The Energy and Minerals program encourages energy and mineral resource development through a variety of studies to inventory and characterize the state's deposits. Many of these projects are funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Geological Survey, or the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and may include industry, academic, or consulting partners. The results of these projects help industry, the general public, and other governmental agencies make decisions about managing and developing resources in Utah. This program also maintains the Utah Core Research Center, which contains cuttings from wells and cores across the state.
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $2,451,100 from all sources for Energy and Minerals. This is a 55.8 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $81,900 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 65.1 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.
In addition to statewide compensation and internal service fund cost increases, the following appropriation adjustments were made during the 2015 General Session:
COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.