The Administration program provides management and oversight for all aspects of the Labor Commission, including:
- Centralized accounting,
- Payroll,
- Personnel,
- Customer relations,
- Human resources,
- Legal appeals from the adjudication divison,
- Budgeting, and
- Data processing (DTS).
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $1,820,900 from all sources for Administration. This is a 0.5 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $1,805,900 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 0.5 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.
An important function of Administration is the Legal Unit, which includes the efforts of the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, an attorney and a legal staff support person in reviewing appeals from the Commission's administrative law judges (ALJs). Legal Unit performance measures show specifically work related to legal appeals, not other Labor Commission work performed by this staff.
Commission ALJs decide any dispute arising from enforcement of Utah's governing laws for workers' compensation, employment and housing discrimination, and workplace safety. When an ALJ decision is appealed, a request can be made for review by the Commissioner or the Commission's Appeals Board. The Legal Unit assists the Commissioner and the Appeals Board in reviewing these cases.
Number of Review Decisions Issued
Since FY 2003, the Legal Unit has issued 119 review decisions on average each fiscal year. Note that in FY 2006 there was a group of about 80 cases that were decided as one.

Backlog of Cases Pending Review
This graph shows the backlog of cases pending review for each fiscal year, which has been markedly reduced from 227 in FY 2008 to a current backlog of zero. These gains were due in part to the addition of one FTE.

Percent of Legal Unit Decisions Affirmed by Higher Court
The percent of legal unit decisions affirmed by the Utah Supreme Court or Utah Court of Appeals demonstrates the quality and accuracy of decisions issued by the Legal Unit.

The Administration program is broken down into the following units:
- Management. Office-wide management including the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, PIO and Legal support
- General Services. Accounting and budgeting, human resources, general office-wide operating costs
- Customer Relations. Receptionists and related front desk costs for telephone calls and walk-ins
- DTS Services. Department of Technology Services costs for desktop support, programming, and general computer hardware and software
- Appeals Board. Independent board that assists the Commissioner, upon request, in reviewing decisions issued by administrative law judges
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.