FY 2016 Appropriation

The Support Services Division provides functions of USDB related to Administration, Educational Support, Residential Care Oversight, and Transportation. The following paragraphs detail each of the major operating sections of support services:

Administration: USDB administration represents business management (coordinated through the State Office of Education), personnel services, and data processing costs.

Educational Support: Educational Support includes professional staff that support the educational goals of students as outlined in their Individualized Education Programs (IEP). These professionals include audiologists, orientation and mobility specialists, physical therapists, and psychologists.

Resident Services: In some cases, a student's IEP indicates that educational goals may be better fulfilled in a residential program. USDB supports four residential cottages (which hold 12 students) and two housing units that hold up to 18 students. Students reside at the school during the week and return home for the weekend.

Transportation: Students that receive educational services in a USDB self-contained classroom are bussed from home to the location of their school each day. The Support Services Division provides coordination between the student's residence and the closest classroom based on disability and classroom capacity. In addition, the division may coordinate the transportation of residential students on the weekends.

Other Support Services: In addition to those services mentioned above, USDB has staff to provide food services at school and in the residential facilities, as well as staff to perform building and ground maintenance.

Funding History

Funding Issues

Modular Classrooms - Orem

Enrollment growth necessitates expansion to more classrooms in the Orem area. Students there are experiencing overcrowding in existing structures. The modular classrooms will ensure adequate space to promote the essential learning environments for a USDB student. Additionally, this builds the capacity of USDB to provide Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) as mandated by the federal law, IDEA, to special education students in the State. 60 x 69 = 4,140 sq ft. Consists of: 6 classrooms, 2 storage rooms, 2 restrooms (1 men/1 women), 1 utility room or staff restroom, 1 kitchenette/break room, and 2 offices.

USIMAC (Braille Publishing)

USIMAC (Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center) is requesting these positions to ensure that the center provides materials for all students with print disabilities who are qualified under the Chafee Amendment or otherwise eligible through an IEP. This request is for four FTEs: 2.0 - instructional media specialist I (not certified) 2.0 - instructional media specialist II (certified)

USIMAC Braille Embossers (with 7788)

Funding request is for three braille embossers. Current machines have reached their life cycle limits.
Appropriation Overview

During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $17,977,700 from all sources for Support Services. This is a 0.8 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $13,034,000 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 9.9 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.

Appropriation Adjustments

In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:

DescriptionOngoingOne-Time Modular Classrooms - Orem$0$347,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$347,000Education Fund, One-time
Enrollment growth necessitates expansion to more classrooms in the Orem area. Students there are experiencing overcrowding in existing structures. The modular classrooms will ensure adequate space to promote the essential learning environments for a USDB student. Additionally, this builds the capacity of USDB to provide Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) as mandated by the federal law, IDEA, to special education students in the State. 60 x 69 = 4,140 sq ft. Consists of: 6 classrooms, 2 storage rooms, 2 restrooms (1 men/1 women), 1 utility room or staff restroom, 1 kitchenette/break room, and 2 offices.
Payroll Services Amendments ($15,000)$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
($15,000)$0Education Fund
Enactment of this legislation will reduce dedicated credit revenue for the Department of Human Resource Management internal service fund by $17,500 in FY 2016 due to a reduction of in the number of FTE utilizing payroll services. Enactment of this legislation may reduce payroll costs for the Utah School of the Deaf and the Blind by $15,000 ongoing from the Education Fund beginning in FY 2016. The reduction in utilization of the Department of Human Resource Management payroll services may cause rates to increase by $1.34 per FTE beginning in FY 2017 thus increasing ongoing costs to state agencies by a total of $9,700 from the General Fund, $600 from the Education Fund, $600 from restricted funds and accounts, $3,700 from federal funds, $1,400 from dedicated credits, and $1,500 from other funding sources.
Teacher Steps/Lanes USDB$131,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$131,000$0Education Fund
USDB: Annual salary adjustments for educators. The amount includes a .4334 increase of the overall steps and lanes salary table.
USDB Salt Lake Campus Building$45,000 ($45,000)
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$45,000$0Education Fund
$0 ($45,000)Education Fund, One-time
The new Salt Lake Center is tasked to be an early intervention center focused on the four types of education and community support provided by USDB: blind/visually impaired, deaf/hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and parent infant programs. The project will be constructed on land USDB already owns at 1655 E 3300 S and will allow USDB to provide services to students located in the Salt Lake region, with enough space for anticipated growth. The facility will also resolve current space inadequacies and eliminate the requirement for excessive and frequent relocation of classrooms in the Salt Lake area (10 student classrooms). The building will be equipped with sensory accomodations, lighting, and acoustical considerations. The building will be approximately 48,500 square feet. Prioritized #3 by the IGG subcommittee and #6 by the Building Board. Estimated O&M is $45,000.
USIMAC (Braille Publishing)$240,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$240,000$0Education Fund
USIMAC (Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center) is requesting these positions to ensure that the center provides materials for all students with print disabilities who are qualified under the Chafee Amendment or otherwise eligible through an IEP. This request is for four FTEs: 2.0 - instructional media specialist I (not certified) 2.0 - instructional media specialist II (certified)
USIMAC Braille Embossers (with 7788)$0$350,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$350,000Education Fund, One-time
Funding request is for three braille embossers. Current machines have reached their life cycle limits.

The closing nonlapsing balance in FY 2013 and the beginning nonlapsing balance in FY 2014 do not tie out in the Support Services program. This is due to USIMAC's nonlapsing balance of $169,800 being excluded in FY 2013. As of FY 2014, any nonlapsing balance in USIMAC will be recorded in the Support Services program.

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COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.