This line item accounts for the appropriations and expenditures for park capital facilities.
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $6,192,400 from all sources for Parks and Recreation Capital. This is a 45.5 percent reduction from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $139,700 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 13.9 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.
In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:
Money Spent on Critical Maintenance
Funding Spent on Critical Maintenance: The division uses the amount of money spent on critical maintenance to measure how well the critical needs are being met.

Money Spent on Increasing Boating and Fishing Access
Funding Spent on Boating Access: The division leadership feels that with limited boating areas in the Utah, it is imperative to maximize the use of all available areas for boating and fishing access. This measure provides information on the amount of money spent by the division of Parks and Recreation on increasing boating and fishing access.

Money Spent on OHV Facilities
Funding Spent on OHV Facilities and Trails: The objective of this measure is to increase the availability of OHV facilities and recreational trails. The figure below provides the money spent on OHV facilities and recreational opportunities.

Two types of expenditures are made through the Parks Capital budget:
- Capital improvements to parks. Only small maintenance and renovation projects costing less than $100,000 are carried out through this budget. Larger projects compete with other capital needs statewide for DFCM Capital Improvement funds.
- Funds passed through or matching grants to other agencies for capital development.
Each funding source typically has specific restrictions on types of projects for which the money can be used. For example, boating money can only be used for construction directly related to boating and fishing in the area. Some projects, however, also qualify for and are funded from more than one funding source. The Legislature has granted nonlapsing authority to Parks' Capital Budget, allowing the division to carry forward unused balances from one year to another.
A summary for each of the major funding sources for the division's capital needs, along with the general criteria of how the funding can be used is listed below.
State Funds
Direct Appropriations from the General Fund
The Legislature periodically appropriates one-time General Funds for the State Parks' capital needs.
According to division administration, the criteria used for deciding which projects to be funded from this source are as follows:
- The project can be directly utilized by the public and it directly meets a recreation-related need;
- The project would provide added value to a park (increased revenue, reduced expenditures, etc.);
- The project would increase visitation; and
- The project would receive matching funds through public or private partnerships.
DFCM Capital Improvement Funds
The Division of Facilities Construction and Management (DFCM) allocates to State Parks approximately $500,000 annually from the General Fund for capital maintenance and improvements. The primary purpose of these funds is to ensure:
- Human health and safety
- Continued operations
- Replacement of facilities/infrastructure beyond their useful life
In the past, $1 million of DFCM improvement funds were used to leverage a match of $1 million from the Bureau of Reclamation for renovation projects at a specific state park.
DFCM Capital Development Funds
This fund is available to all state agencies to apply for potential development of new projects exceeding $500,000 and renovation of existing facilities with cost over $2 million. However, competition for these funds is very keen and Parks' historical funding cycle for receipt of these funds is more than five years. The criteria for these funds are as follows:
- The project eliminates life, safety, or other risks.
- The project addresses essential program growth and capacity requirements.
- The project is cost effective.
- The project improves program effectiveness and provides facilities necessary to support critical programs and initiatives.
Federal Funds
Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Funds
The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) makes funding available on a 50/50 matching basis for the capital needs of State Parks on BOR properties. The 50% match is provided from the General Fund through the DFCM Capital Improvement program.
Federal Motorboat Access (MBA) Funds
Funding from the Federal Motorboat Access Fund is restricted to potential projects that are directly related to motorized boating recreation, such as ramp extensions, courtesy docks, restrooms adjacent to boat ramps or docks, dredging for access, etc. Also, all projects must be available to the general public.
Restricted Funds
State Boating Restricted Funds
Boating Account revenues come from boat registration fees as well as from gasoline tax. Like the Motor Boat Access funds, potential projects must be directly related to boating recreation and be available to the general public.
State Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Restricted Funds
The state Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Account is generated from off-highway vehicle registration fees and gasoline tax. OHV account proceeds are generally limited in scope and are usually solicited to leverage federal matching funds (such as Land and Water Conservation Fund) for projects that have an OHV recreational component. Examples include trailhead development, campground facilities for OHV users, restrooms near trails, and motocross tracks. These funds are generally limited in amount and are available on an "ad-hoc" basis.
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.