FY 2016 Appropriation

The Utah Department of Transportation's mission is "Quality Transportation Today, Better Transportation Tomorrow." The department recognizes that good transportation leads to economic prosperity and a better quality of life.

To achieve these ends, the department strives for four strategic goals:

  1. Preserve Infrastructure;
  2. Optimize Mobility;
  3. Zero Fatalities; and
  4. Strengthen the Economy.

The Utah Department of Transportation is responsible for over 5,800 miles of highways - 13% of the state's total highway road system of over 44,000 miles. However, 67% of the total annual travel is on these roads. This responsibility includes snow removal, signage, bridges, repairs, building, and maintenance as well as the Traffic Operations Center with live camera coverage for monitoring road conditions, accidents, and safety.

The Utah Department of Transportation has offices throughout the state. The main office in the Calvin Rampton Building in Salt Lake City houses general administration, community relations, port of entry administration, labs, and vehicle maintenance. There are four region offices and three district offices from Ogden to Cedar City. Personnel in each region or district office oversee administration, construction, and maintenance of all state roads, highways, and freeways within their area.

Funding History

Funding Issues

Adjust to FY 2015 Base

No Description
Appropriation Overview

During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $1,539,776,000 from all sources for Transportation. This is a 27.2 percent reduction from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $0 from the General/Education Funds, a reduction of 100 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.

Appropriation Adjustments

In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:

DescriptionOngoingOne-Time Attorney General Dedicated Credit Adjustments$94,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$94,000$0Transportation Fund
This item designates additional funding appropriated to an agency to pay higher costs for Attorney General services, due to statewide and AG-specific compensation increases.
Technical Adjustments$91,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$91,000$0Transportation Fund
Adjusting one-time from last year to ongoing.
Transfer Mountain Accord to GOED$0 ($3,000,000)
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0 ($3,000,000)General Fund, One-time
No Description
UDOT Federal Mineral Lease Revenue Change ($9,533,800)$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
($9,533,800)$0Federal Mineral Lease
No Description
UDOT Sales Tax Revenue Growth$65,843,700$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$65,843,700$0Designated Sales Tax
No Description
UDOT Transportation Fund Revenue Growth$12,297,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$12,297,000$0Transportation Fund
No Description

2014 Bridge System Performance Goal:

  • Have no more than 10 percent of the bridge system rated in "poor" condition and have action plans in place to repair or replace each bridge when needed.

The 2013 performance goal was the same and was met.

2014 Preservation and Rehabilitation Performance Goal:

  • Through UDOT's efforts, the ride quality is in good or fair condition on 99 percent of the Interstates, 96 percent of Level 1 roadways and 84 percent of Level 2 roadways.

2013 performance goals were met on interstate highways. Level 2 highways performance was less than the 84 percent goal. As part of its preservation and rehabilitation efforts, UDOT spent $200 million taking care of 5,840 miles of state highways.

2014 Snow and Ice Removal Performance Goal:

  • UDOT's target grade for state maintained roads is an A-.

2013 Accomplishment:

  • UDOT achieved a performance goal of B+ for fiscal year 2013. The snow and ice removal budget for FY 2013 was $23.3 million.

2013 Traveler Information Performance Goals:

  • Improve the UDOT Traffic website and mobile application to include personalization.
  • Implement the Citizen Reporter Program statewide and recruit 200 citizen reporters.
  • Add automation to the UDOT Traffic Twitter feed to increase efficiency.
  • Increase the number of downloads of the UDOT Traffic Mobile App to 250,000.

2013 Accomplishments:

  • Created and implemented the Travelwise Alert function on the UDOT website and mobile application, including push notifications on the mobile application.
  • Successfully deployed and pilot-tested the Citizen Reporter Program during winter 2012 - 2013. The Citizen Reporter Program will improve the quality of road weather information disseminated to the public, especially in rural areas.
  • Created and deployed the Little Cottonwood Canyon Communications Tool to unify the collection and dissemination of traveler and safety information among all stakeholders in Little Cottonwood Canyon.
  • The UDOT Traffic Mobile application reached 190,000 downloads at the end of FY 2013.

2014 Express Lanes Performance Goals:

  • Operate the Express Lanes to maintain at least a 55 mph speed 90 percent of the time.
  • Manage Express Lanes usage so as to shift at least 500 vehicles in the peak hour from the general purpose lanes to the Express Lanes while maintaining at least 55 mph speed 90 percent of the time.

2013 Accomplishments:

  • Implemented in-house maintenance of the Express Lanes System.
  • Met all performance goals for speed and volume in the Express Lane.

