Compendium of Budget Information for the 2014 General Session

Public Education
Appropriations Subcommittee
Statewide Table of Contents
  1. Subcommittee Summary
  2. Minimum School Program
            1. MSP - Basic School Program
              1. Basic School Program
                1. Kindergarten
                2. Grades 1 - 12
                3. Necessarily Existent Small Schools
                4. Professional Staff
                5. Administrative Costs
                6. Special Education - Add-on
                7. Special Education - Preschool
                8. Special Education - Self-contained
                9. Special Education - Extended School Year
                10. Special Education - State Programs
                11. Career and Technical Education - Add-on
                12. CTE District Set-Aside
                13. Class Size Reduction
                  1. MSP - Related to Basic School Programs
                    1. Related to Basic School Programs
                      1. Social Security and Retirement
                      2. To and From School - Pupil Transportation
                      3. Guarantee Transportation Program
                      4. Flexible Allocation - WPU Distribution
                      5. Education Jobs Fund - WPU Distribution
                      6. Local Discretionary Block Grant
                      7. Interventions for Student Success Block Grant
                      8. Quality Teaching Block Grant
                      9. Enhancement for At-Risk Students
                      10. Youth in Custody
                      11. Accelerated Learning
                      12. Highly Impacted Schools
                      13. Youth At-Risk
                      14. Adult Education
                      15. Enhancement for Accelerated Students
                      16. Concurrent Enrollment
                      17. High-Ability Student Initiative
                      18. English Language Learner Family Literacy Centers
                      19. Electronic High School
                      20. School LAND Trust Program
                      21. Charter School Local Replacement
                      22. Charter School Administration
                      23. K-3 Reading Improvement
                      24. Public Education Job Enhancement
                      25. Educator Salary Adjustments
                      26. USFR Teacher Salary Supplement Restricted Account
                      27. Library Books and Electronic Resources
                      28. Matching Funds for School Nurses
                      29. Critical Languages and Dual Immersion
                      30. Extended Year for Special Educators
                      31. USTAR Centers (Year-Round Math and Science)
                      32. Performance Based Compensation
                      33. Teacher Supplies and Materials
                      34. Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts
                      35. Early Intervention
                      36. Pilot Assessment
                      37. Statewide Computer Adaptive Testing Infrastructure Grants
                      38. State Capitol Field Trips
                      39. Title I Schools Paraeducators Program
                          1. MSP - Voted and Board Local Levy Programs
                            1. Voted and Board Local Levy Programs
                              1. Voted Local Levy Program
                              2. Board Local Levy Program
                              3. Board Local Levy Program - Reading Improvement
                          2. School Building Programs
                            1. School Building Programs
                              1. Capital Outlay Foundation Program
                              2. Capital Outlay Enrollment Growth Program
                            2. State Board of Education
                              1. State Office of Education
                                1. Assessment and Accountability
                                2. Educational Equity
                                3. Board and Administration
                                4. Business Services
                                5. Career and Technical Education
                                6. District Computer Services
                                7. Educational Technology
                                8. Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act
                                9. Law and Legislation
                                10. Public Relations
                                11. School Trust
                                12. Special Education
                                13. Teaching and Learning
                                14. Board of Education - Administration
                                15. Student Achievement
                                16. Data and Business Services
                                17. Law, Legislation and Educational Services
                              2. USOE - Initiative Programs
                                1. State Charter School Board
                                  1. Utah Charter School Finance Authority
                                    1. Educator Licensing
                                            1. Child Nutrition
                                                1. Fine Arts Outreach
                                                  1. Professional Outreach Programs
                                                  2. Requests for Proposals
                                                  3. Subsidy Program
                                                2. Education Contracts
                                                  1. Youth Center
                                                  2. Corrections Institutions
                                                      1. Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
                                                        1. Instructional Services
                                                        2. Support Services
                                                        3. Advisory Council
                                                      2. Science Outreach
                                                        1. Informal Science Education Enhancement
                                                        2. Requests for Proposals
                                                        3. Science Enhancement
                                                        4. Integrated Student and New Facility Learning
                                                        1. USDB - Institutional Council
                                                                          1. USOE Indirect Cost Pool
                                                                            1. USOE Indirect Cost Pool
                                                                            2. Rev Transfers - PED
                                                                                  1. Restricted Account Transfers - PED