The Marketing and Development program helps by expanding markets, adding value to locally-produced agricultural commodities, developing new products and promoting further in-state processing for state, national, and international markets. Part of this program is Utah's Own, which was created for consumers to look for and purchase Utah products.
During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $0 from all sources for Marketing and Development. This is a 0 percent change from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources.
The following are the top measures chosen by the agency management to gauge the success of this program.
program moved to different Line Item: SKA. Perf. Measure done on LI level
Utah's Own: The figure below presents the number of new companies that sign up to be a member of the Utah's Own. Staff reported that there is no active recruiting taking place, other than observation and word of mouth from satisfied companies.

Program management anticipates that due to the limited number of food companies in Utah, the number of new companies joining Utah's Own will continue to decrease over time.
International Marketing Assistance: The second measure tracks the number of companies assisted with international marketing. As Utah companies grow they can diversify and expand market opportunities by exporting. The Marketing Division works with USDA, the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), and US Commercial Service to help export Utah agriculture and food products.

Hits on Website: The Marketing Division is responsible to provide accurate and unbiased market information that is used by farmers, ranchers, insurance adjuster and attorneys. The management has been tracking the need for that information by measuring the number of hits on the Market News website.

COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.