FY 2016 Appropriation

In 1997, the Legislature reorganized the Department of Administrative Services, which merged Central Copying, Central Mail, and Central Stores into the Division of Purchasing. The new division became the Division of Purchasing and General Services. The General Services functions of the division are budgeted as internal service funds. The procurement function that enables other agencies to contract for goods and services is budgeted separately in the appropriated fund section.

Funding History
Appropriation Overview

During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $19,850,000 from all sources for ISF - Purchasing and General Services. This is an 11.5 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources.

The following are performance measures tracked within this organization.


UCA 63A-2-103 directs the Division of Purchasing and General Services to operate and maintain:

  • A central mailing service
  • An electronic central store system for procuring goods and services

The director may establish microfilming, duplicating, printing, addressograph, and other central services.

Each state agency must subscribe to the division's central services unless the director delegates this authority as required by UCA 63A-2-104.

UCA 63A-2-401 allows the division to establish a federal surplus property system

UCA 63A-2-404 requires the division to establish a state surplus property system

Regarding the ISF, UCA 63A-2-103(3) requires the director to:

  • Establish a schedule of fees for services provided to any department or agency
  • Submit proposed fees for services to the Rate Committee and obtain approval from the Legislature
  • Ensure that fees are approximately equal to the cost of providing the service
  • Conduct a market analysis of fees that compares division rates with fees of other public or private sector providers

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In FY 2011, the department requested that the State Surplus Property and the Federal Surplus Property internal service funds be moved from the Division of Fleet Operations to the Division of General Services to more closely align program operations with similar programs. The Department also requested that the Purchasing Card (P-Card) program be moved from the Electronic Purchasing program to a new internal service fund administered by the Division of Finance in FY 2011. The Legislature accommodated these requests in the 2010 General Session.

The programs in this line item include:

  • Administration
  • Central Mailing
  • Cooperative Contracting
  • Print Services
  • State Surplus Property
  • Federal Surplus Property

This budgetary line item contains six programs. However, the Administration program exists only to account for overhead costs of services provided to the other five programs. It usually does not appear in the budget detail below because its revenues and expenditures usually net to zero.

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COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.