The Technology Outreach and Innovation Program (TOIP) line item represents USTAR's State wide offices that provide services to entrepreneurs and connect research inventions and technologies from the research universities to entrepreneurs, regional colleges, universities, businesses and industry to support the technology ecosystem in the State and accelerate development of technology related jobs and companies.
The Technology Outreach and Innovation line item includes seven programs:
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $2,597,900 from all sources for Technology Outreach and Innovation. This is a 20.2 percent reduction from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $2,586,900 from the General/Education Funds, a reduction of 7.8 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.
In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:
Two performance measures USTAR is considering for the technology outreach program are 1) Technology Outreach Companies Assisted and 2)Amount of SBIR/STTR Grants Won from Companies Assisted by the SBIR/STTR Assistance Center. The FY 2014 data for these measures is found below:
Technology Outreach Companies Assisted
SBIR/STTR Grants Won
In addition to five TOIP regions, SBIR-STTR, and BiG, the Governing Authority (GA) has established:
- A virtual innovation network;
- A Go to Market program;
- Support to the Cluster Acceleration Project (UCAP);
- Support for "Concept to Company" competitions; and
- TOIP directors, analysts, and interns to work with local companies, entrepreneurs, the universities, and regional stakeholders. These individuals collaborate with universities to commercialize innovations, assist industry, connect investors to promising opportunities, and maximize economic impact of new technologies created in Utah.
Business Accelerators. Emphasize rapid-growth and assist entrepreneurs in accelerating the development of start-up companies; business accelerators provide resources and services to support start-up companies through any obstacles they may encounter.
Business Incubator Programs. Provide mentorship and support during the time it takes a company to get on its feet. The focus is on speeding up the growth and success of start-up and early state companies. Incubation times vary for each company.
Go-To-Market (G2M) Program. Helps Utah's high potential technology companies perform customer and product validation activity before initiating equity fundraising or sale efforts.
Grant Support. Includes information and assistance in preparing and submitting SBIR-STTR applications.
Industry Support. Includes 1) working with established companies and corporations, connecting them with applied research and new innovations 2) connecting start-ups with valuable resources to facilitate collaborative partnerships, and 3) helping to identify gaps in needed areas such as education and workforce development.
Mentoring/Business Services. Provided by USTAR regional offices and a network of experts; offers one-on-one mentoring in setting goals for success while developing business plans and refining strategies.
Prototyping. Services to early stage companies looking to validate their business model. Prototyping support includes 3D printers, engineering assistance, and machine shop time.
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.