FY 2016 Appropriation

The Public History, Communication and Information Program has these statutory responsibilities:

  • Production of th Utah Historical Quarterly, which has been published since 1928.
  • Cemeteries and Burials database, which receives more than 100,000 yearly visits from family historians and researchers.
  • The Markers and Monuments database, established to support heritage tourism.

The program also fulfills the state's digital government initiatives by providing information and tools on three content-rich websites and by providing needed online tools and database development. In partnership with State Library it publishes Division publications online. It works with a varity of partners to facilitate public history projects.

Funding History
Appropriation Overview

During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature appropriated for Fiscal Year 2016, $575,500 from all sources for Public History, Communication and Information. This is a 10 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2015 revised estimated amounts from all sources. The total includes $575,500 from the General/Education Funds, an increase of 10 percent from revised Fiscal Year 2015 estimates.

Funding for Public History, Communication and Information comes mainly from the General Fund. Most of the appropriation is used for staff support as shown by the table below.

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COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.