FY 2016 Appropriation

The mission of DHRM is to provide tools and remove barriers so agencies can manage their human resources in order to accomplish their missions for the citizens of Utah.

Funding History

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Appropriation Overview

During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $3,053,200 from all sources for Human Resource Management. This is a 3.4 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $2,654,600 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 1.9 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.

Staff Analysis

The Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) is comprised of a single appropriated line item and an internal service fund (ISF). During the 2014GS, the base budget for the appropriated line item was cut by 10%, a General Fund reduction of $279,600 ongoing*. This was done to reduce the closing balances, both lapsing and nonlapsing, that had been growing within the department.

In addition to this reduction, 2014GS H.B. 337 was passed which transferred responsibility for the Teacher Salary Supplement Program from DHRM to the Utah State Board of Education ($130,000 General Fund appropriation). Though the department funding for this program was eliminated, DHRM was able to utilize the program's two FTE in other ways and was able to absorb the personnel costs. An additional $96,500 General Fund appropriation reduction resulted from the ISF capturing the entire cost of the Attorney General legal fees.

DHRM is currently in the middle of a project to rebuild the Human Resources Enterprise (HRE) system and received a supplemental FY2014 appropriation of $250,000 from the General Fund, as well as nonlapsing authority, to be used toward this project. The department is requesting that $150,000 of this appropriation not lapse at the end of FY 2015 so that it may be used toward the HRE rebuild in FY 2016.

The Analyst recommends approval of the FY 2016 base budget as written in House Bill 5 and the fees found on the Finacials tab. The Analyst further recommends that $300,000 appropriated for FY 2015 not lapse at the end of the fiscal year to be used for the HRE rebuild ($250,000) and for Statewide Management Liability Training ($50,000).

The Analyst also recommends shifting the budgets for the following programs to the internal service fund in a subsequent appropriations act:

  • Administration
  • Policy
  • Information Technology

Additional Measures

State Employee to Population Ratio

An important component of the overall state human resource management is the ratio of state employees to state population. As the state's population has grown rapidly over the past decade, the number of state employees has grown more slowly.

Goal: Limit the growth of the State workforce to less than 0.8% of the state population.

Ratio of State Employees to State Population
Note: The chart shows a declining ratio of state employees to state population, thus suggesting increased efficiency of the state workforce.

Measure: Ratio of State Population to State Employees.


The powers and duties of DHRM are established in UCA 67-19. The director is given full responsibility and accountability for administration of statewide human resource management.

Responsibilities for the department are identified in UCA 67-19-6, some of which include:

  • administer a statewide personnel management program that aids efficient execution of public policy, fosters careers, and assists state agencies in performing their missions;
  • design and administer the state pay plan, classification system, and recruitment and selection system;
  • ensure human resource practices comply with federal law, state law, and state rules;
  • adopt rules for personnel management;
  • maintain a management information system that will provide current information on authorized positions, payroll, and related matters;
  • help eliminate discrimination in state employment;
  • advise local governments on effective personnel management when requested;
  • establish compensation policies and procedures for early voluntary retirement;
  • conduct research and planning activities to prepare for future human resource needs, improve human resource management, and submit needed policy changes to the governor;
  • establish statewide training programs.

UCA 67-19-5 allows DHRM to operate an internal service fund and UCA 67-19-6.1 allows the director to establish field offices at state executive branch agencies in consultation and agreement with the agency head.

Intent Language

HB0003: Item 131

Under the terms of Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Career Service Review Office in Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 6, Item 3 shall not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2015. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to $250,000 for Human Resource Enterprise system rebuild and $50,000 for Statewide Management Training.

The department utilizes funding from the General Fund and Dedicated Credits. Dedicated Credits are collected from training fees. Most of the department funding is used for staff support and IT costs.

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COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.