The Veterans' and Military Affairs line item is divided into six appropriation units. The line item includes all of the department's functions except the Veterans' Nursing Home Fund, which is a separate line item.
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $3,967,800 from all sources for Veterans' and Military Affairs. This is a 26.3 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $3,034,800 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 20.8 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.
In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:
Federal Funds:
Under provisions of UCA 63J-5-103 the DVMA is required to receive legislative authorization of its federal grants. The Analyst recommends the Legislature review and approve the following grants for FY 2016. The department didn't submit any supplemental requests for FY 2015.
Intent Language:
The Analyst recommends the following intent language:
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs in item 2, Chapter 12, Laws of Utah 2014 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2015. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: Cemetery and Memorial Park $30,000 and Outreach Services $70,000.
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs to develop a plan to move the Utah Air National Guard to Hill Air Force Base in item 139, Chapter 282, Laws of Utah 2014 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2015. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the same purpose as the original appropriation.
The Analyst recommends the following fee changes for DVMA:
Prior Year Budget Changes:
During the 2014 G.S. the Legislature made the following budget changes:
- Moved $650,000 ongoing General Fund from GOED to DVMA for pass-through to the Utah Defense Alliance
- Reallocated $467,400 ongoing General Fund formerly in the Nursing Home program (replaced with federal funds) as follows: $383,400 to Outreach Services (with $74,600 to be used to hire a Veterans' Services Coordinator for Southern Utah) and $84,000 to the Military Affairs program
- Appropriated $300,000 General Fund One-time to develop a plan to move the Utah Air National Guard to Hill Air Force Base
- Repealed the Veteran's Nursing Home Reimbursement Account and appropriated the $105,000 balance to the Veterans' Nursing Home Fund
During the 2013 G.S. the Legislature made the following changes:
- Appropriated $225,600 General Fund ongoing for four FTE for outreach, database administration, coordination of services, and implementation of new responsibilities detailed in H.B. 395
- Provided $34,000 General Fund One-time for new equipment for the Veterans' Cemetery
Veterans Tracking System
- Veterans Tracking System - This system has helped to identify over 151,000 veterans living in Utah. The data captured allows the department to better allocate resources and identify opportunities to inform and assist Utah's veterans.
- Veterans Benefits Received - In 2010, Utah veterans received $262 million for compensation and benefits ($1,944 per veteran). By 2013, this number had increased to $351 million ($2,328 per veteran). As more veterans are identified and assisted, the department expects this amount to continue to rise.
- Veterans Employment - Between 2013 and 2014 Utah's unemployment rate for veterans declined from 7.2 percent to 4.7 percent. The statewide average is about 3.6 percent (July 2014). The department is working with the Department of Workforce Services to further reduce this rate.
During the 2014 General Session the Legislature separated the functions of this line item into six distinct programs (appropriation units) to improve visibility of where resources are expended.
Anticipated federal revenue for FY 2015 includes:
- $198,000 for the Veterans' Cemetery and Memorial Park for veteran burials
- $138,000 for the State Approving Agency for implementation of the GI bill
- $144,000 for the Veterans' Information System
When the Ogden Veterans' Nursing Home was built in FY 2009, it was funded by a cash appropriation in the capital budget. When the federal reimbursement was received, it was decided that, instead of being returned to the General Fund, it would be set aside in the Veterans' Nursing Home Reimbursement Restricted Account to be used as the state's match for two more nursing homes. The nursing homes in Ivins and Payson are now complete. During the 2014 General Session the Legislature allowed the department to use the $105,000 balance in the account to purchase vans for the nursing homes.
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.