The Industrial Accidents Division (IAD) investigates allegations of noncompliance with State Workers' Compensation laws and attempts to bring employers into compliance with these laws.
Methods for ensuring compliance include:
- Assessing penalties for non-compliance
- Monitoring:
- Injury reporting
- Injured employees returning to work
- Carrier payment compliance
- Informally resolving Workers' Compensation compliance disputes
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $1,892,900 from all sources for Industrial Accidents. This is a 2.3 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $30,300 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 11.4 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.
Number of Industrial Accidents Mediations
This graph demonstrates the number of mediations held by the Industrial Accidents Division. One of the objectives of this Division is to resolve disputes between injured workers and insurance carriers. Mediation is an expedient, cost-effective solution which often results in a solution satisfactory to both parties. Mediation eliminates the additional time and expense of a full adjudicative hearing.

Number of Noncompliance Orders Issued
A noncompliance order is a fine issued when a company fails to provide statutorily-required workers' compensation insurance. A statutory formula that takes into consideration class codes and company size is used to determine the penalty amount. Any amounts collected are deposited into the Uninsured Employers' Fund, which is used to pay claims on injured workers whose employer lacked workers' compensation coverage.
The reduction in orders issued results from: 1) time working on the quality of the orders which resulted in a decrease in the quantity, 2) implementation of the Success Framework, and 3) providing backup on workers' compensation waivers until the Legislature authorized a new FTE for this work.

Amount Collected in Fines
Total amount of money assessed and collected on companies that did not provide statutorily-required workers' compensation insurance for employees.

The IAD budget breaks down into the following units:
- Administration. General administration, including the Division Director, Deputy Director, Lead Secretary and other Division-wide costs
- Electronic Data Interchange Project (EDI). Supported by one-time funds appropriated in the spring 2014, includes the Second Report of Injury computer system development
- Workers' Compensation Coverage Waivers. Accounts for the costs of providing "waivers," which act as a verification of independent contractor status and a declaration of non-coverage for independent contractors who hire out their services to employers
- Claims. Assists injured workers in resolving disputes regarding workers compensation claims; helps employers and employees understand the workers' compensation system and handles state requirements for filing on-the-job injury information
- Mediation. Provides free mediation services for disputes between injured workers, their employers and workers compensation insurance providers
- Compliance. Enforces the requirement that employers have workers' compensation coverage for employees by providing information about coverage requirements; invesigates and assesses fines for employers who do not maintain proper coverage
- Investigations Operations. Covers the cost of a half-time physician to assist in claim resolution
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.