2014 Traffic Signal Coordination Performance Goals:

  • Expand the implementation of real-time performance measurement.
  • Use real-time performance measurement to identify corridors in need of timing improvements.
  • Implement improved timing and document the results with "before and after" studies using real-time performance measures.
  • Implement a real-time reporting tool for traffic signal operations that measures the quality of signal coordination along a corridor, and aggregates signal operations for multiple corridors.

2013 Accomplishments:

  • Implemented real-time performance measurement for traffic signal operations. Performance measurement is functional at 800 of UDOT's 1,150 traffic signals statewide (70%).
  • Optimized signals along 10 corridors in Regions 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • Performed traffic signal preventative maintenance according to the newly established schedule.

2013 Zero Fatalities Performance Goals:

  • Continue to increase public awareness of safety issues.
  • Forge new partnerships with safety organizations across the state.
  • Implement Zero Fatalities Parent Class for Driver's Education courses statewide with the Department of Education.

2012 Accomplishments:

  • Overall traffic fatalities were down 4% to 243, the lowest figure in 37 years.


The Utah Department of Transportation is governed by the Transportation Code, Title 72 of the Utah Code.

Intent Language

HB0003: Item 31

Under the terms of Utah Annotated Code 63J-1-603(3)(a), the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Support Services in Item 1, Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2014, shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2015. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Computer Software Development Projects ($300,000) and Building Improvements ($500,000).

HB0003: Item 32

Under terms of Utah Code Annotated Section 63J-1-603(3)(a), the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Engineering Services in Item 2 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2014 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2015. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Engineering Services Special Projects ($300,000).

HB0003: Item 33

Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Operations in Item 2 of Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2014 shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2015. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Highway Maintenance ($2,000,000).

HB0003: Item 34

Under the terms of Utah Annotated Code 63J-1-603(3)(a) , the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Region Management in Item 5, Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2014, not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2015. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to Region Management ($200,000).

HB0003: Item 35

Under terms of Utah Annotated Code Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Equipment Management in Item 6 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2014 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2015. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Equipment Purchases $200,000.

HB0003: Item 36

Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated, the Legislature intends that the one-time appropriation of $5,000,000 from the Aeronautics Restricted Account to Airport Construction in Item 22, Chapter 282, Laws of Utah 2014, not lapse at the end of FY 2015.

SB0002: Item 24

The Legislature intends that the Department of Transportation use maintenance funds previously used on state highways that now qualify for Transportation Investment Funds of 2005 to address maintenance and preservation issues on other state highways.

SB0002: Item 25

There is appropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Transportation Fund, not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient but not more than the surplus of the Transportation Fund, to be used by the Department for the construction, rehabilitation and preservation of State highways in Utah. The Legislature intends that the appropriation fund first, a maximum participation with the federal government for the construction of federally designated highways, as provided by law, and last the construction of State highways, as funding permits. No portion of the money appropriated by this item shall be used either directly or indirectly to enhance the appropriation otherwise made by this act to the Department of Transportation for other purposes.

SB0002: Item 28

The Legislature intends that the Division of Aeronautics use funds from the Aeronautics Restricted Account to conduct an audit of the Utah Based Aircraft Database and Aircraft Registration program to evaluate the existing process for collecting aircraft data, accuracy of information, and to make recommendations for improvement.

SB0002: Item 29

The Legislature intends that the funds appropriated from the Transportation Fund for pedestrian safety projects be used specifically to correct pedestrian hazards on State highways. The Legislature also intends that local authorities be encouraged to participate in the construction of pedestrian safety devices. The appropriated funds are to be used according to the criteria set forth in Section 72-8-104, Utah Code Annotated, 1953. The funds appropriated for sidewalk construction shall not lapse. If local governments cannot use their allocation of Sidewalk Safety Funds in two years, these funds will be available for other governmental entities which are prepared to use the resources. The Legislature intends that local participation in the Sidewalk Construction Program be on a 75% state and 25% local match basis.

SB0002: Item 30

The Legislature intends that the funds appropriated from the Federal Mineral Lease Account shall be used for improvement or reconstruction of highways that have been heavily impacted by energy development. The Legislature further intends that if private industries engaged in developing the State's natural resources are willing to participate in the cost of the construction of highways leading to their facilities, that local governments consider that highway as a higher priority as they prioritize the use of Mineral Lease Funds received through 59-21-1(4)(C)(i). The funds appropriated for improvement or reconstruction of energy impacted highways are nonlapsing.

SB0002: Item 31

There is appropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient, but not more than the surplus of the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, to be used by the Department for the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of State and Federal highways in Utah. No portion of the money appropriated by this item shall be used either directly or indirectly to enhance or increase the appropriations otherwise made by this act to the Department of Transportation for other purposes.

SB0003: Item 203

The Legislature intends that the Transportation Commission consider funding $500,000 from the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 Capacity Program for the East Capitol Boulevard project.

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COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.