The Interventions for Student Success block grant was used to "improve the academic performance of students who do not meet performance standards as determined by U-PASS (Utah Performance Assessment System for Students) test results; interventions must be consistent with a district plan approved by the local school board, and the plan must specify intended results" (USOE Finance & Statistics, MSP Descriptions, November 2006).
The block grant contained six MSP categorical programs that were designed to help the academic progress of students at the greatest risk of falling behind. Consolidated programs include; Truancy Intervention and Prevention, Incentives for Excellence, Alternative Middle Schools, Reading Initiative, Experimental/Developmental Formula, Local Discretionary Program, and Alternative Language Services. Upon consolidation into the Interventions for Student Success Block Grant, individual program identities and allocation formulas associated with the categorical programs were removed.
Formula -- The Interventions for Student Success Block Grant was distributed to school districts and charter schools based on a formula that accounts for district size (student population) and the proportion of English language learners in a school district or charter school. Of the two formula components, 77 percent was distributed based on the total number of WPUs in a district or charter school. Eight percent (of the 77 percent) was distributed equally among school districts (charter schools count as one district). The second component, 23 percent, was distributed based on the proportional number of English language learners.
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $0 from all sources for Interventions for Student Success Block Grant. This is a 0 percent change from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources.
The following statute governs the Interventions for Student Success Block Grant.
- UCA 53A-17a-123.5 -- directs the State Board of Education to establish a fair and equitable distribution formula, requires school districts to develop a plan for the expenditure of block grant funds, and provides restrictions on the use of block grant funds.
Administrative Rule R277-478 was passed by the State Board of Education. The rule provides administrative procedures associated with the governance of the Interventions for Student Success Block Grant program.
Beginning in FY 2012, the Interventions for Student Success Block Grant was combined into a new program titled "Enhancement for At-Risk Students." Approximately $6.8 million of program funding was transferred to the Enhancement for At-Risk Students program. The remaining funding was used in a block of resources to fund other budget priorities in FY 2012, including, increased WPUs, increased WPU Value, increased guarantee rate for the Voted & Board Leeway, and the increased guarantee rate for charter school local replacement. Please refer to this program for additional information.
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.