirements Regarding Foster Parenting - "The Department of Human Services described and explained the rules surrounding families becoming licensed foster parents, including what the rules are, who establishes the rules, how they are determined and whether or not there is any federal involvement in this regulation process."
- Other Business -
- Top 5 Percent Costs - Care Management Strategies - Healthy U - "University of Utah Health Plans (UUHP) identifies high-risk, high-cost members through multiple means including a risk stratification model. UUHP has a trigger alert system that can capture claims activity, referrals from providers accessing EPIC's electronic medical record, and Utah Health Information Network Clinical Health Information Exchange (UHIN cHIE) to help identify members that can benefit from care management. UUHP analytics program provides concurrent and prospective risk scores, including allowed costs, to help us identify potential high cost, high risk members. UUHP care managers' partner with providers, clinic care managers, hospital personnel, vendors, waiver care managers and community partners to best meet the overall needs of our members."
- Top 5 Percent Costs - Care Management Strategies - Molina - "Molina Healthcare of Utah has adopted a number of programs designed to increase the quality of care and lower cost for our membership under the ACO model. These efforts have focused on two main approaches; direct care management programs and provider engagement through alternative payment models. While we are too early to have adequate data to demonstrate efficacy of these programs, our efforts are based on the latest evidence available. For example, our Transition of Care program is a modification of the Coleman model. Our work with provider groups is designed to progress through the necessary stages to ultimately contract through alternative payment models as envisioned in MACRA."
- Top 5 Percent Costs - Care Management Strategies - Health Choice - "Health Choice of Utah (HCU) has written a program description, as well as written policies to support the procedures and processes (P&Ps) used to identify the needs of all members enrolled in the health plan, including those with complex conditions. The purpose of our written P&Ps is to describe our integrated case management approach which assists our enrollees to access needed resources via the support of HCU's Care Coordination and Case Management Staff."
- Mentally Ill and Emergency Room Services - With regard to study priorities for the 2016 interim, the Senate President and the Speaker of the House requested the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee study the topic: "Coordination of mental health services with emergency room services: where do indigent individuals with mental health issues go after receiving emergency medical services." This memorandum, submitted by the Health Department Director, provides an explanation answering the requested question.
October 2016 Content
( PDF)
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