FY 2016 Appropriation

Project Management tracks legislatively approved funds for special projects. Some of the funds approved and set aside are for rehab and reseeding projects, and the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge dispute.

Funding History

Funding Issues

Asset and Agreement Tracking System Maintenance & Hosting

The division is nearing completion of the development of the new Sovereign Lands Asset and Agreement Tracking System. There will be ongoing costs for software maintenance of $25,000 and for DTS hosting and support of $15,000.

Bear Lake: Access Points Improvement

The division is in collaboration with Bear Lake Regional Commission, Bear River Association of Governments, GOED, National Park Service, and the Division of Parks and Recreation to improve Bear Lake's infrastructure and enhance the recreational opportunities, as well as the public access and safety. This funding request is to be matched with other sources and be used for projects that will improve the parking, enhance the lighting at boat ramps, and provide more permanent restroom facilities around the lake.

Bear Lake: Law Enforcement

The majority of the goals of the Bear Lake Comprehensive Management Plan deal with public safety and the protection of the environmental resources. Currently, the law enforcement is contracted through the Rich County Sheriff's Office for peak summer season only. To meet the increased demand for recreational access, and recent legislation and policies related to the beach launching, quagga mussel prevention, and restrictions on using motorized vehicles on the beaches, the division is requesting additional appropriation of $65,000 ongoing to provide full-time law enforcement at Bear Lake through Rich County's Sheriff's Office.

Bear River Management Plan, Phase 1

The Bear River is used for recreation, agriculture, and industry. These multiple uses will continue to increase as the population along the Wasatch Front continues to expand and move northward into communities along the river. The division is requesting funding for phase one of a comprehensive management plan for the area. The comprehensive management plan sets the framework for the management of sovereign lands under multiple-use, sustained-yield principles. The funding is to aid staff with expertise provided by consultants for certain aspects of the process, as well as for materials for the public meetings.

Catastrophic Fire

The Catastrophic Wildfire Reduction Strategy provides a systematic approach to reducing the risk of wildfire. If addressed collectively, the strategy's three goals of 1) Landscape Resilience, 2) Community Preparedness, and 3) Wildfire Response & Management will likely reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire, as well as reduce both suppression and total costs of wildfire over time. The division is requesting $2.5 million to implement pre-suppression actions of wildfire prevention (targeted outreach to change behaviors and reduce the number of human-caused fires), preparedness (community planning, evacuation planning, egress issues, firefighter training and qualifications, fire department equipment, etc.), and mitigation (hazardous fuels reduction work, defensible space, etc.).

Jordan River: Bank Stabilization

The division has received numerous requests from local municipalities to help plan, implement, and fund stream bank stabilization projects along the Jordan River. In many cases the continual erosion and degradation of stream banks present serious threats to structures, land, and wildlife habitat along the Jordan River. The division is requesting $50,000 to provide matching funds for local projects that will protect the integrity and stability of the Jordan River, while also enhancing the ecological and aesthetic value of sovereign lands.

Jordan River: Commission

The Jordan River Commission was created by an inter-local cooperation agreement in 2010, with the purpose to facilitate regional implementation of the Blueprint Jordan River, to serve as a technical resource to local communities, and to provide a forum for coordination of planning, restoration, and responsible development along the Jordan River corridor. The cities and counties that participate provide funding, and the Division of Water Quality provides office space. Currently, the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands does not provide financial contributions to the Jordan River Commission. The request is for $30,000 ongoing to assist the commission to hire a full-time staff, who is to focus on research, grant writing, and project-specific work.

LiDAR for Northern Utah

The division will partner with contributions from FEMA, the Utah Geological Survey, Division of Emergency Management, and other parties for LiDAR data acquisition for the shoreline and beaches of Bear Lake, the Bear River where claimed as sovereign, and as much of the Great Salt Lake shoreline and beaches as possible. LiDAR data will help staff manage the beds of sovereign lands. The data can also be used for vegetation modeling and mapping.

Navigational Hazards Removal

The State of Utah faces liability by continuing to allow navigational hazards to remain on waterways throughout the state. The division is responsible to provide safe navigation on sovereign lands. Staff has been working with local stakeholders to mitigate and remove navigational hazards on sovereign lands. The division is requesting funds to partner with local municipalities and agencies to prioritize the removal of navigational hazards on sovereign lands, including: abandoned pipelines, concrete bridge pilasters, fences, abandoned railroad trestles, etc.
Appropriation Overview

During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $7,177,200 from all sources for Project Management. This is a 40.2 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $75,000 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 104.7 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.

Appropriation Adjustments

In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:

