FY 2016 Appropriation

The mission of the Utah College of Applied Technology (UCAT) is to meet the needs of Utah's employers for technically-skilled workers and to promote local and statewide economic development by providing market-driven technical education to secondary and adult students. Each of the eight UCAT campuses places a strong emphasis on providing programs that prepare students for high-wage, high-demand jobs. This is accomplished through competency-based education and training programs, which may be long-term, short-term, apprenticeship, or custom-designed for individual employer needs. Most of the programs are offered in an open-entry, open-exit format providing flexibility for students and employers. Students are assisted in acquiring the basic skills necessary to succeed in these technical training programs. UCAT prepares students to enter, re-enter, upgrade, or advance in the workplace.

UCAT was established as an institution of the Utah System of Higher Education by the Legislature in a Special Session (June 2001) under House Bill 1003, "Applied Technology Governance" and began operating on September 1, 2001. It consisted of 10 regional Applied Technology College (ATC) campuses that had previously been Applied Technology Centers and Applied Technology Service Regions under State Board of Education governance, and covered the entire state.

In 2003, the Central Applied Technology College was merged with Snow College, and in 2007, the Southeast Applied Technology College was merged with College of Eastern Utah. During the 2009 Legislative Session, UCAT's governance was separated from the Board of Regents and placed with the UCAT Board of Trustees under House Bill 15, "Career and Technical Education Amendments". The bill also transferred the Salt Lake County portion of the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College to Salt Lake Community College, and established the Tooele County portion as the new Tooele Applied Technology College.

The eight Applied Technology College campuses offer 263 accredited program certificates, and within each program there are many more training opportunities. All UCAT campuses are fully accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE) and many programs hold additional accreditations.

UCAT's flexible schedule is ideal for working adults with limited time and for high school students desiring to supplement their high school schedule. By statute, high school students enroll tuition-free and tuition for adults is low-cost. Students may register at any time during regular business hours and receive instruction in a self-paced format.

Funding History

Funding Issues

OWATC Business Depot Ogden Bay 2

OWATC is requesting $2,150,000 to begin infrastructure improvements on Bay 2 of its Business Depot Ogden facility. This building was constructed in the 1940s. Bay 1 has been renovated, but Bay 2 has significant life safety and other deficiencies that prevent the space from being utilized. OWATC is also working with DFCM to access capital improvement funds to address some of the needs. Funding of this request will accelerate the campus' ability to deliver instructional programs in the facility.

UCAT Campus Equity

This funding will facilitate service to each of the regions. The funding splits for each campus were determined by UCAT and approved by their board of trustees. The funding splits focus on membership hour production, service region populations, student headcount, and specific campus needs.
Appropriation Overview

During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $77,473,200 from all sources for Utah College of Applied Technology. This is a 6 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $70,355,700 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 6.6 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.

Appropriation Adjustments

In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:

DescriptionOngoingOne-Time 05. Capital Development - Dixie ATC Campus$1,366,400 ($1,366,400)
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$1,366,400$0Education Fund
$0 ($1,366,400)Education Fund, One-time
Prioritized #5 by the subcommittee. DXATC committed to providing $13M. Estimated O&M is $1,366,400.
Base Budget Floor Amendment$791,400$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$161,400$0General Fund
$630,000$0Education Fund
Technical amendments to base budget bills to conform with EAC direction.
Compensation - USHE & UCAT$949,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$949,000$0Education Fund
No Description
Health Insurance - USHE & UCAT$343,400$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$343,400$0Education Fund
No Description
SWATC Allied Health Building O&M Reduction$0 ($228,100)
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$0 ($228,100)Education Fund, One-time
Reduce O&M based on completion date from DFCM.
UCAT Campus Equity$3,000,000$0
OngoingOne-TimeFinancing Source
$3,000,000$0Education Fund
This funding will facilitate service to each of the regions. The funding splits for each campus were determined by UCAT and approved by their board of trustees. The funding splits focus on membership hour production, service region populations, student headcount, and specific campus needs.
Staff Analysis

This link provides UCAT's annual reports from 2009 through 2014.


The following laws govern the Utah College of Applied Technology:

  • UCA 53B-2a establishes UCAT and outlines the powers and duties of the President, the Board of Trustees, the Campus Presidents and the Campus Board of Directors.
  • UCA 53B-2a-105 identifies the composition of UCAT's eight campuses.
  • UCA 53B-2a-106 outlines the curriculum for the UCAT campuses.
  • UCA 53B-2a-113 defines the leasing authority for UCAT.
  • UCA 53B-16-205 details the career and technical education at the Snow Richfield Campus.
  • UCA 53B-16-207 covers the Utah State University - College of Eastern Utah's career and technical education requirements.
  • UCA 53B-16-210 establishes the School of Applied Technology at Salt Lake Community College College.

The Utah College of Applied Technology (UCAT) is the parent organization for Utah's eight regional applied technology colleges (ATCs). Established by the State of Utah, UCAT provides market-driven technical education through eight ATCs meeting the needs of Utah's employers for skilled workers.

The ATCs prepare both adult and high school students to enter or advance in the workplace. Customized training is also provided to employers for their workforce through UCAT's Custom Fit program. The eight ATCs are Bridgerland, Davis, Dixie, Mountainland, Ogden/Weber, Southwest, Tooele, and Uintah Basin.

Intent Language

SB0002: Item 136

The Legislature intends that the Utah College of Applied Technology provide summary year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non-completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Utah College of Applied Technology provide summary data detailing average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 137

The Legislature intends that the Bridgerland Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Bridgerland Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 137

The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.

SB0002: Item 138

The Legislature intends that the Davis Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Davis Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 138

The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.

SB0002: Item 139

The Legislature intends that the Dixie Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Dixie Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 139

The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.

SB0002: Item 139

The Legislature intends that the Dixie Applied Technology College be authorized to purchase a new vehicle for its motor pool.

SB0002: Item 140

The Legislature intends that the Mountainland Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Mountainland Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 140

The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.

SB0002: Item 141

The Legislature intends that the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 141

The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.

SB0002: Item 142

The Legislature intends that the Southwest Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Southwest Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 142

The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.

SB0002: Item 143

The Legislature intends that the Tooele Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Tooele Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 143

The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.

SB0002: Item 144

The Legislature intends that the Uintah Basin Applied Technology College provide year-end performance data for certificate-seeking, occupational upgrade, other post-secondary, and secondary students detailing the number and percentage of: (1) completers (graduate and non-graduate/early-hire completers, where applicable); (2) non- completers; and (3) those who are still enrolled at the end of the fiscal year. The Legislature further intends that the Uintah Basin Applied Technology College provide average cost per membership hour, average cost per certificate awarded, and average cost per occupational upgrade awarded.

SB0002: Item 144

The Legislature intends that any equity funding approved for campuses at the Utah College of Applied Technology not be allocated for any non-state funded operations and maintenance (O&M) projects or facilities.

UCAT funding is comprised of General Fund, Education Fund, and Dedicated Credits.

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COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.