DescriptionOngoingOne-Time Asset and Agreement Tracking System Maintenance & Hosting$40,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$40,000$0GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The division is nearing completion of the development of the new Sovereign Lands Asset and Agreement Tracking System. There will be ongoing costs for software maintenance of $25,000 and for DTS hosting and support of $15,000.
Bear Lake: Access Points Improvement$0$250,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$250,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The division is in collaboration with Bear Lake Regional Commission, Bear River Association of Governments, GOED, National Park Service, and the Division of Parks and Recreation to improve Bear Lake's infrastructure and enhance the recreational opportunities, as well as the public access and safety. This funding request is to be matched with other sources and be used for projects that will improve the parking, enhance the lighting at boat ramps, and provide more permanent restroom facilities around the lake.
Bear Lake: Law Enforcement$65,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$65,000$0GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The majority of the goals of the Bear Lake Comprehensive Management Plan deal with public safety and the protection of the environmental resources. Currently, the law enforcement is contracted through the Rich County Sheriff's Office for peak summer season only. To meet the increased demand for recreational access, and recent legislation and policies related to the beach launching, quagga mussel prevention, and restrictions on using motorized vehicles on the beaches, the division is requesting additional appropriation of $65,000 ongoing to provide full-time law enforcement at Bear Lake through Rich County's Sheriff's Office.
Bear River Management Plan, Phase 1$0$100,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$100,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The Bear River is used for recreation, agriculture, and industry. These multiple uses will continue to increase as the population along the Wasatch Front continues to expand and move northward into communities along the river. The division is requesting funding for phase one of a comprehensive management plan for the area. The comprehensive management plan sets the framework for the management of sovereign lands under multiple-use, sustained-yield principles. The funding is to aid staff with expertise provided by consultants for certain aspects of the process, as well as for materials for the public meetings.
Catastrophic Fire$0$2,500,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$2,500,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The Catastrophic Wildfire Reduction Strategy provides a systematic approach to reducing the risk of wildfire. If addressed collectively, the strategy's three goals of 1) Landscape Resilience, 2) Community Preparedness, and 3) Wildfire Response & Management will likely reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire, as well as reduce both suppression and total costs of wildfire over time. The division is requesting $2.5 million to implement pre-suppression actions of wildfire prevention (targeted outreach to change behaviors and reduce the number of human-caused fires), preparedness (community planning, evacuation planning, egress issues, firefighter training and qualifications, fire department equipment, etc.), and mitigation (hazardous fuels reduction work, defensible space, etc.).
Dredging the Great Salt Lake Marina$0$1,000,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$1,000,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The funding is to be provided from the Sovereign Lands Management Account (2/3) and the State Parks Fees Account (1/3).
Invasive Species Inspections, Quagga, Bear Lake$0$100,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$100,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
Funding from the Sovereign Lands Management Account for additional inspections points/services for quagga mussels at the Bear Lake.
Jordan River: Bank Stabilization$50,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$50,000$0GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The division has received numerous requests from local municipalities to help plan, implement, and fund stream bank stabilization projects along the Jordan River. In many cases the continual erosion and degradation of stream banks present serious threats to structures, land, and wildlife habitat along the Jordan River. The division is requesting $50,000 to provide matching funds for local projects that will protect the integrity and stability of the Jordan River, while also enhancing the ecological and aesthetic value of sovereign lands.
Jordan River: Commission$30,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$30,000$0GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The Jordan River Commission was created by an inter-local cooperation agreement in 2010, with the purpose to facilitate regional implementation of the Blueprint Jordan River, to serve as a technical resource to local communities, and to provide a forum for coordination of planning, restoration, and responsible development along the Jordan River corridor. The cities and counties that participate provide funding, and the Division of Water Quality provides office space. Currently, the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands does not provide financial contributions to the Jordan River Commission. The request is for $30,000 ongoing to assist the commission to hire a full-time staff, who is to focus on research, grant writing, and project-specific work.
LiDAR for Northern Utah$0$250,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$250,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The division will partner with contributions from FEMA, the Utah Geological Survey, Division of Emergency Management, and other parties for LiDAR data acquisition for the shoreline and beaches of Bear Lake, the Bear River where claimed as sovereign, and as much of the Great Salt Lake shoreline and beaches as possible. LiDAR data will help staff manage the beds of sovereign lands. The data can also be used for vegetation modeling and mapping.
Navigational Hazards Removal$0$150,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$150,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
The State of Utah faces liability by continuing to allow navigational hazards to remain on waterways throughout the state. The division is responsible to provide safe navigation on sovereign lands. Staff has been working with local stakeholders to mitigate and remove navigational hazards on sovereign lands. The division is requesting funds to partner with local municipalities and agencies to prioritize the removal of navigational hazards on sovereign lands, including: abandoned pipelines, concrete bridge pilasters, fences, abandoned railroad trestles, etc.
Phragmites Removal on the Great Salt Lake$0$500,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$500,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
Funding for phragmites removal projects.
Utah Lake State Park, Dredging$0$1,500,000
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0$1,500,000GFR - Sovereign Lands Mgt
No Description

Intent Language

HB0003: Item 101

Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands in Item 5, Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2014, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2015. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Sovereign Lands Projects $1,210,000; Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Dispute $100,000; Little Willow Water Line $32,000; Navigational Hazards Removal $20,000; Lands Maintenance $50,000; Information Database $110,000; Jordan River Assessment $27,000; Bear River Baseline $35,000; Bear Lake Public Access $50,000, Cedar City Office Building $1,000,000.

HB0003: Item 101

The Legislature intends that Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands purchase two new vehicles in FY 2015 through the Division of Fleet Operations.

SB0002: Item 148

The Legislature intends that the $250,000 for Bear Lake Access be contingent upon at least a 50% match from other state and/or local sources.

SB0002: Item 148

The Legislature intends that the $50,000 for Jordan River bank stabilization be contingent upon a one-to-one match from non-state sources.

SB0002: Item 148

The Legislature intends that the $250,000 for LiDAR for Northern Utah be contingent upon a one-to-one match from other state, federal, and/or local sources.

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COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.